Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3574 Crouching Dragon Valley

Chapter 3574 Crouching Dragon Valley

"My lord, the advance troops heading to Crouching Dragon Valley have been wiped out."

A blood clan soldier said tremblingly.


Beiming Blood Emperor's face darkened, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he angrily said: "That old guy Ao Fang made a move?"


The blood clan hurriedly replied, "The great elder of the dragon clan did not see anyone, and even the whole dragon clan was surprisingly calm. They didn't notice anyone rushing to Crouching Dragon Valley. I believe they have given up on those two boys."

"Hmph! Count them as acquainted."

The Blood Emperor of Beiming nodded, "It's a pity, do they think they can ignore it? It's a whimsical idea."

The murderous intent in Beiming Blood Emperor's eyes became fiercer and colder, and he asked again: "What's going on? Who did it?"

Apparently, he didn't believe that only Fang Yi and the two of them could annihilate the advance troops.

He knew the strength of the two of them. Although they were extraordinary, it was not that easy to completely suppress a large team.

All the blood clans accompanying him this time are not weak, even if they are not opponents, it should not be difficult to escape.

and so……

"This! Back to my lord, my subordinates are not very clear about it. At present, I only know that Crouching Dragon Valley is shrouded in a powerful blood energy, which is extremely dangerous. If it is not expected, it is likely to be a murder monument."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, instead of being angry, Beiming Blood Emperor's eyes brightened.

The person-killing monument is what the ancestor Minghe said to leave behind, and it contains one of the most powerful ways of the ancestor Minghe, the way of killing. I am afraid that no one does not desire it, especially for the blood race.

The meaning is even more different.

Similar news spread around the same time.

Crouching Dragon Valley suddenly became the focus.

However, they don't know that the Crouching Dragon Valley at this moment is like a hell on earth, a sea of ​​blood and corpses, and the scene is so tragic that it makes people tremble.

And Fang Yi and Ao Xue, like the gods of death patrolling this space, wantonly harvested all the fresh lives.

Especially Fang Yi, the terrifying murderous aura around him has become so strong that it is outrageous.

The powerful soul of killing gathered behind him like a demon god of heaven and earth.

For some reason, after Misushan and his party, he came into contact with a trace of Shura's way, which made his killing way even more terrifying and unrivaled, as if every kind of transformation had occurred.

I don't know if it's because of the way of yin and yang or something else.

In short, Fang Yi felt that his comprehension and control of Dao had undergone a slight change. This kind of inexplicable way is not clear, but it really existed, and his strength also had a qualitative leap.

Especially massacres on a large scale.

People who are not as strong as him are like nothing in front of him. They are completely crushed, even if there are many people, it will not help. Just like the scene at this moment, all kinds of strong people are as easy as cutting melons and vegetables in his hands.

Ao Xue also obviously sensed that something was wrong, and the way he looked at him became a little different.

Of course, Ao Xue also had a huge improvement.

Not to mention the first level of cultivation breakthrough, the way of destruction has also become more refined, and even the aura of his whole body has changed. The blood-colored ocean that was originally erupted from the aura is now like an abyss, black and bottomless, revealing An air of despair.

Especially in such a battle, the terrifying sense of destruction is almost expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Maybe it won't be long before he can condense the way of destruction.

Of course, this is just a beautiful vision.

It is so simple to gather the way of destruction. At the very least, the power of the rules of destruction obtained by the two is far from enough.

But Fang Yi was not worried about this.

Because he had a vague guess, that is the Abyss of Nine Deaths, how similar it is to the Dragon Palace.

The meaning of destruction may be hidden in it.

Find a chance, and then go in and take a look. Speaking of which, I have been away for a long time, so it is time to go back and take a look.

"Someone is here again!"

On the bloody battlefield, Ao Xue slowly raised his head, his bright eyes shone with a palpitating light.

Compared to before, his expression has calmed down a lot.

Maybe numb.

Not to mention Fang Yi, he couldn't see any fluctuations on his face, he just raised his head slightly and looked at the void in the distance. The terrifying aura rolled over, and then, majestic figures appeared in sight.

They all have bright armor, like a well-trained army.

neat and tidy.

As they moved forward, the majestic aura became one piece, like a violent tsunami, capable of engulfing everything.

Rao Fang Yi couldn't help but change his face at this moment.

What kind of army is this?It actually made him feel palpitations, that every soldier is so amazing.

"It's the army from Taixu Wonderland. I didn't expect them to come to Canghai. Fortunately, there are not many people, otherwise..."

Ao Xue recognized Dajun at a glance, and his eyes sank instantly.

Ao Xue had heard of Taixu Wonderland, which was also a top existence among the nine Kunlun Wonderlands. Now that such a team appeared in his eyes, one can imagine his heart.

Unlike his expression, Fang Yi frowned.

It can be said that he was a little baffled that Taixu Wonderland found him, and I thought I had nothing to do with him.

The result can be...

Moreover, these people are menacing, and they have the meaning of vowing not to give up until they achieve their goals.

Is it really because of that bronze mirror?

What's so special about that bronze mirror?

Fang Yi was puzzled, but there was no time for him to think about it right now, the terrifying army was already approaching.

boom! !

A silver-armored general also followed, his aura was like an abyss, his motion was like a mountain, like a giant of heaven and earth, his eyes like the scorching sun were sweeping across the huge Crouching Dragon Valley.

"Yellow-haired boy, get the hell out of here."

The silver-armored general yelled like thunder, and his loud voice shook the world.

The entire Crouching Dragon Valley seemed to be trembling.

"Hmph! The peak of the fifth level of the Dao? The Golden Spirit and the Battle Immortal haven't come yet? Take this opportunity to take care of them." Ao Xue snorted coldly, his brows full of disdain.

Before Fang Yi could answer, he turned into a giant dragon, roaring upwards, and charged towards the silver-armored general.

Boom! !

Moan! !

The terrifying breath is like a huge wave, wrapped in unparalleled power, causing the world to move.

The silver-armored general obviously didn't expect Ao Xue to attack directly without saying a word, and he was so domineering, and the terrifying aura made his face change.

He has a certain understanding of Ao Xue's strength. In his opinion, it is at most similar to his own, or even worse.

Coupled with the army behind them, it was enough to take down the two of them.

So he came here as soon as he got the news.

But he never thought that the opponent's casual blow would be so domineering, which made him feel a great crisis.

But in this situation, he naturally wouldn't back down.

"Kill them!"

After hearing an order, the terrifying army quickly attacked, and a big battle was staged again.


(End of this chapter)

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