Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3504 Amazing Fate

Chapter 3504 Amazing Fate

The crowd also seemed extremely excited at this moment, as if they were the ones participating in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly.

One by one looked tightly bound.

Fortunately, all this didn't last too long, because there was a faint tendency to catch up with Fang Yi in the radiant Buddha light of Zen Master Wuyu. Suddenly, there was a violent tremor in the sky and earth, accompanied by a roar.

Buzz! !

The entire Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and even the entire world seemed to be shaking.

"what happened?"

The faces of the crowd changed drastically, full of puzzlement.

As for the monk Kurong and other monks from the Little Leiyin Temple, they looked at each other with incredible light in their eyes, and finally, they all looked at the three huge statues of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

boom! !

Sure enough, at the next moment, one of the three huge statues of ten thousand Buddhas suddenly burst into a ray of light, covering Fang Yi's body directly. In an instant, Fang Yi's phantom became extremely tall, sacred, and solemn, like a statue. True Buddha.

"This this……"

The crowd was completely stunned, one by one, as if they had seen a ghost.

Many have knelt down to the ground.

"It's the Buddha, the Buddha has appeared!!"

The huge square was a complete sensation at this moment. The Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly happens once every ten thousand years. Although ten thousand years is long, it is nothing to practitioners. There are not a few people who have experienced several Dharma Assembly. However, they never I have never seen such a scene in front of me, even the Buddha appeared.

"Son of Ten Thousand Buddhas!!"

At this moment, the cheers were like a torrent, and the crowd fell to the ground one after another.

Even Ku Rong Godly Monk and the others showed reverence and fascination, clasped their hands together.

As for Master Huikong and other people who followed Fang Yi, not to mention, at this moment, they even sensed a bright Buddha's light covering them, making them feel as if they were bathed in the sun, and their whole body was comfortable.

Not only that, but the six senses also seem to have been greatly improved. Some things that I didn't understand before seemed to suddenly become clear in an instant.

Boom! !

A muffled sound came, and it was suddenly the sound of a breakthrough.

Yes!Following these generals of Buddha's light, their strength has been greatly improved like a god's help.

"It's the grace of the Buddha!" ​​Someone noticed all this and exclaimed, his face was full of envy. This huge area was also completely enveloped by the Buddha's power, turning it into a holy place for cultivation.

Not to mention Fang Yi who caused all these movements.

At this moment, he was completely enveloped by the Buddha's light, and the Buddha's power was surging.

Hungry and thirsty for the way to rebirth, he greedily absorbed all of these, and countless Buddha lights vented towards him, making him like a huge black hole.

It wasn't until all the dust settled that he seemed to come back to his senses.

Is it too much?

Seeing the crowd's exaggerated expressions and their fanatical gazes, Fang Yi couldn't help but mutter.

But that was the end of the matter, and he couldn't care less about it.

Moreover, these Buddha powers are of great benefit to his way of rebirth, so he will not miss it. At this moment, all eyes are on him.

Or envy, or jealousy.

Zen Master Wuyu's reluctance, and Xinyuan Shengfo's anger all looked at him together.

The huge crowd exploded like that.

The cheers were overwhelming.

However, just when everyone thought it was over...

Just kidding, and attracted the Buddha to appear, who else can compete with it?The ranking has been determined, and No.1 must be Fang Yi, followed by Zen Master Wuyu and Xinyuan Shengfo, these three must be in the top three.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Association is different from the Golden Dragon Dharma, only this one has been recognized by the Ten Thousand Buddhas.

means everything.

And won the approval of the Buddha, let alone.

However, what no one thought was that everything was far from over.

The entire Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas suddenly trembled violently and was about to collapse. Even the huge Little Leiyin Temple was trembling, as if it was going to be turned upside down.

what happened?

The expressions of the crowd changed drastically, with blank and frightened expressions on their faces.

Even Kurong Shenseng and others are the same.

Fang Yi is no exception.

This is not a vision caused by himself. He is very clear about this. He has restrained his breath, and the statue of ten thousand Buddhas has also restrained his Buddha's light, which has nothing to do with him.

So... who would it be?

Everyone seemed extremely terrified, looking for the root cause of all these visions.

In the end, their eyes all focused on a young novice monk among the Buddha disciples.

Because among all the Buddha disciples, he was the only one who had been sitting in meditation with his eyes closed, and everyone else was terrified looking at the void and the huge Buddha statues around him.


Fang Yi also noticed the little novice at this moment, and his pupils shrank.

It turned out that the little novice was none other than the missing little novice Liao Yuan.

Why is he here?

Why didn't you notice him before?

Fang Yi's heart was full of doubts, and the crowd also had similar doubts. Everyone looked at each other with blank expressions, and Xiang Shi was asking about the origin of fate.

Unfortunately, no one knows.

Master Huikong and the others who knew all this also had shocking expressions on their faces.

Obviously, the appearance of little monk Liao Yuan also exceeded their expectations, making them feel like they had seen a ghost.

However, this is not the most important thing. Even though they were full of doubts in this situation, they didn't dare to say anything. They could only stare straight at the slightly weak figure of Yuan Xiaosha Mi.

So are crowds.

This sudden vision made them extremely curious, and they all wanted to know what was going on.

What made them most curious was that the little novice Liaoyuan didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and just sat there like a statue.

However, his weak body has gradually become extremely tall, as if it is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and contains some kind of great truth, which is unclear.

In the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Buddha statues also trembled violently.

Swipe! !

In the end, beams of bright Buddha light shot out from the Buddha statue, like beams of beams of beams of light, all gathered on the body of Little Shami Yuan.

However, everything was far from over. Bright Buddha lights shot out one after another, and all Buddhas chanted in unison in the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The three ten thousand Buddha statues also began to tremble violently.

In the end, three incomparably bright rays of light burst out, and they all shot at Yuanxiao Shami.

At this moment, little monk Liaoyuan was like a real god, unparalleled, his eyes were still closed tightly, but the phantom had become so tall that people couldn't help but worship him.

Countless Buddha lights enveloped his body, and his body slowly floated up.

Slowly, a huge roulette gathered under his body. The roulette was just an outline, not solid, but the aura contained in it made Fang Yi feel extremely small. It seems that none can escape its control.

what is this?

At this moment, Fang Yi's heart also set off a stormy sea, because there had never been anything that could give him such a strong sense of terror, as if he was trapped in it and couldn't extricate himself.


(End of this chapter)

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