Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3531 Insidious

Chapter 3531 Insidious

"The Golden Dragon Temple really lives up to its reputation, it's really impressive."

The Holy Monk Wuyue just felt that it was too much to bear, and the enormous coercion was pressed down like mountains. Fortunately, the next moment, that coercion disappeared, and along with it, the words of Chan Master Wuyu also sounded.

"Sacred Monk Wuyue, please don't be surprised. I just heard the name of Jinlong Temple for a long time, so I offended him on a whim!"

Zen Master Wuyu said with a smile, looking harmless to humans and animals.

That appearance really seemed to be a curiosity for a while.

The Monk Wuyue was also expressionless, and he didn't know if he believed it, but he just said in his mouth: "The Zen Master was joking, Jinlong Temple is just a remote small temple, and the little monk is far different from the Zen Master..."

"Ah! Do not humble yourself."

Before the holy monk Wuyue could speak, Chan Master Wuyu waved his hands quickly, with a peaceful expression on his face.

"You and I will be brothers in the same sect from now on. As a member of the Great Leiyin Temple, although it is not too public, there is no need to be too humble."

"Here is a string of Buddhist beads, which is my portable Buddhist vessel. It is of no great use now, so I will give it to Junior Brother Wuyue as an apology for the abruptness just now!"

Saying that, Zen Master Wuyu took out a string of Buddhist beads, with a kind smile of an elder on his face.


The holy monk Wuyue was undoubtedly startled, and looked at Zen Master Wuyu in disbelief.

The other party's portable Buddhist artifact?

Who is the other party?The well-known Zen Master Wuyu was admitted into the temple congregation by Daleiyin Temple since he was a child, and his Dharma reaches heaven, and he is a figure like a genius in the entire Misu Mountain. Such a figure, his portable Buddhist vessels can be imagined.

But, at this moment, the other party actually gave such a Buddhist vessel to a stranger like himself.

How could this not surprise the Moonless Saint Monk?I even thought I heard it wrong.

However, Zen Master Wuyu had already replaced the Buddha beads, and said: "Junior Brother Wuyue, you don't need to be polite, and it's not a big deal. You two have known each other for a long time, so you may still walk around in the future."

Seeing the other party's sincere expression, the Moonless Saint Monk didn't know what to do for a while.

catch?He always felt that something was wrong to receive such a great favor so inexplicably.

Not answering, it seems a little ignorant of flattery.

"Senior Brother Wuyu is too polite. I came here this time to inquire about my brother's whereabouts, but now..." Saint Monk Wuyue showed an embarrassing expression.

Chan Master Wuyu didn't care about it, and said: "You don't need to refuse, I sincerely teach you this friend, could it be that Wuyue Junior Brother looks down on Senior Brother?"

As soon as these words came out, the Moonless Saint Monk couldn't shirk anymore.

Hastily said: "Senior brother Wuyu has broken the little monk, the little monk is overwhelmed by flattery, I can't ask for it."

Immediately, he took the beads.

As soon as the Buddha beads were in his hands, a vast amount of Buddha power came, which made the Moonless Monk's eyes flicker with astonishment. It really wasn't an ordinary thing. Once he started using it, he could feel the extraordinaryness of the Buddha beads.

Seeing him accepting the Buddhist beads, Zen Master Wuyu also looked relieved, laughed and said: "That's right! You and I are brothers in the same school, and we should take care of each other in the future."

"As for you being a junior, you will naturally be my junior in the future. Don't worry, I will help find out his whereabouts. Speaking of which, maybe he has already entered the Great Leiyin Temple before us."

Zen Master Wuyu seemed to be in a good mood.

The Monk Wuyue also couldn't help but nodded. He naturally hoped that Fang Yi would be fine, but he was left here by Daleiyin Temple because of his good performance.

And in the current situation, he can only think so.

Other than that, there is no other way.

What a cunning bald ass!

In the Water God Temple, Fang Yi witnessed all this. At first, he was stupefied. It was not until the monk Wuyue revealed the breath of the six-character Buddhist beads, the change of Zen Master Wuyu, and the last string of Buddhist beads that Fang Yi suddenly realized. .

What a gift, it's simply not kind.

The string of Buddhist beads was left with a special mark, and Chan Master Wuyu could always sense the location of the Moonless Sage.

In other words, this guy simply wanted to control the whereabouts of the Moonless Sage through this string of Buddhist beads.

The purpose is self-evident.

It is simply for the six-character beads.

It's a pity that the holy monk without moon still doesn't know that he has been plotted against by others. Once he is left alone, what is waiting for him is afraid...

But... this is not necessarily bad news for Fang Yi.

It is obvious that Zen Master Wuyu has such behavior because he wants to attack Wuyue Shengzun, and Wuyue Shengzun is about to leave. In order to keep track of the other party's whereabouts, he did not hesitate to send out Buddhist beads.

This has already been made clear, he wants to follow the other party out together, but wait for the opportunity to make a move.

At that time, I was able to leave the range of the Great Leiyin Temple.

So... this is not bad news. On the contrary, it is good news. At least don't take risks and force your way in. Just kidding, this is the Great Leiyin Temple. Once you force your way in, there is a [-]% chance of failure.

If he hadn't been forced to, he wouldn't have such an idea at all.

It's all right now, everything is fine.

It can be regarded as a bright future.

It can be said that the moonless monk has done himself a big favor.


After the Holy Monk Wuyue left, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of Zen Master Wuyu's mouth, like a ghost from hell, and he murmured: "Just because of you, even a little monk is worthy of having the six-character Buddha beads." ?”

Things are as expected.

The disciples of the Buddhas in the major temples have all left one after another, and Jinlong Temple is no exception. Master Huikong and others led the moonless monk to leave in a mighty way. For Grandmaster, this is enough, enough for Jinlong Temple to shine.

He could even imagine what a beautiful scene it would be when he returned to Jinlong Temple.

In this way, a group of people left the Little Leiyin Temple and returned to the vast void.

At this moment, there are still countless devout believers worshiping in that void.

Among them, there is a blood-colored figure, his eyes are like a knife, and he is coldly sweeping the Jinlong Temple and his party, and he is Ao Xue.

Ao Xue never left without seeing Fang Yi.

If this wasn't the Great Leiyin Temple, I'm afraid he would have already rushed in to find out, but unfortunately...

But at this moment, when the group left, he still came.

The Moonless Sage Monk and the others couldn't help but turn their heads to look at the radiant Buddha Kingdom in their palms, their eyes full of helplessness, and even a hint of apology.

That was obviously Fang Yi's apology, because he had not been able to find out Fang Yi's whereabouts.

Leaving like this always made him feel a little uneasy.

But here, he can't do anything at all, which is why he seems so entangled.


He muttered in his mouth, finally sighed, raised his head and looked into the distance, and then slowly disappeared from sight with Jinlong Temple and his party.

It's just that he didn't know that, just as he was not far away, another figure followed.


(End of this chapter)

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