Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3571 Situation

Chapter 3571 Situation

Such a terrifying blow can be imagined.

Ao Xue was no longer the Ao Xue of the day, not to mention that his cultivation had reached the fifth level of the Great Dao, and his strength was even stronger than that of the sixth level of the Great Way. Even the sixth level of the Great Dao would not dare to confront him head-on when he was hit by anger.

What's more, the strong sense of destruction is not something ordinary people can resist.


Down below, on the battlefield, the faces of countless strong men changed drastically, and they retreated violently.

But unfortunately, it was too late. Before they could react, that terrifying blow had already landed. Countless people were suppressed on the spot, leaving no bones left.

Fang Yi naturally would not sympathize with these people.

It's just... the eyes became a little puzzled, because these people's strength is not too strong. With such strength, they dare to think that the Dragon Clan is acting wild?

It seems that the situation of the Dragon Clan may be more serious than imagined.

"Run away! Ao Xue has appeared."

The intruders experienced the strength of Ao Xue, and their faces changed drastically, and they fled in all directions.

Just kidding, this is not a very different fight at all.

In an instant, countless intruders had fallen, and not one out of ten escaped the ascension by chance. This was because Fang Yi was in a hurry to make a move, otherwise, one of them would also be wanted to live.

In the empty battlefield, only corpses were left on the ground, and blood flowed like rivers.

"I've seen Master Ao Xue!"

At this time, a dragon strongman came quickly and saluted Ao Xue, but his expression was extremely complicated.

"What's going on? These people are just small forces on the outskirts of the Dragon Realm, even they dare to provoke the Dragon Clan?" Ao Xue seemed angry.

No wonder, it turns out that these people are just small forces on the edge of the Dragon Realm, and they are usually attached to the Dragon Clan, but now they dare to provoke the Dragon Clan in turn, the anger in Ao Xue's heart can be imagined.

The Dragon Clan's complexion immediately became extremely ugly and ashamed after being treated so harshly.

But no, the Dragon Clan is in decline, and has always maintained its status as the Holy Land of the Canghai. No one dares to underestimate it, but now...

"Going back to Lord Ao Xue because of Sea of ​​Blood, Taixu Wonderland, Tongtian Temple, etc..."

The Dragon Clan did not dare to hide anything, and told the whole story.

It turns out that the dragon clan has been at war with several major forces for some time, and the dragon clan is obviously at the bottom.

Not surprisingly, with so many powerful forces besieging the Dragon Clan, no matter how powerful the Dragon Clan is, it is impossible for them to be opponents.

Seeing this, the small forces around Longyu also wanted to get a piece of the pie, trying to disintegrate the Dragon Clan little by little, so the situation in front of them happened.

"Lord Ao Xue, those people are here for you, now that you show up, I'm afraid..."

Although the Dragon Clan didn't know Fang Yi, he had seen a lot of images, and he was with Ao Xue again, needless to say his identity.

He even looked at Fang Yi with a trace of resentment, but he didn't dare to explode.

Not surprising, because of Fang Yi, the Dragon Clan is what it is today. It is obviously impossible to say that they have no grievances. shot.

Fang Yi naturally understood this, showing a wry smile.

As for Ao Xue, the corners of his mouth twitched violently, seemingly extremely angry.

"Bastard! These people are damned!"

He erupted in anger all over his body, and he was about to leave.

"Wait!" Seeing this, Fang Yi quickly stopped him, turned to look at the Dragon Clan and asked, "Who are here?"


The Dragon Clan was slightly startled when he saw the question, but he quickly replied: "The Blood Emperor of the Northern Darkness of the Blood Sea, and the Golden Spirit War Immortal of the Taixu Wonderland, besides this, many people also came from the Tongtian Temple. There is the Temple of the Earth."

"Then there are some forces around Longyu. They want to take advantage of the fire and rob them, which is an unforgivable crime."

The dragon strong man said fiercely, gnashing his teeth.

These two people again?

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning. The two Dao Qizhong are really unusual, but...

"that's it?"

Ao Xue on the side couldn't bear it anymore, and asked.

Listening to the meaning of his words, it is obviously a little unbelievable, and it is no wonder that although the Golden Spirit War Immortal and the Beiming Blood Emperor are powerful, the Dragon Clan is not an ordinary generation. It has been passed down for countless years. In comparison, it is obviously not enough to challenge the Dragon Clan with just two Dao Qizhong.

It's no wonder that Ao Xue's face is in disbelief.

The same is true for Fang Yi, with doubts in his eyes.

"Master Hui Aoxue, that's all the little ones know. As for whether there are more powerful warriors behind them, the little ones don't know." The Dragon Clan said truthfully.

"Did Lord Dragon Emperor make a move?"

Ao Xue asked again.

"not at all!"

The man shook his head, "From the beginning to the end, only the Great Elder took action, and the Dragon Emperor never appeared."

Hearing this, Ao Xue frowned suddenly, full of doubts.

Fang Yi is similar, but there is a faint guess in his heart. The dragon clan has a long history. I am afraid that the blood sea has never thought about really destroying the dragon clan, because then, the blood sea may not be able to withstand it, even if they really have such strength. After this battle, there will inevitably be heavy losses.

And this is obviously not in the interests of the blood sea. In this sea surrounded by powerful enemies, it is necessary to maintain one's strength, otherwise, one day, other forces may take advantage of it.

Apart from the sea of ​​blood, Taixu Wonderland, Tongtian Temple, and Earth Temple obviously do not have such strength.

It doesn't mean that they are not as good as the Dragon Clan, in fact, they are all the first-class forces in the Three Realms.

But after all, they belonged to outsiders, and the Canghai Seven Gods would never let them do whatever they wanted, and the small team was fine. If a peerless powerhouse appeared, the major forces in Canghai would definitely not agree.

Therefore, they can only play a role in fanning the flames a little.

Otherwise, it is to subdue the surrounding forces, instigate the surrounding small forces, and let them attack the Dragon Clan.

I am afraid that the current situation cannot do without their credit.

And the Dragon Clan didn't make a move with all their strength. Obviously, they also wanted to save more cards. The Dragon Emperor and the ancient Dragon Clans didn't make a move, so the Dragon Clan was still an awe-inspiring Dragon Clan.

If these people took action and the background of the Dragon Clan was exposed to the sun, then the Dragon Clan would no longer be mysterious.

Once the strength of the Dragon Clan is found out, that is the real crisis.

and so……

Ao Xue obviously also understood this point, and he was no longer anxious in his heart. This shows that the two sides are still fighting in secret, and they haven't completely tore each other apart.

And this means that the Dragon Clan will not have any major problems for the time being.

Of course, if there is such a strong person to make a move, only two people may not be able to change anything.

Fortunately, things have not developed to that extent.

Maybe there is still room for relaxation.

pity!Fang Yi underestimated the urgency of these people for him. If he hadn't appeared, there might still be room for maneuver, but if he appeared, several major forces would definitely not let it go.

And as the crowd fled, the news of his appearance spread rapidly.

By then, I'm afraid...


(End of this chapter)

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