Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3482 Guess

Chapter 3482 Guess

That's it?

The Moonless Saint Monk stared blankly at this scene, his expression a little dazed and inconceivable. To him, the extremely powerful fat monk was so vulnerable in Fang Yi's hands.

It made him feel unreal.

It is clear that Fang Yi's cultivation is at the second level of the Dao, even worse than him, but in the end...

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and enter the ancient temple, and collect your six-character mantra, the others should arrive soon."

It wasn't until Fang Yi's voice came from beside his ears that the Moonless Monk came back to his senses and nodded dully.

Immediately, the two stepped into the ancient temple.

The ancient temple does not seem to be very big.

However, when the two stepped into it, the scenery in front of them changed again, and they came to a dilapidated ruin, and there was a mess everywhere, just like the ancient battlefield of gods and demons.

One after another terrifying auras raged, like the remnants of the godless aura left by ancient gods and demons.

Wanton destruction in this space.

The entire space was immersed in an extremely terrifying atmosphere, shrouded in the shadow of death, and it was so dark that there was no glimmer of hope in sight.

"What is this place?"

The Moonless Saint Monk was obviously in trouble, and frowned suspiciously.

The same goes for Fang Yi.

Because this space, even he, felt a sense of danger, and even a sense of antiquity.

"Who is Master Liuyan?" After a pause, Fang Yi asked.


The Monk Wuyue was stunned, as if he hadn't expected Fang Yi to ask this question, but looking at the space, he quickly understood that Fang Yi wanted to deduce what this place might be from Master Liuyan.

However, he also has limited knowledge about Master Liuyan.

"To be honest, Fellow Daoist Fang, I'm not very clear about it. It's just mentioned in the six-character mantra. It is said that he is the owner of the six-character mantra. This is the only Buddhist power who has fully comprehended the six-character mantra for nearly a million years. , claiming to be the Master of Six Characters."

"However, after coming to Mount Misu, he searched the Buddhist scriptures specifically, wanting to know about this person's deeds, but it is strange that there is no such person in the Buddhist scriptures."

"As for the fact that the six-character mantra may be contained in the Golden Dragon Buddha's territory, I also learned from a handbook of an eminent Buddhist monk who once entered the Golden Dragon Buddha's realm."

The Moonless Saint Monk recounted everything he knew.

Nothing is hidden.


Fang Yi also felt a little unbelievable when he heard it. The six-character mantra is extraordinary. It stands to reason that the only Buddhist strongman who has comprehended all the six-character mantra in the past million years must be famous in the history of Buddhism, but the result...

Could it be that someone deliberately erased his deeds?

Who has such supernatural powers?

If there is such a powerful force in the huge Misu Mountain, there is probably only one, and that is the Great Leiyin Temple.

It is absolutely impossible for other forces.

In Misu Mountain, there is, and only Daleiyin Temple is the only king.

Just, why would they do this?

Things seem to be a little unexpected, this so-called six-character mantra, is there something unknown hidden?

That's it!

Fang Yi couldn't figure it out, so he had to put it aside for the time being, and, after all, this is a matter of Buddhism, he is not very interested, he just wants to pass this, and see what this place is, but he never thought about it...

In the dim space, everything looked eerie, and the two walked forward.

Fang Yi had no scruples, and his spiritual thoughts spread out in an instant.

It's just a pity that nothing was found.

The Moonless Saint Monk seemed a little cautious, and I don't know if it was because he was in awe of the six-character mantra, or because he had some inexplicable fear of this space.

"Try it!"

Fang Yi was a little impatient and reminded.

In the outside world, the six-character mantra could cause changes in this ancient temple. Now that I have entered the ancient temple, I believe that if I want to solve the mystery here, I still have to start with the six-character mantra.

"it is good!"

The Monk Wuyue nodded, although he had a bad feeling, he had already entered, so naturally he had to try.

I saw him chanting words, and golden light surged all over his body.

The six-character Buddha beads floated out, shining brightly, like a round of golden scorching sun. Because of this scorching sun, the huge dark space instantly became bright, exuding the breath of life.

It was as if the originally dead space had been completely revived because of the scorching sun.

This is?

A flash of astonishment flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, and this strange change naturally couldn't escape his eyes.

However, it also made him feel extremely puzzled.

The space is still empty, except that it is no longer as lifeless as before, nothing seems to have changed, and the raging aura, as if suppressed by something, gradually fades away.

wrong!There is something weird here, these six-character mantras seem to be suppressing something.

And it seems that it has gradually shown signs of loosening.

The arrival of Saint Monk Wuyue and the six-character beads he carried seemed to be sensed by the other six-character beads in this ancient temple, as if they wanted to suppress the evil thing together.

And as the moonless monk used the six-character beads, the huge space became golden and bright, and it was obvious that the six-character beads re-occupied the top.

But, what could that evil thing be?

Fang Yi felt that things were a bit complicated.

If there is really some peerless evil being suppressed here, then the Moonless Saint Monk wants to collect the six-character Buddha beads, which is tantamount to letting this evil out of the mountain. At that time, it is hard to say whether the two of them can resist.

Immediately, Fang Yi shared his speculation with the Moonless Monk.

as predicted!

The Moonless Monk also had a similar feeling.

With the six-character beads in his body, his feeling was even stronger than Fang Yi's. He could sense the desire of the other six-character beads in this ancient temple.

"Then what should we do now?" The Moonless Saint Monk was in a bit of trouble.

Fang Yi also frowned.

He really didn't care what would happen to the Golden Dragon Buddha Realm, he was just afraid, the evil thing was too much, the two of them couldn't handle it at all, if it happened, then...

Boom! !

However, just as the two were hesitating, a muffled thunder sounded outside.

"finally come!"

Fang Yi's eyes moved, and the corner of his mouth curled up with disdain.


In contrast, the Moonless Sage Monk had a pale face. He naturally knew what Fang Yi's words meant. When he finally came, it must be the Buddhist disciple of the Jinlong Temple. Maybe it was the Zen Master of Great Compassion.

The situation in front of me was a bit difficult, but it was good that these people arrived at this time.

However, no matter how depressed I was, I didn't withdraw, and the coming has already come.

"Let's see what they do first!"

Fang Yi pondered for a while, and decided to observe secretly to see if the people in Jinlong Temple knew something about it.

Immediately, he carried the Moonless Sage Monk with him and disappeared in place.

At the same time, ripples arose in the dim space, and a monk with a powerful name and aura stepped out of it. The leader was either Zen Master Dabei or someone else.


(End of this chapter)

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