Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3512

Chapter 3512

The story is very old-fashioned, and the picture finally freezes as the snow fox wakes up.

However, Fang Yi felt a little inexplicable.

Because there was an inexplicable message telling him that this was his previous life, and that snow fox was Ji Wuxian's previous life.

For that snow fox, he must dedicate his three lives.

From then on, he converted to Buddhism.

This feeling is very strange, as if there is a trace of irresistible force in the dark, which cannot allow him to refute.

Is it the power of cause and effect?Is this the karma between myself and Buddhism?

It is precisely because of this that the strong men of the Great Leiyin Temple did not attack him, and this road of Buddhism is also extremely smooth, because the Buddha is waiting for his choice?

Is that right?

At this moment, Fang Yi felt a little confused. He even felt a trace of force of cause and effect entangled himself, unable to break free.

It was like a huge vortex, pulling him into it.

He resisted instinctively, but he seemed a little powerless, and he was a little bit trapped in it.

And at this time, the screen also flowed again.

He became a famous general of the empire. He was invincible on the battlefield and made great military exploits for the empire. He also made the hostile countries retreat day by day, so he had to surrender and sent the princess to marry him.

The pictures flowed very quickly, and the pro-marriage team came all the way.

As the envoy to welcome the marriage team, the general had already seen the princess at the border, and the two just glanced at each other lightly, as if they were destined in the dark.

After that, it was the pursuit of the millions of troops from the two countries.

The general led the princess and ran all the way, blood staining thousands of miles.

However, there were too many enemies, the general was exhausted, and finally fell in front of a temple.

The temple was besieged by millions of troops. Inside the temple, the princess hugged the lifeless general, crying uncontrollably, and begged the Buddha, willing to exchange her three lives for the life of the general.

The princess fell.

The general also slowly opened his eyes. He questioned the Buddha, and the Buddha said: "This is your cause and effect. You exchanged three lives for her life, and she will pay you back now. The cycle of cause and effect will never end."

"The only way to be liberated is to take refuge in Buddhism and not be burdened by cause and effect."

From then on, there was no more famous general in the world, but there was one more monk in the temple.

This is my next life?

The story is also very old-fashioned, but it seems to be able to touch people's hearts. Watching the princess fall, Fang Yi's heart actually felt an inexplicable throbbing pain.

I reached out to grab it, but couldn't catch anything.

Although he knew that what was in front of him was just an image, but to him, it was the past and present of him and Ji Wuxian.

The mercy of fate left him with an indescribable sense of powerlessness.

The phantoms of Buddhas condensed and waved to him.

Unconsciously, Fang Yi stepped slowly towards the phantoms of the Buddha.

His expression became more and more blurred.

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to step into the dazzling kingdom formed by countless Buddhas in front of him, suddenly, his face changed, and the three-color celestial baby trembled inexplicably.

And Fang Yi also seemed to wake up from a dream, and the light in his eyes was instantly transparent.

What a weird energy!


Although Fang Yi hadn't figured out what was going on, there was no doubt that he almost lost his mind just now, which was absolutely unforgivable to him.

His cultivation has reached his level, and he seems to have great attainments in the soul, but he almost fell into the Tao.

This weird energy can be imagined.

The countless phantoms of the Buddha were also obviously startled at this moment, as if they did not expect that Fang Yi had recovered his mind, and his face sank.

Immediately, the Buddhas all over the sky gathered into a huge golden Buddha.

The golden Buddha occupies the entire sky, like a real god, ruling the world.


The golden Buddha shot out suddenly, and the huge golden Buddha's palm pressed directly towards Fang Yi. Suddenly, above the Buddha's palm, a huge golden vortex condensed, as if it could swallow everything. Fang Yi only felt that his soul was out of control, and he was desperately withdraw into it.

What's even more incredible is that he was unable to resist at all.

Is it the power of cause and effect?

so powerful?

At this moment, Fang Yi's complexion changed drastically, and an unprecedented sense of crisis rose from his heart.

really!He was still too reckless, too confident, and underestimated Da Leiyin Temple. Perhaps, he did not underestimate Da Leiyin Temple, but Da Leiyin Temple far exceeded his expectations.

This weird energy actually made him feel extremely small.

It's like a light boat floating in the surging ocean.

Is it going to be explained here today?

Yun Xiao was full of unwillingness, just when he was about to fight for his life, suddenly, there was a turmoil in the void, and another vortex began to condense, and expanded at an extremely fast speed, resisting the golden vortex.

Fang Yi also suddenly felt the pressure drop sharply.

Hastily broke free.

"evil creature!"

The golden Buddha was furious and tried to swallow Fang Yi again, but unfortunately, another vortex became more and more terrifying, and blue runes circulated in it, covering the golden vortex in a blink of an eye.

And from the blue rune, a thin figure also stepped forward.

Suddenly it was the little novice novice.

How can it be?

The golden Buddha's face changed drastically, as if he hadn't expected Yuan to be so domineering. Countless blue runes flowed in that huge vortex, like a huge blue hole, swallowing everything.

Even the golden vortex felt like it was about to collapse under this force.

And Fang Yi, at the moment, is also full of disbelief.

How could Liao Yuan be so powerful?

Do not!

Not too possible.

Subconsciously, Fang Yi shook his head. He had come all the way, and he had some understanding of Liao Yuan, and there was obviously a huge gap between him and Liao Yuan in front of him, but his breath and temperament were completely different.

"who are you?"

At this moment, the golden Buddha also snarled and asked, how can there be any appearance of a Buddhist monk, some are just angry from embarrassment.

However, Liao Yuan didn't intend to answer in the slightest.

Just push it.

The terrifying blue hole suddenly slammed into the golden Buddha's palm with monstrous power.

The golden Buddha's pupils changed drastically, and his face was full of anger, and he also went forward with all his strength.

Boom! !

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, the golden vortex was instantly swallowed up, the huge golden Buddha was also blown away, and the blue hole also became invisible and disappeared.

Disappearing together with them were the figures of little novice Yuan and Fang Yi.

It was as if the two had never appeared before.

As for the golden Buddha, the disbelief on his face became more intense at this moment, and he was extremely shocked, as if he had seen a ghost.

"how is this possible?"

He stared blankly at the void, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Nie Yi! No matter who you are, I will definitely catch you. If you come to Daleiyin Temple, I will never leave."

The corner of the golden Buddha's mouth raised a hideous look, like an evil ghost from hell.


(End of this chapter)

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