Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3511 Snow Fox

Chapter 3511 Snow Fox

Compared with other people, Fang Yi's behavior is undoubtedly a bit weird and out of gregarious.

The eyes of the crowd could not help sweeping over.

Fortunately, he is not alone. The Heart Ape Saint Buddha is at his side, following his footsteps step by step, looking around from time to time, as if browsing the scenery.

In addition, the same is true for the little monk Liaoyuan.

There are also a few other people, although they don't kneel three times and kowtow nine times, they don't forget to kneel and bow every time they pass by the phantoms of the Buddha on both sides of the Dharma Avenue.

Fang Yi didn't bother to take a look.

The left and right are nothing but dragon pools and tiger dens, since that's the case, it's better to see what's going on as soon as possible.

If you can get the three major scriptures, it is also worthwhile.

"Damn! What a weird energy."

At this moment, Saint Buddha Heart Ape suddenly yelled and cursed, and his pace became much slower.


Hearing his words, Fang Yi couldn't help but startled, where did the strange energy come from?Why didn't I feel it?

Subconsciously, Fang Yi couldn't help looking at the Holy Buddha of the Heart Ape, and at the same time, the Holy Buddha of the Heart Ape also looked at him, with a hint of incredulity in his eyes, as if he was saying: Why have you no influence?Is your strength so strong?

At this moment, the Holy Buddha of Heart Ape thought that Fang Yi was hiding his strength, and he didn't do his best when he fought against him before.

However, he didn't know that Fang Yi didn't sense any resistance.

In his eyes, this so-called Great Way of Dharma seems to be no different from ordinary steps.

Looking at Yuan Xiaosha Mi again, the speed has not slowed down at all.

Even faster and faster.

But looking back, many people have already stopped, it seems that they have reached a certain limit.


What a weird way of Buddhism!

Fang Yi thought secretly, speculating in his heart, could it be that the Dao of Buddhism has different situations for each person, so that other people can't even notice it?

Right!Otherwise, how can this great way of Buddhism know everyone's potential?

So... where is your potential?

Why didn't a trace of resistance be sensed?

Fang Yi was a little curious and eager to move, so he didn't bother to pay attention to what was behind him immediately, and continued to walk away step by step.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, no more, no less.

With Fang Yi's speed, he soon approached the peak.

Little novice Liaoyuan was even ahead of him.

As for him, only Chan Master Wuyu was left, but the latter's speed had obviously slowed down, and every step became extremely difficult.

His forehead was already covered with drops of sweat.


Could it be that some resistance appeared suddenly?Instead of slowly increasing?

Because so far, Fang Yi still hasn't sensed any resistance. There is nothing special about this so-called step, at least compared to him.

Or is it because the monks of Daleiyin Temple are deliberately pouring water on themselves?Waiting for your own self-inflicted snare?

No matter!It's all here, even if Fang Yi throws himself into the trap, there is no reason to retreat.

Immediately, he moved on.

Ahead, the figure of little novice Liaoyuan disappeared into the bright Buddha light, as if he had entered the Great Leiyin Temple.

"Look! As expected of the Tianjiao who can induce the three Buddhas to appear, he entered the Daleiyin Temple and reached the peak so easily. Doesn't this mean that his future is limitless?"

"Nonsense, needless to say, being able to make the three great Buddhas appear has already explained everything."

"Tsk tsk! It's really enviable, and that son of ten thousand Buddhas is about to climb to the top. Sure enough, there are no worthless people under his fame."


Under the steps, the crowd was full of envy. For them, being able to climb the steps was already a supreme honor.

And being able to climb to the top means that in the future, each of these people will be a peerless person who needs to pay homage to Mount Misu.

If such a person stomps his feet, the whole Misu Mountain will tremble three times.

And just today, they witnessed the birth of such a character, and there were two of them at once.

How could they not be surprised.

Fang Yi naturally didn't understand this, and his eyes followed Yuan Xiaosha closely, trying to catch up with him.

But then, he was surprised to find that he didn't know whether it was the strangeness of this Buddhist avenue or the extraordinaryness of little novice monk Liaoyuan. There was always a certain distance between the two. Until now, little novice monk Liaoyuan disappeared. .

When he reached the peak, there was only a magnificent Buddhist temple in front of him.

On the plaque in the middle of the Buddhist hall, there are three big characters that seem to contain some kind of heaven and earth truth, "Three Lives Hall"

This is the Sansheng Temple?

Could it be that since I won the top three places, I didn't encounter any resistance and came directly to the Hall of Three Lives?

Not right either!Zen Master Wuyu seems to have also been resisted?

do not care!

In such a situation, it would be futile to think too much.

Originally, they came here for the Palace of Three Lives, but at this moment, the Palace of Three Lives is right in front of them, there is absolutely no reason why they should pass through the door and not enter.

Immediately, Fang Yi took a big step and walked directly towards the Sansheng Hall.

The door with the bright sword light is wide open, as if it is the last hurdle leading to the kingdom of heaven. After passing this hurdle, you will be in the world of bliss.

It is indeed so similar.

There is a bright golden space in front of you, with countless Sanskrit words circulating, outlining those golden lights like a slightly rippling golden ocean.

In the golden ocean, countless Sanskrit words poured in, turning into a huge wave of information and rushing towards Fang Yi.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in front of Fang Yi's eyes.

In the picture, he dressed up as a scholar, and rescued a snow fox under a icy glacier. The snow fox was as white as the white snow.

Looking at the scholar with bright and agile eyes, full of hearts.

"Little guy, don't be so naughty in the future!"

said the scholar.

After bandaging Xuehu's wound, the scholar let Xuehu back.

The snow fox turned around in three steps, and finally disappeared into the white snow.

The pictures flowed, and I don't know how many years later, the scholar was chasing by a pack of wolves on his way to Beijing to rush for the exam, and ran around in the jungle in a panic.

But he is a scholar, how can he win the pack of wolves.

As soon as he was about to be buried in the belly of the wolf, suddenly, a snow-white figure fell from the sky, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens, driving back the pack of wolves.

When the snow-white figure turned around, it was suddenly an extremely familiar face, Ji Wuxian.

It's just that compared to Ji Wuxian, this face is more lively and kind.

It should be said that it is closer to Ji Wumeng.

The picture flowed again, the scholar and the snow-white figure were already living together happily, but suddenly one day, a group of Taoist priests came, claiming that the snow-white figure was a snow fox who had practiced for thousands of years.

After a great battle, Xuehu revealed his true body and fell into a pool of blood.

The scholar cried bitterly and was distraught.

He recognized Xuehu, hugged Xuehu and his wife, and stepped into the distance.

In the end, he came to a temple, knelt down in front of the Buddha and swore that he would exchange three lives for his wife's life. He knelt for an unknown number of years, until the scholar fell down slowly, without any life left.

But the snow fox under his feet slowly opened its eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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