Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3530

Chapter 3530

It seems that there is really only a hard way!

Fang Yi was ready to go all out.

No way, he has no choice under the current situation, except to keep hiding until Zen Master Wuyu leaves Daleiyin Temple, but that will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

It is not uncommon for a cultivator like this to practice for thousands or even ten thousand years.

If that's the case, it wouldn't drive Fang Yi crazy.

This is still a trivial matter, aside from these, he has to be careful during this period, if he is not noticed by Da Leiyin Temple, he will be completely finished.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to stay. can only force your way through.

Fang Yi put his mind to the side, he already had a calculation in his heart.

"Master Wuyu, someone is asking to see you outside." Just as Fang Yi had made up his mind, a voice came from outside the door.


Zen Master Wuyu seemed a little impatient. He had not had time to comprehend the six-character Buddhist beads and the human-killing stele from the Sansheng Temple, because he had been comprehending the six-character Buddhist beads in the area of ​​Daleiyin Temple for the past few days. , Just now he had some experience, but someone came to visit him, which naturally made him very upset.

However, this place is within the scope of Daleiyin Temple after all, and there are countless Buddhist eminent monks, so he naturally dare not trust it.

"Master Hui is the Moonless Sage Monk of the Golden Dragon Temple."

The person outside said.


Golden Dragon Temple?Moonless Saint Monk?

During this period of time, the reputation of Jinlong Temple has already started. Just kidding, all three places have entered Daleiyin Temple, and two of them are ranked first and second. If Zen Master Wuyu doesn't know about it, he is too ignorant.

In fact, he not only knew, but even had a detailed understanding of the two of them. After all, they were the two who were pressing on him, how could he not pay attention.

While paying attention to the two of them, he naturally understood a little bit about the Moonless Saint Monk.

After all, on the surface, Sacred Monk Wu Yue and Sacred Monk Fengyue are brothers of the same school, and the relationship between the two has always been good. While getting to know him, he also learned a little about the rumors about Sacred Monk Wu Yue.

"Six-character Buddha beads!"

He muttered in his mouth, it is rumored that the holy monk Wuyue is the one who comprehended the six-character Buddhist beads.

Just as I got the six-character Buddha beads, the other party came to my door, could it be... What did the other party sense?Is it for proof?

A strange thought flashed through Zen Master Wuyu's mind.

But soon, his eyes became a little sinister.

"Ask him to enter the hall, and I will be there soon."

After pondering for a while, Zen Master Wuyu replied.


The people outside the door obeyed and retreated.

In the Water God Temple, Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned, why did the Moonless Saint Monk come?This was somewhat beyond his expectations.

However, this might be an opportunity to escape with the help of the pair.

It's just... Although the strength of Wuyue Saint Monk is good, he is still far behind Wuyu Chan Master. If he really wants to make a move, it doesn't matter if he has the other party's help.

I can only walk and watch.

In the main hall, the holy monk Wuyue looked a little anxious, with a gloomy face on his face.

Naturally, he and Zen Master Wuyu have nothing to do with each other. The former is the arrogance of Daleiyin Temple, while he is just an ordinary monk in a small area of ​​Jinlong Temple.

But, no matter what, he still wanted to do his best for some things, even if there was no result in the end, it would not be in vain that the other party had saved his life. Moreover, they came from the same place, and in this vast Three Realms, they could meet the same The local people are so precious.

"I have seen Zen Master Wuyu!"

At this time, Chan Master Wuyu came slowly outside the door, and the holy monk Wuyue quickly got up and bowed to the latter.

No matter in terms of cultivation level or status, Sage Wuyue is undoubtedly much worse than Chan Master Wuyue. Chan Master Wuyu gladly accepted this gift, and looked at Sage Wuyue with the eyes of a superior.

"You are the Moonless Sage Monk from Jinlong Temple? The reputation of Jinlong Temple is really well-deserved."

Zen Master Wuyu said politely.

"The Chan Master is over-rewarded. The Golden Dragon Temple is just an insignificant small temple. This time it is pure luck." The Moonless Monk also greeted.

"Don't be too modest. The so-called luck never favors the unprepared. This time Jinlong Temple is really impressive." Zen Master Wuyu couldn't help shrinking his eyes slightly while talking.

Suddenly, the Moonless Saint Monk felt a faint coercion coming from his soul.

what happened?

He couldn't help but change his face. Before he said anything, the other party shot directly?There is no grievance or enmity between yourself and the other party, what is this?

Probing?Because Jinlong Temple's results are too dazzling, so the other party wants to test his own strength?

The holy monk Wuyue is also a proud person. Although he is not as good as the other party, he will naturally not back down. He also releases coercion to contend with the other party, saying in his mouth: "The reason why the monk asked to see Zen Master Wuyu this time is to ask , Has Zen Master ever met the younger monk’s younger brother in the Hall of Three Lives?”

yes!He was about to leave Xiaoleiyin Temple soon, and before leaving, the monk Wuyue wanted to inquire about Fang Yi one last time.

If there is no more news, then he can only leave. There is no way. Facing the Great Leiyin Temple, what he can do is really limited. This is also the last hope, because only the top three entered the Temple of Three Lives, So he wanted to learn something from Zen Master Wuyu.

"It turned out to be this matter!"

Zen Master Wuyu acted like he had suddenly realized, but in fact, he was also full of curiosity about this matter.

The two who were pressing down on him did not walk out of the Palace of Three Lives, this was something he did not expect either.

However, he is obviously not interested in this at the moment, and said in his mouth: "I'm sorry, the hall of three lives is extremely magical, everyone probably enters a different space, and this monk has never seen them."

"Speaking of which, this monk is really looking forward to meeting them."

Zen Master Wuyu's eyes were full of sharp light.

He, who has always been proud and arrogant, is undoubtedly unacceptable to be crushed by two people. If there is a chance to meet them, he is really ready to move.

Of course, these are not important at the moment, what is important is the other party.

As he spoke, the coercion became more and more majestic.

The Moonless Saint Monk was obviously overwhelmed, his forehead was already dripping with sweat, and his face became a little pale.

He suddenly understood that the reason why the other party was like this was because he was afraid that he would vent all the unhappiness of the other party Yi and the other party on his own head.

This also aroused the arrogance in his heart even more, and the surging Buddha power surged out instantly to resist the coercion.

really!It is the breath of the six-character Buddha beads!

Sensing this Buddha power, Zen Master Wuyu not only didn't feel angry at all, but his eyes brightened because he clearly sensed the breath of the six-character Buddha beads.

If it was before, he might not be able to sense it, but after understanding the six-character Buddha beads, it will be completely different.

Suddenly, there was a hint of greed in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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