Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3505 First 3

Chapter 3505

The huge crowd was completely stunned at this moment, and everyone seemed to be turned into stone sculptures.

One by one, they opened their mouths wide and could not speak.

That's strange, no one would have thought that this year's Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly would be so different. First there were Zen Master Wuyu and Xinyuan Shengfo, and then there was a son of Ten Thousand Buddhas, which even caused the Buddha to appear.

However, this is not enough.

In front of them, the ten thousand Buddhas in the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas were singing together, and the three major Buddhas manifested at the same time. How to describe this, the crowd no longer knew. Only the extremely shocked expressions showed their inconceivable inner feelings.

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen, and the world was silent.

Above the nine heavens, a series of eyes as powerful as abyss cast their gazes, filled with inconceivable expressions.

Obviously, those are the eminent monks of Daleiyin Temple.

Everything here has alarmed the entire Great Leiyin Temple.

Let all eyes gather here.

I don't know how long it has passed, time has no meaning for the crowd, and everyone is addicted to the huge roulette and the bright Buddha light.

They didn't come back to their senses until everything returned to calm.

Cheers resounded like a mountain torrent.

Can't go away for a long time.

At the same time, in the endless void of Little Leiyin Temple, endless Buddha's light descended, and the huge area was completely enveloped in it, and the Buddha's power was surging.

"Buddha's gift will benefit the world."

The crowd became extremely fanatical one by one, greedily absorbing this vast Buddha power.

For a while, the surrounding star field has turned into a holy place for cultivation.

In Xiaoleiyin Temple, Divine Monk Kurong finally announced the end of the puja. There is no doubt that Liaoyuan's little monk won the championship in one fell swoop, followed by Fang Yi, followed by Zen Master Wuyu. Three, stop at fourth, and fail to get the quota to enter the Hall of Three Lives.

In this way, a grand Fa conference came to an end.

It is worth mentioning that during this puja, the holy monk Wuyue also managed to squeeze into the Great Leiyin Temple.

Although this achievement cannot be compared with Fang Yi and He Liaoyuan, it is still commendable.

This also made Jinlong Temple famous.

Just kidding, out of the three places to participate in the Fa Conference, two of them ranked first and second, and the third one also successfully entered the Great Leiyin Temple, which is simply an incredible achievement.

Even Master Huikong and others dare not dream about it.

Although there is something strange about Liaoyuan's little novice, the crowd didn't know about it, and attributed everything to Jinlong Temple. Master Huikong naturally couldn't explain it, and enjoyed the envious and enthusiastic eyes of the crowd, he knew After today, the day of Jinlong Temple's full rise has arrived.

Fang Yi, who had a different idea from his, had no interest in paying attention to these things at the moment.

He just wanted to find Yuan to find out what was going on.

Why did the other party leave suddenly?And why did it suddenly appear?And what does it mean to stay?

It's just a pity that all the Buddhist disciples left the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas one after another, and when he wanted to ask for clarification, little novice monk Liaoyuan had disappeared.


"The reputation of the Jinlong Temple spreads far and wide, I admire it very much, and hope to be able to walk around with your temple more in the future."

"It's easy to say! Thanks to all the masters..."

The Dharma conference is over, and it will be ten days after entering the Hall of Three Lives.

Therefore, Fang Yi and the holy monk Wuyue returned to the residence again, but unfortunately, the little monk Liaoyuan disappeared. Fang Yi and the holy monk without the moon deliberately searched for it, but there was no trace.

In the end, they had no choice but to give up.

Naturally, there were Master Huikong and others who came back with him. Along the way, countless monks came forward to greet him, and their expressions were extremely earnest, which made Master Huikong and others steal the limelight.

As for Fang Yi and the Moonless Saint Monk, they had no time to pay attention to these, and went straight back to their rooms.

Because both of them have something on their minds, they talked about Yuan Xiaosha Mi.

"Strange! Is it all right? Did we guess wrong?" The Moonless Monk couldn't help asking.

Regarding the matter of asking the mind, Fang Yi told the Moonless Saint Monk about his conjecture. The two believed that the little novice Liaoyuan was afraid of bad luck, and the culprit behind this was probably Master Huikong and others.

It's just... looking at it now, something seems wrong.

Thinking about it carefully, Master Huikong and the others, if they were really going to be unfavorable to Little Sami Yuan, they wouldn't have to wait until entering Little Leiyin Temple. Wouldn't it be more convenient to be in Jinlong Temple?

Or, Master Huikong and the others didn't do anything at all, but just handed over the fate to Xiao Leiyin Temple?

It has to be said that this possibility is more likely.

If Master Huikong really wanted to make a move, he would have made it a long time ago. If he didn't, it must be unnecessary.

However, if the little novice Liaoyuan was really handed over to Xiaoleiyin Temple, why did he appear in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly again? Did Xiaoleiyin Temple not pursue it?

It seems that Xiao Leiyin Temple has been pursuing his own speculation, without any evidence at all.

Could it be that the relationship between Wufo Temple and Daleiyin Temple is not as simple as the legend says?

Fang Yi felt a little dizzy.

The same goes for the Moonless Monk.

However, the only thing I feel gratified about is that little novice Liaoyuan is still alive. Although the two of them don't know what is hidden in it, at least they are still alive, which is enough.

"Congratulations, you have successfully entered the top three."

At this time, the Moonless Saint Monk couldn't help congratulating, but his expression didn't show much joy.


Fang Yi obviously noticed this, and deliberately jokingly said, "Are you envious?"

Moonless Saint Monk immediately rolled his eyes at him when he heard the words. Naturally, he wasn't envious, and he didn't think there was anything to be envious of, but rather worried.

Not bad!

Because only he understands that Fang Yi is not a real monk, but a fake one.

And Fang Yi's plan is huge, how can he not be worried?

If Fang Yi fails to enter the top three, he is not so worried, because in this way, it will be difficult for Fang Yi to find opportunities and make a move, but now...

Every time he thought that Fang Yi might be exposed, he would tremble with fear.

Not surprising, if something happened to Fang Yi, he must be doomed too.

The two can be said to be in the same boat.

"There is no need to worry." However, Fang Yi looked indifferent, and continued: "If it was before today, Fang was really worried, but after today, he is not worried."

"Why?" The Moonless Monk was obviously full of puzzlement when he heard this.

"It's not easy." Fang Yi smiled, "I can even fool the Buddha, so I am a true Buddhist disciple, am I not?"

This is a bit inexplicable at first glance.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not like this. Even the Buddha's spirit has manifested. Who would dare to say that Fang Yi is not a Buddhist disciple?

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Fang Yi was exposed in the end, the Moonless Monk could push it all away. Even the Buddha couldn't tell the difference, so how could he tell the difference?

"So... remember, I am the Holy Monk Fengyue, as long as you always remember this, you will be fine."

"Besides, now that we have more fate, I'm afraid not many people will notice us."

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth slightly evoked an intriguing look.

Indeed, the appearance of Liao Yuan attracted the attention of countless people for him, allowing him to continue to hide in the darkness.


(End of this chapter)

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