Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3570 Dragon Clan Crisis

Chapter 3570 Dragon Clan Crisis

With the strength of Blood Sea, there is really no need to collude with other forces.

However, as the Blood Emperor of Beiming said, if someone wants to trouble the Dragon Clan, he will naturally not stop him. One more person will make less effort, so he is not so kind.

Moreover, being able to see the dragon clan being besieged is undoubtedly what he would like to see.

As for what happens after defeating the Dragon Clan, that's another matter.

Everything, wait until it is defeated.

"Good! Very good!"

The Great Elder of the Dragon Clan was also furious at this moment, as if sparks were about to burst out from his eyes, and the huge dragon claws also went away, covering the world.

All around, the sound of endless killing and shouting also followed.

The strong man from the sea of ​​blood, the people from Taixu Fairyland, the Tongtian Temple, the Earth Temple, and some small forces in the surrounding areas who have fallen into trouble, they were killed to watch the excitement. Seeing such a situation at this moment, they can no longer hold back.

All of them are gearing up.

The so-called wall falls and everyone pushes it down, which is probably the case.

The whole scene was completely thrown into chaos.

And in a certain void thousands of miles away, a faint ripple suddenly came, accompanied by two gusts of aura, and two bright figures.

"This is Longyu?"

In one of them, the pupils suddenly lit up, flashing an incredible light.

There is also a long-lost joy, like a wanderer returning home, and that figure is none other than Ao Xue.

Needless to say, the other figure was Fang Yi.

"Not bad! This is Longyu."

Fang Yi smiled, nodded and replied, he took control of the Dragon Palace, making it extremely easy for him to travel through the mountains, because the Dragon Palace is connected to all the mountains, and all the exits are in his senses, as long as he wants, he can walk through them at any time. Enter.

And the exit of Dragon Palace in Canghai is Longyu.

The reason why he came to Canghai was naturally because the two major scriptures had already been obtained, and secondly, he was also avoiding the pursuit of Daleiyin Temple. Kunlun Canghai had complicated forces, and other forces did not dare to act recklessly.

Of course, if Fang Yi just finds a random corner to hide, such as Tianshan Mountain, I believe that Daleiyin Temple will not be found either.

And even if he finds it, he can escape at any time.

But, that's obviously a lot of his style.

The strength has reached such a level that Fang Yi has no scruples, and only in Kunlun Canghai, a place where strong people gather, can help him improve faster.

So, he came to Canghai.

Of course, because of Ao Xue's concern about the Dragon Clan, Ao Xue's identity has been exposed, and the major forces may attack the Dragon Clan, so...

"You have completely controlled Dragon Palace?" Ao Xue's eyes were deep, and he took a deep look at Fang Yi.

"Still early!"

Fang Yi smiled, "However, you can come in and out at will."

Hearing this, Ao Xue's eyes couldn't help but brighten, there was a faint gleam of longing.

"What? Could it be that you still want to take action against me and take it for yourself?" Fang Yi said with a playful face.

"If I can beat you, do you think I can't?"

Ao Xue was a bachelor, so he said directly.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips, and smiled knowingly. In such a short time, he knew a little about Ao Xue, and he was cold on the outside and warm on the inside.

However, if it is for the Dragon Clan, that child may not be, after all, it is the Dragon Palace.

"After returning, I hope you can help the Dragon Clan, let the Dragon Clan disciples enter the Dragon Palace to explore, and give them a chance to seek their own opportunities."

Although the Dragon Palace has been controlled by Fang Yi, there are many fallen strong inside, and their inherited treasures are all in it, even Fang Yi doesn't know where it is.

And if the dragon disciples are allowed to enter it to explore, it will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for them.

Moreover, it contains a powerful true dragon meaning, which is of great benefit to the dragon clan.

and so……

If someone else made this request, Fang Yi probably would not agree.

Just kidding, Fang Yi himself may not be interested in those inherited treasures, but the Kyushu people will definitely be very interested, how can they be so cheap to other people.

However, thinking of the kindness of the Dragon Clan and the relationship between myself and the Dragon Clan, it seems...


Immediately, Fang Yi nodded.

"Thank you!" Although Ao Xue is not good at words, he is not stupid. He knows what this means to Fang Yi. After taking a deep look at Fang Yi, he quickly thanked him.

"You are not such a mother-in-law, let's go!"

Fang Yi smiled, then strode away.

"No! There is a battle ahead, and the breath is wide and the fluctuations are strong. It is a big battle."

The two of them didn't go far, Fang Yi's eyes sank slightly, and Ao Xue did the same, his whole face turned cold, his eyes were like a knife.

Here in Longyu, although the Dragon Clan has declined, it is still one of the two holy lands of Canghai. No one dares to act presumptuously here, let alone such a big battle, just like the Seven Gods of Canghai.

This means that things are not trivial.

shuttle! !

Ao Xue's body was like electricity, like a bloody thunderbolt, heading towards the source of the sound.

The light in Fang Yi's eyes also became a little deep. The Dragon Clan has been standing here for countless thousands of years, and they have been living in peace. But now, there is a sudden change, and I'm afraid it has nothing to do with him.

The last thing he wanted to see happened, he didn't want to hurt anyone, but in the end...

Boom! !

As the two approached quickly, the fighting sound in front became more and more intense, deafening.

The terrifying energy roared wantonly, destroying everything in the world.

The anger in Ao Xue's heart also became more and more intense, and an endless sense of destruction suddenly erupted from his body. Since following Fang Yi, the meaning of destruction has greatly improved his strength.

For Dragon Palace and his party, the immensity of destruction made him transform even more.

At this moment, he is still undergoing transformation, if he is given a little more time, it will definitely be even more astonishing.


I saw his huge body directly pressing away, covering the entire world, as if the huge world had become his territory, and he was the absolute king of this world.

In the distance, the two sides that were motivating the battle clearly sensed this terrifying aura, and their faces changed dramatically.

"It's boiled blood!"

Someone recognized Ao Xue, and his expression suddenly became uncomplicated and weird.

And Fang Yi and Ao Xue also understood the situation on the field at this moment. On the huge battlefield, there were corpses lying across the field, like a hell on earth. Countless strong men fell in a pool of blood, which was extremely tragic.

Fang Yi is so used to seeing this scene that he doesn't think much of it.

However, Ao Xue is different.

Of course, it's not that Ao Xue has little knowledge, but because many of the powerhouses who fell in the pool of blood are dragon clan powerhouses.

Suddenly, his heart was burning with anger, and the huge dragon claw directly slapped it.


Without any nonsense, a devastating attack immediately went towards the people below.


(End of this chapter)

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