Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3473 The Four-Word Mantra

Chapter 3473 Six Character Mantra


The two sides fought together in an instant, which only made the world tremble.

On the side of Chan Master Huanxi, it was obvious that there was a premeditated plan. There were as many as ten monks accompanying him, and they surrounded the two holy monks without moon.

The white-robed monk was obviously in a hurry, and even tried to use words to make the group on the opposite side retreat.

But it is undoubtedly an idiot's dream.

" are really disgusting. The dignified Jinlong Temple monks have committed such despicable things. You must tell the world about this, so that the world can know the true colors of your Jinlong Temple."

The white-robed monk gritted his teeth.


Chan Master Huanxi sneered, "Amitabha, it depends on whether you can leave alive, and, just you, a nameless little novice, will someone believe you?"

A group of monks from Jinlong Temple sneered, looking at the white-robed monk as if they were idiots.

The white-robed monk was instantly flushed with anger.

His hands are completely suppressed by the monks of the Golden Dragon Temple. Although he is not weak, it is a pity that there are more monks in the Golden Dragon Temple, and the number of them is several times that of the two, as one can imagine.

The same is true for the Moonless Sage Monk. Compared to before, he is already much stronger than before. However, Master Huanxi and his party have sinister intentions.

"Junior Brother, let's go!"

A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from the body of the Moonless Saint Monk, and endless Buddha power surged out, like a rushing wave, rushing away wantonly.

Even Zen Master Huanxi couldn't help but change his face, and the encirclement that was originally under siege also split a huge hole in an instant.

"Brother!" The white-robed monk looked at the opening, hesitating for a moment.

How could he leave alone?

However, before he came back to his senses, Zen Master Huanxi sneered, and the countless monks formed seals at the same time, and countless Sanskrit words suddenly emerged, outlining a huge golden mask, trapping the two of them firmly in it.

"You still want to go? Do you really think it's that easy?"

A look of disdain appeared on the corner of Zen Master Huanxi's mouth.

Even if it was premeditated, how could they not have the slightest preparation, the surrounding world has already been sealed off by them, and at this moment, the two of them are completely trapped animals in a cage.

It is impossible to escape from birth.

what! !

Seeing this scene, the whole face of the white-robed monk suddenly turned pale.

The Moonless Monk's face also became extremely ugly, but apart from that, there was a strong murderous intent deep in his cold eyes.

"I didn't want to kill you, you forced me to do this."

The pupils of the Moonless Saint Monk shrank sharply, and he said an inexplicable sentence.

This remark was a bit funny no matter how you looked at it, but for some reason, seeing the other party's appearance, Zen Master Huanxi shuddered subconsciously.

But that's all, how could he care about the large number of people on his side.

He couldn't help but sneered and said: "It's a big breath, let me take a look and see how good you are, the number one demon monk in Zhenlong Temple for nearly ten thousand years."

Zen Master Huanxi said, and he has already taken the lead.

He clasped his hands together, and boundless Buddha power spewed out, and behind him condensed a huge joyful Buddha. The Buddha had a funny smile on his face, as if humans and animals were harmless, but the coldness in the depths of his eyes was So fierce.

The terrifying Buddha power instantly engulfed the two holy monks in May.

The white-robed monk backed away in fright.

The Moonless Sage, on the other hand, advanced instead of retreating, and the aura in his body became more and more intense. Not only that, there was a faint sound of Buddha around him, and phantoms of Buddhas condensed out, and the aura became more and more intense. Horror, until the end, even overwhelmed Zen Master Huanxi.

"how is this possible?"

Zen Master Huanxi obviously sensed that something was wrong, his pupils were filled with disbelief.

As one of the Buddhist disciples of the Golden Dragon Temple, his cultivation has reached the fourth level of the Dao, and among the Buddhist disciples of the Golden Dragon Temple, he is only inferior to a few people such as Zen Master Dabei.

As for the Zhenlong Temple, he didn't pay attention at all.

The Moonless Saint Monk is no exception.

If it wasn't for the other party's fame these days, he would not want to talk to the other party at all. This time, he was actually full of disdain in his heart, thinking that there is no need to make a fuss about a mere Buddhist disciple of Zhenlong Temple.

But at this moment, he finally realized that he was wrong.

A little-known temple has such a great Buddha.

Fortunately, senior brother was prepared.

"Wuyue, I have underestimated you, but you have just stepped into the third level of the Dao. After all, you have such terrifying Buddha power. It's a pity that your opponent is me."

Zen Master Huanxi sneered, and the next moment, a string of Buddhist beads appeared out of thin air in front of him.

The torrential Buddha power surged from it, bursting out with golden light.

"This is?"

The Moonless Saint Monk obviously also noticed the unusualness of this string of Buddhist beads, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"My monk might as well tell you that this Buddhist vessel is the abbot of my previous generation at the Jinlong Temple. The power of the Buddha is boundless. With your little Dao triple, you will definitely die today."

At this moment, Zen Master Huanxi looked at the monk Wuyue as if he was looking at a dead person.

While speaking, he didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, and he formed a seal with both hands, and the string of Buddhist beads burst out with bright Buddha light, hitting the two moonless monks like heavy shells.

what! !

Even though Saint Monk Wuyue expected that this Buddhist bead would be powerful, he did not expect that its power would be so terrifying.

The strings are like dense shells, one after another.

And the infinite loop, even if you dodged one, or even one round, it would be in vain.

Compared with him, the white-robed monk was obviously much worse. Under this storm-like attack, he was repeatedly injured, his body was already stained with blood, and he couldn't stop swallowing blood.

"Junior Brother!" The Moonless Monk was furious.

The monstrous murderous intent contained in the long and narrow eyes, the Buddha power around him became more and more terrifying, and there was a faintly strange aura.

"Prayer beads, I also have one, you can try it."

At the same time as he spoke, an incomparably bright Buddha light shot out from between the eyebrows of the Moonless Sage Monk, like a round of golden sun, making all the monks of Jinlong Temple dare not look directly at it.

what is this?

At this moment, everyone is full of horror.

Only Zen Master Huanxi looked extremely excited, and there was even a hint of greed on his face.

"It's the six-character Buddha beads, the six-character mantra, you really got the six-character mantra."

"Bring it to me!!"

Chan Master Huanxi's eyes were full of greed. It was rumored that the Moonless Monk had obtained the six-character mantra. He didn't take it seriously at first, but he never thought it was true.

At this moment, he just wanted to kill the opponent immediately and win the six-character mantra.


As soon as the death word came out, the Buddha beads in his hand suddenly became radiant, turning into stars all over the sky, and blasted towards the two moonless holy monks.

At the same time, the moonless monk's eyes became extremely cold, and his lips parted slightly: "Om!"

Suddenly, a loud voice resounded across the earth, and the endless Buddha light turned into a huge Sanskrit, suppressing it away.


(End of this chapter)

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