Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3434 Suppression

Chapter 3434 Suppression

"How could this be?"

Daoist Wuwang's expression changed. Aren't these people eroded by the killing spirit and lost their minds?How could they all come towards themselves together?

The consequence of being eroded by the killing air is to fall into endless killings, without distinction between enemy and friend.

That being the case, naturally it will not be aimed at a certain person.

But that's obviously not the case now.

These martial artists who were eroded by the killing spirit rushed forward one by one, as if they had revenge against him for killing their father.Although these people were not worth mentioning and were not enough to move him, but the gathering of killing aura made him tremble with fear.

All of this is naturally Fang Yi's masterpiece.

The so-called erosion by the killing spirit will turn into a killing machine is just wishful thinking by everyone.

In fact, this is not the case. Although these are killing machines, they are also killing puppets.

Under the control of the Murder Monument, and the owner of the Murder Monument is Fang Yi, so it is naturally controlled by Fang Yi.

However, Fang Yi's control over them is also very limited, that's because he hasn't really condensed the way of killing, otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

Fortunately, just this is enough.

There are so many fighters, although they are not strong, but they are better than the number of people, coupled with the continuous killing spirit, it is enough to make Wuwang Daoist in a hurry.

as predicted!

Under the impact of countless killing puppets, and the strong killing spirit, the hopeless Taoist retreated violently again and again.

However, behind him, Fang Yi's fierce sword shadow has already passed by like a thunderbolt.

Prince Longyan's strength was not weaker than that of Wuwang Daoist, and in this situation, it can be imagined.

"No! Impossible, why do these killing puppets only target me and not you?" Wuwang Daoist obviously sensed something was wrong, and his pupils were full of inconceivable.

It's a pity that Fang Yi naturally ignored him, and the bright sword shadow became more domineering.

And his figure also became more and more strange and erratic.

It seems to be integrated with this thick sea of ​​fog.

"The way of clouds and mist? The way of water?"

Wuwang Daoist's pupils shrank sharply, filled with horror, at this moment, his heart also lifted.

Because there was never a moment when he was so aggrieved and powerless as he is now.

The countless killing puppets were not afraid of life and death at all, they rushed like locusts densely, one by one, their eyes were red with blood, and they were extremely shocked.

brush! !

At this time, the sea of ​​fog was churning, and Fang Yi, who had already merged into the clouds and mist, appeared out of thin air again.

The bright sword shadows also fell, like thunderbolts.

"I don't know what it means to want to win this seat just because of this small skill." Wuwang Daoist snorted softly, seemingly full of disdain.

But although he said lightly in his mouth, he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and quickly walked towards the countless sword shadows.

However, the terrifying intention of killing also followed.

There are also countless killing puppets, swarming up.

There are many of these killing puppets, and it's shocking to gather the terrifying killing spirit together. However, these individuals are not really one after all, they are like a piece of loose sand, so it is difficult to cause real trauma to the hopeless Taoist priest.

Wuwang Daoist obviously saw through this too, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

All he had to do was to resist the erosion of that killing spirit, as for those killing puppets, he completely ignored them.

Just kidding, how can a group of ordinary warriors be able to shake a strong man at the sixth level of the Dao.

If it weren't for the killing spirit gathered by them together, Daoist Wuwang wouldn't even look at them, just like at this moment.

However, at the tense moment of the fierce battle between the two sides, a huge stone monument slowly emerged in the thick sea of ​​fog filled with countless slaughtered puppets.

Do not!The stele appeared slowly, but in fact it was extremely fast.

One moment, as if he was still thousands of miles away, the next moment he had already smashed into Wuwang Daoist.

Wuwang Daoist didn't take it seriously at first, and mistakenly thought it was those killing puppets, until he realized something was wrong and turned around suddenly, then his face changed drastically.

But unfortunately, it was too late.

The man-killing monument was suppressed like the sky collapsed, and on the other side, the light of the sword in Fang Yi's hand also flashed, and the trapping fairy sword appeared out of thin air. .

Everything changed so quickly, Wuwang Daoist was still surprised by the horrible man-killing monument just a moment ago, he didn't know why this man-killing monument appeared, and whether Fang Yi was around, secretly attacking.

All this messed him up.

However, before he came back to his senses, the light of the sword in the hands of the 'Prince of Dragon Flame' behind him suddenly turned into the Immortal Trapping Sword that he longed for so much.

In an instant, he only felt that his thoughts were messed up, and his whole body was in a state of bewilderment.

Have no idea what the hell is going on here.

However, in that instant, the Man Killing Monument and Immortal Trapping Sword fell down at the same time.


Wuwang Taoist stared wide-eyed, full of panic and unwillingness, he wanted to escape, but suddenly found that in the sea of ​​fog around him, mysterious sword-shaped runes had already completely enveloped the surrounding area.

In other words, this is already a prison.

boom! !

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the monument of killing people was completely suppressed. The Immortal Immortal Sword was pushed away by the Wuwang Daoist, but it couldn't resist the huge coercion of the monument of killing people. His whole body was also blasted like a cannonball. out.

The blood in the mouth was like a column, like a sudden blood rain.

However, everything is far from over.

The moment he flew out, Fang Yi shot again, and the terrifying power of rules erupted from his body, like a huge black hole, directly enveloping him.

Inner world!

yes!Facing the sixth-layer powerhouse of the Great Dao, it would be very difficult to kill them completely.

Even with the help of the killing tablet, with Fang Yi's strength, it is impossible to kill the opponent in one blow. The only possibility is to enclose the opponent in the inner world. In this way, there must be death between the two.

With the blessing of the Man Killing Monument and many supernatural powers, Fang Yi is confident that he has such strength.

What's more, the hopeless Taoist priest has already suffered heavy losses.

Although the Man-killing Monument didn't kill him with one blow, it also caused him a lot of damage. His strength is probably not even half of what he was before. With such a hopeless Daoist, why should Fang Yi be afraid?

Daoist Wuwang also had a big change in his pupils, but this situation is beyond his control.

In an instant, the sea of ​​fog churned and energy billowed, and the two majestic figures of Fang Yi and Taoist Wuwang disappeared into the sea of ​​fog out of thin air.

When it reappeared, it was already an empty space full of regular thin lines.

Here is Fang Yi's inner world.

"Who are you?"

Looking at this weird space, Wuwang Taoist endured the great pain in his body, and stared coldly at Fang Yi with his hooked eyes.

Although he already had some doubts, this was so unbelievable that he couldn't believe it.

However, when that familiar face appeared, even if he didn't want to believe it, he had to accept it.

That is Fang Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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