Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3483 The monk on the roof

Chapter 3483 The monk on the roof

"What a weird place!"

Zen Master Dabei's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he scanned the surroundings. The expressions of the monks beside him also changed slightly, and they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

"There is an extremely powerful aura faintly here, maybe it is the inheritance of Buddhism left by a certain generation of eminent monks."

"Not bad!"

All the monks nodded one after another, their eyes brightened.

Zen Master Dabei also had a suspicious look on his brows, and murmured: "Strange! I clearly felt their aura before, why are they gone?"

"Brother, have they already escaped?"

someone asked.

This group of people were all attracted by the previous movement. Although the obese monk was killed, the terrifying atmosphere of the two people's battle still attracted many monks.


Zen Master Dabei shook his head, "At the moment of the ancient temple, it is impossible for the two of them to just leave like this, they must still be hiding in this space, everyone be careful."


The monks replied in their mouths, but they didn't think so in their hearts.

The two mere monks from other temples have never been looked down upon by the Buddhist disciples of the Golden Dragon Temple. The Golden Dragon Temple is so high that even they think they are superior.

Immediately, a group of monks began to sweep through the space.

In the dark, the Moonless Saint Monk looked a little pale.

Zen Master Dabei really came, and there were so many monks, it was completely over now, even if the two of them could escape this catastrophe by chance, it was obviously impossible to collect the six-character mantra.

And this is undoubtedly unacceptable to him. He has tried every means, isn't it just for the six-character Buddha beads?

Now the six-character Buddha beads are in front of my eyes, but...

Unlike his disappointment and reluctance, Fang Yi had a pensive look on his face, and then a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Go! Follow me!"

After speaking, he went directly to find Zen Master Dabei and his party.

The Moonless Saint Monk was already a little bit unwilling, but now that he heard about it, he gritted his teeth and followed.

What danger is not dangerous has been forgotten by him.

Soon, the group of people had already penetrated into this strange space, and everywhere was dilapidated and desolate, like an ancient battlefield of gods and demons.

There was still a faint smell of blood in the air.

The whole group obviously sensed that something was wrong.

The Golden Dragon Buddha Realm is the place where the eminent monks of the Golden Dragon Temple passed away. They would all enter here at the end of their lives, and leave their Buddhist attainments here, waiting for future generations.

To obtain their Buddhist attainments, although there are many tests during the period, relatively speaking, it is not dangerous.

Those tests, if not passed, usually did not kill them.

Therefore, the Golden Dragon Buddha Realm is relatively safe.

But in this strange space in front of him, there is an elusive atmosphere everywhere, which is completely opposite to the sacred and solemn atmosphere of Buddhism, as if he has fallen into hell.


Fang Yi, who was in the dark, also had his pupils light up slightly at this moment.

In the outside world, in the ten thousand zhang Buddha's light before, he sensed a trace of murderous aura, but now, going deep into it, this feeling became more and more intense.


There is indeed a powerful killing spirit here.

Could it be that it is something suppressed by the six-character Buddhist beads?What would that be?

Involuntarily, Fang Yi felt a little curiosity in his heart.

It turned out that after entering the Golden Dragon Buddha Realm, he also expected to gain some Buddhist mysteries and the like, which would help to understand the way to the afterlife.

I have to say that the encounter is too amazing, no one knows what will happen in the next moment.

Fortunately, this is the same for Fang Yi.

His way of killing is more condensed than the way of rebirth, and it is closer to the avenue of cohesion. If there is anything related to the way of killing here, then...

Subconsciously, Fang Yi licked his lips.

An ancient temple appeared in front of me again, or in other words, this is the real ancient temple. The ancient temple outside is just a projection of this ancient temple, and at this moment, it is its real body.

Around the ancient temple, there was a strange atmosphere, desolate and miserable.

There is also a faint smell of blood.

It's like a devil's paradise.

Zen Master Dabei and his party also looked very solemn at this moment, and they were not stupid, so they naturally sensed the strangeness here.

However, while being weird, it also reveals the extraordinary here.

"Senior brother, look!"

Suddenly, a monk pointed in a certain direction and shouted.

I saw that what he was referring to was the roof of the ancient temple. On it, a monk was sitting cross-legged, with his hands folded, extremely devout, motionless, like a statue.

This is?

Everyone saw the monk at this moment, with curious expressions on their faces.

"Who is this person? Among the Buddhist disciples who entered Jinlong Temple this time, there seems to be no such person, and what is he doing on the roof?"

"No! He has no breath fluctuations around him, and he has passed away!"


Everyone's faces changed drastically.

Because the monk seemed to have a ruddy complexion, no different from ordinary people, but in the end, it turned out to be a corpse.

But this is even more wrong, the other party is really a certain generation of eminent monks from the Jinlong Temple, and the end is approaching, so why did he go to the roof to pass away? Is there any meaning in this?

The monks looked at each other.

"It's the six-character Buddha beads!" In the dark, the Moonless Monk couldn't help but tremble all over, seemingly extremely excited.

A pair of long and narrow eyes revealed two bright rays of light, staring directly at the string of Buddhist beads that the monk held in his hand.

"That's the six-character Buddha beads?" Fang Yi was a little surprised.

"Not bad!"

The Monk Wuyue nodded affirmatively and said, "Among the string of beads, only the one he is holding in his hand is the six-character beads, and the others are just ordinary beads. Zen Master Dabei and others have never seen six-character beads, and they don't know them at all. .”

That's it!

Fang Yi was also a little surprised, and at the same time curious.

Because the string of Buddhist beads is nothing special in his eyes, and the six-character Buddhist beads in the mouth of the Moonless Sage are the same. It seems that, as the Moonless Sage said, he and others have not comprehended the six-character mantra. The six-character beads also had no response.

"not good!"

Just as he was meditating, the Moonless Monk's face changed drastically again.

It turned out that a monk had jumped onto the roof.

Although they didn't know the six-character Buddha beads, it was really strange that the monk passed away on the roof, so these monks planned to investigate to see what was going on.

And this is obviously not a good thing for the moonless monk.

Once discovered by these people, it is a six-character prayer bead, then...

Suddenly, he was a little anxious.

But, there are only two of them right now, apart from the powerful Zen Master Dabei, there are many other disciples of the Buddha, and there is no way to fight at all, at least he thinks so.

Therefore, we can only be in a hurry.

However, at the next moment, a scene he didn't expect appeared. Just as the monk was about to get close to the monk on the roof, a faint golden light rippling away, directly bounced the monk away.

At the same time, a faint golden light also emerged, covering the monk on the roof.

Just like an energy shield.


(End of this chapter)

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