Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3472 Moonless Saint Monk

Chapter 3472 Moonless Saint Monk

At the foot of Jinlong Temple Mountain is a small town, it is said to be a small town, but its scale is extremely large.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going.

Especially on the eve of the Ten Thousand Buddha Dharma Conference, there were countless Buddhist experts and people who came to watch the excitement from all over the place. However, despite the large number of people, they showed a peaceful appearance.

No one dares to make trouble here, because this is where Jinlong Temple belongs.

There are still ten days left for the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly.

Fang Yi and Ao Xue also came to the town and stayed in a random inn. During this period, Fang Yi also got a little understanding of the town, nothing special.

Ao Xue quickly lost interest and asked to enter the water temple.

He is not stupid, he has entered it twice, he naturally knows the speed of time inside, and practicing in it will get twice the result with half the effort. Although he has no unreasonable thoughts about the water temple, he will naturally not miss such a good opportunity to practice in it.

Naturally, Fang Yi was not stingy, and even injected a sense of destruction into his body.

In fact, he had no reservations about Ao Xue during this time.

Ao Xue's comprehension of the meaning of destruction is becoming more and more profound. Unfortunately, Fang Yi's meaning of destruction is also very limited, not enough for him to condense the Dao.

However, even so, his strength has been greatly improved.

Fang Yi could even clearly sense that Ao Xue should be able to achieve the fifth level of the Dao in a short time.

And this also gave him a sense of urgency.

The comprehension of the way of killing is becoming more and more frequent, but the way of killing is more about killing. Although Fang Yi has experienced a lot of killings along the way, there is obviously still a long way to go before he can gather the way of killing. some distance.

It seems that this so-called way of killing is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Those who can condense are all real killing gods.

Time passed so quickly, and the town became more and more lively. The holy sons of the various Buddhist schools have arrived one after another. Tomorrow is the day when the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly will start.

"Strange! Why hasn't the Moonless Sage from Zhenlong Temple come yet? Could it be that he was afraid?"

"I don't think it's far from it. All the great Buddha disciples in Jinlong Temple clamored for him to look good, and he must have been so frightened that he shrunk his head."

"Not at all! This is a good opportunity to enter the Great Leiyin Temple, isn't he so inferior?"

During this period of time in the small town, discussions about the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly were everywhere.

Fang Yi was also a little curious about the delay in the appearance of the Moonless Sage. He also wanted to see if this so-called Moonless Sage was the one he knew.

If so, maybe they can learn more about Misu Mountain and Daleiyin Temple from the other party.

To see if it is possible to obtain the three major scriptures.

Of course, he also understands that since the three major scriptures are the treasures of Daleiyin Temple, it will not be so easy to get them, but everything should be tried.

It's just a pity that the Moonless Monk never showed up.

That's it!

Fang Yi shook his head helplessly.

Soon, night fell again, immersed in the comprehension of the way of killing, in his eyes, everything around him seemed to have become chaotic, only the killing spirit was so clear in his eyes.

In the distance, a small snake is devouring a mouse, and a group of ants are eating a caterpillar.

This was originally insignificant, and no one would notice the sight at all.

However, because of that trace of killing aura, it clearly appeared in Fang Yi's induction.

Comprehending the way of killing, the sense of killing aura is so clear and obvious, and even the slightest trace of killing intent can be devoured.

yes!This is the cultivation of the way of killing, condensing the meaning of endless killing.

In nature, killing is ubiquitous.

During this period of practice, although Fang Yi has not made much progress, his comprehension and perception of the meaning of killing has become extremely powerful.

He can even clearly sense the killing intent hidden in a person's heart.

This can be said to be quite a supernatural power, and it can indicate that some things will happen.


Just as Fang Yi was immersed in this wonderful state, suddenly, above the nine heavens, at an endless distance, he sensed a strong sense of killing.

There are people fighting there.

Even though there is no way to detect it with divine sense across an endless distance, Fang Yi is extremely sure of this point with his comprehension and induction of the rules of killing.

He even sensed a familiar aura from it.

It's the Moonless Monk! !

He suddenly opened his eyes, with an unbelievable light, he really was the former Moonless Saint Monk, not with the same name, but just the current situation of the other party...

After thinking about it, Fang Yi's body rippled, and then disappeared in place.

No matter how you say it, meeting the Moonless Saint Monk is considered an acquaintance.

Moreover, everyone came from Tianshan Mountain. When they were in the Seven Sacred Mountains, the other party deliberately did not reveal their identities. Now that the other party was in danger, Fang Yi couldn't sit idly by.

"Wuyue, are you finally willing to come! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

In the endless void, several golden-robed monks with powerful breaths were besieging two white-robed monks.

One of them, who is not the Moonless Saint Monk?

He was the same as before, with a jade-like face, and a strange aura on his fair face, a pair of narrow and slightly upturned eyes, which added a bit of coldness.

"Chan Master Huanxi, is it you? You Jinlong Temple really can't afford to lose."

The holy monk Wuyue sneered, and a glint of coldness flashed across his long and narrow eyes.

"Master Huanxi, what do you want to do? This Ten Thousand Buddhas Ceremony is a golden dragon temple rare in a millennium, and it is directly related to the number of people entering Daleiyin Temple. What are the consequences?"

The companion of the Moonless Saint Monk is a young monk who seems to be inexperienced, with a trace of innocence on his face.

However, the breath is extremely extraordinary.

At this moment, he was glaring at the monks of Jinlong Temple and shouted.

"as a result of?"

The monk known as Chan Master Huanxi showed a stern look at the corner of his mouth, and said, "What about the Ten Thousand Buddhas Ceremony? The poor monk doesn't know what you are talking about. The poor monk only knows that you injured my disciples of Jinlong Temple first."

"You..." The white-robed monk was furious.

He could see that these people made it clear that they wanted to prevent the two from participating in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Conference.

Completely ignore the regulations of the Great Leiyin Temple.

Sure enough, after Zen Master Huanxi finished speaking, his eyes sank again, and a killing intent emerged, and he continued: "Besides, if I kill you, who else will know all this?"


As soon as the word "kill" came out, Chan Master Huanxi and the surrounding monks attacked them together.

"You dare!" The white-robed monk seemed furious. The behavior of the group obviously had some impact on his three views. Perhaps in his view, there was competition among Buddhist schools, but it was never so bloody.

However, he didn't know that there was never less blood behind it.

The Moonless Saint Monk had clearly understood this a long time ago, and went up to meet him without any nonsense.


(End of this chapter)

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