Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3507 The Gap

Chapter 3507 The Gap


As soon as the heart ape saint Buddha's words fell, the aura around him erupted instantly, and the demonic aura soared to the sky.

Although he joined the Buddhist sect, he is still a demon clan. Instead of restraining himself, his demonic aura is getting stronger and stronger, like a generation of peerless demon kings.

I saw him punching out angrily, and the terrifying breath was like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Go forward.

It has to be said that there is no one under the prestige, and the Saint Buddha of Heart Ape is extremely amazing. Although he has suppressed his cultivation base at the third level of the Dao, his strength cannot be underestimated, far exceeding the general third level of the Dao.

But unfortunately, Fang Yi is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

No matter how powerful he is, how could he be Fang Yi's opponent.

Not to mention Fang Yi's three avenues, each one is extremely powerful, and his physical body alone is unmatched.

Compared with his physical strength, Xinyuan Shengfo is undoubtedly courting death.

Therefore, seeing this terrifying punch, Fang Yi did not retreat at all, but stepped forward fiercely.

boom! !

Suddenly, it seemed as if something heavy fell to the ground above the nine heavens, causing the whole world to tremble. The terrifying air wave centered on Fang Yi, overflowing in all directions, like a roaring giant wave, flattening everything.

Rao is the heart ape and the holy Buddha, and his body can't help but stagnate.

Although it is only for a moment, it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

However, when the strong fight, everything has been decided in an instant. Fang Yi has already punched out a punch in this instant.

Everything, under this terrifying combination, seems so insignificant.

They all perished.


Heart Ape Saint Buddha obviously also realized the overbearing punch, his face changed drastically, but he seemed a little unwilling to give up, so he went to meet him head-on.

If he just avoided it, maybe he wouldn't be defeated so quickly.

but now……

boom! !

A heavy muffled sound came, which only made the world tremble, and the void was turbulent.

Terrifying shock waves swept all directions, and even the body of the Heart Ape Saint Buddha flew out directly.

It has to be said that the Holy Buddha of Heart Ape is still extremely powerful. Although he received a blow from the front, he didn't seem to be seriously ill, but was sent flying a long way, and his face became extremely pale.

However, this paleness is not due to being traumatized, but because of being shocked.

Perhaps he never dreamed that with just one blow, he would be blown away by the opponent.

For him who has always been arrogant and unmatched by anyone, this is a blow that can be imagined.

"Okay! Very good! This king has underestimated you. You really have some skills, so let's have a good time." The scarlet eyes of Saint Buddha Heart Ape brightened, and a strong fighting spirit erupted, as if he was going to fight against you. Fang Yi swallowed it raw.

There was a flash of light in his hand, and a golden stick appeared out of thin air. He swung the stick and smashed it directly at Fang Yi.

Boom! !

When the stick came down, a terrifying breath gushed out, and the whole world seemed to be suppressed with him.

Numerous shadows of sticks in the void fused together, turning into a giant column that shook the sky, and fell down with a bang.

The space collapsed in an instant, and everything sank.

If this stick is hit, I'm afraid that everyone will be turned into meat paste, bloody and bloody.

Fang Yi was also a little startled, this stick fit the power to the extreme, it can't be said that it is not strong, but unfortunately, for Fang Yi who has comprehended the way of strength, it is too child's play.

That terrifying blow, in his opinion, was not worth mentioning.

"that's all?"

Hearing Fang Yi's chuckle, as his mind turned, a ripple rippled around him in an instant, the rules of force surged, and the power contained in that terrifying stick seemed to disappear inexplicably.

That stick also became mediocre.

"how is this possible?"

Heart Ape Saint Buddha obviously noticed something strange, his face changed drastically, and his pupils were horrified.

Perhaps he has never encountered such a strange scene.

The method he is most proud of, facing the opponent, is like a fire stick, vulnerable to a single blow, how dare he believe it.

Under normal circumstances, those who are stronger than him will either use force to suppress him, or use great magical powers to defuse the blow.

And such a weird method, just disappeared without a sound, but it has never happened before.

How could he not be surprised.


He yelled for a while, scratched his face and scratched his head, seemed to be out of breath, swung the bright golden stick and slammed it towards Fang Yi again.

Whoohoo! !

Countless shadows of sticks enveloped the sky and the earth, as if they wanted to smash Fang Yi into a meat paste.

But unfortunately, this is not worth mentioning in Fang Yi's eyes. He just laughed lightly and said, "Why? This is all you can do? If that's the case, then you are still far behind."

While speaking, Fang Yi's eyes also sank slightly.

At the same time, he stretched out his palm, and the surging law of force spewed out instantly, and the countless shadows of the sticks were also annihilated, like a stone sinking into the sea, without even stirring up half of the waves.

"The king is also angry!"

Heart Ape Saint Buddha was furious, he snarled, and golden light shot out from his body.

A huge phantom of Buddha also condensed behind him.

And the surging divine power around him also indicated that he had already forgotten what he said, and he had already forgotten about suppressing his cultivation in the third level of the Dao.

The surging divine power of the fivefold avenue is like a vast ocean.

If this is replaced by other Dao triples, I am afraid that they will not be able to compete at all. However, Fang Yi is naturally an exception.

Just kidding, if it weren't for this, how could he accept the other party's challenge.

A mere heart ape holy Buddha is not seen by him at all.

It's the same even if the opponent has reached the fifth level of the great way. Although Fang Yi only has the third level of the great way, the three great ways he has condensed, one is more domineering than the other, and the other is more powerful than the other, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

Heart Ape Saint Buddha is no exception.

At this moment, the terrifying divine power around it was like a torrent of torrents, but it still couldn't do anything to Fang Yi.

The way of strength covers all directions, and the huge world is completely under Fang Yi's control.

The power of the water is continuous, and waves of impact, the huge world completely collapsed and turned into an endless nothingness, and the Holy Buddha of Heart Ape became more and more violent.

It's just a pity that no matter what he does, he can only fight against Fang Yi at best.

However, Fang Yi did not try his best.

"that's all?"

Fang Yi grinned, "Then, now it's my turn."

While speaking, there was the sound of dragons chanting in Fang Yi's body, and a series of regular dragons representing the rules of force roared out. Nine dragons wrapped around his body, making Fang Yi look like a Kowloon Emperor.

The surrounding space moves with him, and every movement of his seems to be able to trigger the general trend of the world.

Everything revolves around him.

At this moment, it was as if he was the master of this world.

And the Heart Ape Saint Buddha, under the terrifying law of power, is like a light boat floating in the ocean.

Struggling desperately, trying to get rid of that terrifying law of force.

But unfortunately, everything was in vain. In the end, with a loud noise, his huge figure flew upside down, like a fired shell.


(End of this chapter)

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