Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3506 1 Years

Chapter 3506 1 Years

In the next few days, Fang Yi did not show up.

The goal has been achieved, so he will naturally not attract attention.

In the past, the reason why visitors were not rejected was because they wanted to establish their own reputation, but now that they have already entered the top three, naturally there is no need, all they need is to wait patiently for the day of entering the Hall of Three Lives.

The Moonless Monk also did not show up.

After obtaining the six-character Buddha beads, he has not had time to comprehend it, and now is the right time.

In the past few days, Master Huikong and others have been very busy, and there are a lot of visitors. However, this is what they expected, so naturally they don't feel tired.

That's how it goes.

As Fang Yi expected, Yuan's astonishing performance at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Ceremony attracted the attention of countless people, not even Fang Yi and Zen Master Wuyu paid attention to it. .

And most of the eminent monks who came to visit came for him.

Not surprisingly, ten thousand Buddhas chanted together, and the three great Buddhas manifested their spirits, which has never been seen in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly.

It can be said to have created the history of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Assembly.

And this, for Fang Yi, is undoubtedly a good thing, allowing him to be happy and continue to hide in the dark.

"I didn't expect that you are really the son of ten thousand Buddhas."

"If I didn't know your origin, I would almost believe it."

In a bright space, Ao Xue was also amazed, looking at Fang Yi as if looking at a monster, Fang Yi couldn't bear that gaze, and couldn't help shivering.

"How about less sarcasm? Is there any news?"

Fang Yi directly changed the subject.

During this period of time, he has had enough of such stares, and now that even Ao Xue is like this, he is even more speechless.

"Not yet, but as far as we know, many of the monks who went out to search for you and me have returned to Xiaoleiyin Temple. It is not ruled out that they have already found us."


This is not good news, and Fang Yi's face can't help but change.

But soon, he shook his head again and said, "Don't guess, maybe it's just because of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dharma Conference, and it has nothing to do with us."

"hope so!"

Ao Xue didn't refute, but replied.

After pondering for a while, he continued: "What are you going to do? You are about to enter the Palace of Three Lives. By then, don't you want to mess around?"

"Remember, this is Mount Misu, and it's all Daleiyin Temple. If anything happens, no one can help you. I can't even get close."

Ao Xue said truthfully, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

This is the Great Leiyin Temple. Although his strength is good, it is obviously not enough here.

The great Leiyin Temple has such a profound heritage that no one in the entire Three Realms can compare with it.

It can be said to be a real dragon's pool and tiger's den.

However, Fang Yi is not afraid of death, the person who likes to cause trouble the most, he can stir up bloody winds wherever he goes, so he is very worried, worried that Fang Yi will mess up again.

If that's the case, then he can't intervene at all.

Just kidding, this is a Buddhist holy place, he can't even get close, so how can he help?

Fang Yi naturally understood this too, smiled and said: "Don't worry! I'm not that stupid, and I won't act recklessly until it's absolutely necessary."

It sounds like that.

But for some reason, Ao Xue's dignified expression did not improve at all.

Maybe he knows, the so-called last resort, who knows when?Fang Yi still has the final say, alas...

"That's all for you to say, you can do it yourself."

Ao Xue had no choice but to say so in the end.

In fact, Fang Yi also had some troubles. After all, this is Daleiyin Temple, a sacred place of Buddhism. If he is not worried at all, it is obviously impossible.

It's just... thinking of Hua Lian'er's appearance at the moment, and everything Hua Lian'er had done to him, he couldn't just sit idly by.

Hua Lian'er almost died several times because of her.

Do not!The last time it should be said that he died and fell into the underworld.

If it weren't for the Water God Temple, the consequences would be disastrous, so... his heart was extremely firm.


When the bright light faded, Ao Xue's figure disappeared. Suddenly, Fang Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he swept towards the void, where a monstrous monkey was slowly condensing.

Suddenly it is the Holy Buddha of Heart Ape.

"It's you?"

Fang Yi was a little surprised. Speaking of which, the Holy Buddha of Heart Ape is really persistent. In the past few days, the other party has come to him frequently, but Fang Yi has avoided seeing him.

Just didn't expect...

"What do you want to do?" Fang Yi frowned and asked.

"Simple, fight with you and prove that you are not as good as me, and the place in the Hall of Three Lives will belong to me." Heart Ape Saint Buddha said directly, without sloppiness at all.

Fang Yi was speechless, the quota had already been set, and the other party...

Although he was not afraid of the opponent, he was also unwilling to fight such a meaningless fight, he just said: "Why did you come to me? You can go to Zen Master Wuyu, or..."

"Do you think I haven't looked for it?"

The Heart Ape Saint Buddha didn't wait for Fang Yi to finish speaking, so he rushed to the road.

"I can't beat Wuyu that bald donkey. As for that little novice, I don't know where to hide, so... I can only look for you."

When he was a bachelor, he spoke carelessly, without any sense of shame.

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth twitched, completely speechless.

Co-authoring is because I am easy to bully.

Zen Master Wuyu couldn't be bullied, and the little monk Liaoyuan didn't know where he was, so he could only guard himself every day. This was simply...

I'm afraid it won't work if we don't fight this battle, the opponent will definitely guard him every day, so that's the case.

Fang Yi felt a little headache.

He is not afraid of the other party. Although the strength of the Saint Buddha of Heart Ape is amazing, reaching the fifth level of the Dao, he is not afraid at all.

It's just... this kind of senseless battle is indeed somewhat...

"Don't worry, this king won't take advantage of you, and he will also suppress your cultivation at the third level of Dao. As long as you can defeat this king, this king will not pester you anymore, otherwise...even if you enter the Palace of Three Lives, I will chase after you. "

Heart Ape Saint Buddha said with an arrogant face, completely unreasonable.

Most importantly, he is still so righteous.

While Fang Yi was speechless, he also felt a little funny, just like facing a naughty monkey.

Be angry!Not really, just quite speechless.

"Forget it! Even if you want to fight, then I will help you, but you can't just fight for nothing." Fang Yi pondered for a while, and said.

"How are you doing?" Upon hearing this, Saint Buddha Heart Ape's scarlet eyes brightened.

"Simple! If I lose, the place in the Palace of Three Lives belongs to you, but if you lose? You can't let me fight for nothing, right?" Fang Yi replied.

"Impossible! I won't lose." Heart Ape Saint Buddha said angrily, "If you really lose, I will let you handle it."

As if he was afraid that Fang Yi would not fight, he hastily added another sentence.

"It's easy to say! I don't want your life, but if you lose, you must obey my orders, let's say 1 years! How about it?"

1 years is not too long for a cultivator.

If it is compared with a quota in the Three Lives Hall, it is even less worth mentioning. I am afraid that many people will agree without hesitation.

Heart Ape Saint Buddha is no exception. He didn't even think about it, so he replied: "Okay! Just as you said."

"If I lose, I will listen to your orders for 1 years from now on."


(End of this chapter)

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