Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3481 Instant Kill

Chapter 3481 Instant Kill

"Six-character mantra, the six-character mantra is hidden in it?"

The obese monk's eyes were full of greed.

Hahaha! !

He could only hear him laughing wantonly, as if the ancient temple in front of him had already been owned by him.

"Wuyue, I still want to thank you. If it weren't for you, how could I find this place, and the six-character mantra on you, which will belong to me. Tell me, do I want to thank you?" ,Hahaha!!"

The obese monk laughed ferociously, and then his pupils shrank sharply, revealing his murderous intent.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Kill them!"

At the same time as he was speaking, his obese body had already crushed the Moonless Saint Monk like a mountain, and the other monks also attacked one by one, and the terrifying power instantly enveloped the surroundings. what!

The so-called dead birds die for food.

The six-character mantra is in front, how can these people care so much.

What's more, they originally came for the two of them.

"You dare!"

The Moonless Monk was grieving at the moment, "What a Jinlong Temple, it's full of you despicable and shameless villains."

"Hahaha! Despicable? As you said, die!"

The obese monk obviously didn't care about this. In his opinion, this was just the struggle of the moonless monk before his death.

What is mean or not, he doesn't care at all.

In this world where the jungle preys on the weak, strength is the foundation of everything. As long as you are strong enough, no one cares about your past and how you became so powerful. None of this matters.

The only thing that matters is strength.

It's a pity that it is also strength, which has already doomed everything.

With a few monks in his area, how could he be Fang Yi's opponent? A moonless holy monk alone is almost the same, but they ignored Fang Yi.

Strictly speaking, they ignored the Holy Monk Fengyue, this little-known novice novice, in his information, he can basically be ignored.

If it weren't for the previous Dharma test, few people would know such a person.

It can only be said that their fate is not good. When they meet Fang Yi, they are doomed to die.

Boom! !

Seeing the terrifying Buddha palms being slapped one by one, the corners of Fang Yi's mouth curled up in impatience, and then he also slapped slowly.

boom! !

Terrifying energy erupted, and the bright golden light gathered by the Way of Rebirth, like a round of hot sun, illuminated the entire world with golden light.

what is this?

The fat monk's face changed drastically, and he instantly felt the terrifying power contained in this palm.

The pupils are full of incredible colors.

Perhaps he never imagined in his dreams that a little novice who had never been seen by him could unleash such a terrifying blow. This blow not only surpassed the Moonless Sacred Monk, but even surpassed him, which made him feel As if death was approaching.

The same is true for the Moonless Saint Monk. He naturally knows that Fang Yi is amazing.

Zen master Huanxi was killed in an instant in the opponent's hands, but he never thought that Fang Yi's research on Buddhist skills had reached such a terrifying level.

This resplendent golden light has incomparably pure and surging Buddha power.

Not even him.

It's just, when did the other party study Buddhist exercises, why has he never heard of it?Could it be that he only comprehended it during the time he came to Mount Misu?

In the world, is there really such a terrifying evildoer?

The Moonless Monk was somewhat skeptical about life.

At the same time, I was a little lucky, I was lucky to meet Fang Yi, otherwise...

However, his opponent naturally couldn't rejoice, there was only deep despair. Anyone who had an opponent like Fang Yi would probably feel despair.

Especially those ordinary monks, under this terrifying oppression, the obese monk may still be able to support, but his companions are not at all.

All of them spurted blood, their faces pale, as if they had been struck by lightning.

"Evil barrier, how dare you!"

When the fat monk saw this scene, he was furious.

The Golden Dragon Temple is the head of the surrounding star field, and any monk who sees them will be respectful.

But now, Fang Yi actually wanted to suppress them, so he was naturally furious.

It's just that he seems to have forgotten that all this was originally provoked by himself, but now he feels provoked, and it must be regarded as his own fault!

Boom! !

Fang Yi naturally ignored his words, how could a mere Dao Sizhong be able to threaten Fang Yi.

I haven't shot it before, but I want to see the changes in the ancient temple.

For now, enough is enough.

Then these people should also be on their way.

Bang! !

I saw his giant palm slammed down, and the terrifying power suddenly collapsed like the sky, crushing everything, and the famous monk sprayed out blood mist again, his bones all exploded, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

All of this is naturally not only the effect of the way of rebirth, but also the way of strength.

That powerful force field completely destroyed everyone in almost an instant, turning them into piles of meat sauce, which was too horrible to look at.

Rao was the Moonless Saint Monk, his entire face turned extremely pale. Perhaps he never thought that a single person could be so powerful that he could directly suppress several powerful monks in a blink of an eye.

In other words, I am afraid that I am not a one-shot enemy in the opponent's hands.

At this moment, the moonless monk looked at Fang Yi with a terrifying gaze, and he was not to blame, the gap between the two was too great.

Not to mention him, why not the fat monk.

There was no trace of blood on the pale face, and the fat body was trembling uncontrollably, obviously frightened.

"You... who are you? Why... why are you so powerful?"

The obese monk who was so arrogant just now is like a grandson, he can't even straighten his tongue.

"you guess!"

Fang Yi smiled playfully, with a trace of mockery.

The feet also followed step by step.

Boom! !

The sound of heavy footsteps, heard in the mouth of the fat monk, was like a death knell, urging him to go on the road.

"You... how dare you! I am a Buddhist disciple of Jinlong Temple. If you kill my people from Jinlong Temple, there will be no place for you to stand in heaven or earth." The obese monk yelled angrily, but his voice was trembling, and his confidence was a little lacking.

"That's right! The monk will try it!"

While speaking, Fang Yi clapped his palm again, and the bright golden light was like a golden ocean.

It turned into a huge golden Buddha palm.

Between the heaven and the earth, the sound of the Buddha echoed faintly, and the phantoms of the Buddhas also gathered together, all pressing towards the fat monk.

"No! It's impossible..."

The obese monk howled unwillingly. This terrifying power almost made him unable to resist at all.


At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

It's just a pity that before he could react, a vast power came in an instant, like mountains pressing down, as if the whole world was against him, and the surrounding space pressed down on him together, like a cage .


Finally, the terrifying golden Buddha's palm fell, and the whole world became quiet.


(End of this chapter)

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