Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3575 Kunlun Magic Mirror

Chapter 3575 Kunlun Magic Mirror

Boom! !

The army was full of arrogance, and the terrifying huge waves were rampant. It is no exaggeration to say that if it were an ordinary person, they would not be able to resist.

The Fairyland of Taixu really deserved its reputation, Fang Yi affirmed this only from this army.

However, Fang Yi naturally wouldn't care.

Although this large army was formidable, he had already set up several large formations around the Crouching Dragon Valley, and with the death monument, it could be said that Crouching Dragon Valley was a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair.

Just kidding, since Fang Yi is determined to make a break with these invading forces, how could Fang Yi be unprepared.

On the other side, Ao Xue couldn't bear to kill him.

The terrifying intent of destruction erupted from his body and spread to the surroundings in an instant, turning this huge area into an endless hell in an instant.

Fortunately, that army is not weak, otherwise, just this breath is enough to destroy their will.


The two collided in an instant, and the world was shaken, as if the end was coming.

It has to be said that Ao Xue is not what it used to be. He is like a berserk behemoth.


The silver-armored general shouted like thunder, and a silver gun appeared, like a ray of shock across the sky, piercing towards Ao Xue.

The terrifying blow pierced through the void directly, exuding a powerful and unparalleled aura.

Seeing that he was about to kill Ao Xue.

The corner of the silver-armored general's mouth could not help but evoke a hint of cruelty, and his cold eyes seemed to have foreseen Ao Xue's end.

However, Ao Xue didn't bother to look at him at all.

Because he has already sensed Fang Yi's aura, and he understands that this space has already been covered by Fang Yi's formation. If the person coming is the seventh level of the Dao, he is really worried, but if it is only the fifth level of the Dao, then...

He didn't even bother to lift his eyelids.

To him, the army in front of him aroused his interest even more.

However, for the silver-armored general, this was undoubtedly a great humiliation. Chi Guoguo's ignorance made his anger erupt, and that shot became more domineering, like a prison.

But unfortunately, just when the shot was about to approach Ao Xue, it suddenly stopped in mid-air.

It was as if it had been locked in place.


The silver-armored general also couldn't help but his face changed greatly, his pupils were filled with horror, obviously he was still a little unclear, so he didn't know what happened, his expression was in a mess.

Moreover, not only the shot, but even his body seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move.

Do not!How could this be?

At this moment, his domineering expression had long since disappeared, replaced by a pale face.

boom! boom! boom!

At the same time, a loud noise followed, it was the sound of footsteps, every time it fell, the world seemed to tremble.

General Yinjia was shocked, and looked at the figure in disbelief, watching Fang Yi stepping slowly.

The terrifying coercion pressed towards him like mountains and seas, which made him feel breathless, as if he was facing a big mountain.

It's just that the other party is clearly at the third level of greatness, how could it be possible...

At this moment, General Yinjia felt a storm in his heart.

His face also became extremely pale.

But to no avail, Fang Yi's figure has already stepped forward, like a peerless emperor walking in the void, the terrifying coercion is not like a Dao triple, it is unbelievable.

"you you……"

General Yinjia pointed at Fang Yi and didn't know what to say.

The silver spear in his hand trembled slightly.

However, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to him. When he stepped out of the room, a giant palm of fear directly pressed over him, and unparalleled energy erupted out, covering the sky and the sun.

Not to mention the silver-armored general who was under the blow, even that large army was stunned by the flames of the sky, as if it was suppressed by something.

"No! How could you be so strong?"

The silver-armored general seemed to have seen a ghost, but at this moment, he had no way to back down.

On the spear in his hand, an extremely bright silver light shot out, like an aurora piercing the sky, piercing everything.

boom! !

The next moment, a loud noise followed, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

The whole world seemed to be doomsday, and the roaring air wave wiped everything out. With the two at the center, everything fell completely, and it was extremely shocking.

And in that roaring air wave, a figure also flew out like a fired shell.

Blood spattered like a sudden rain of blood.


That large army was completely stunned at this moment. Perhaps no one thought that their leader would be defeated in this way and was blown away by a single blow. This undoubtedly made them unbelievable.

They wouldn't be so shocked if Fang Yi said that a Dao Qizhong, or even a Dao Liuzhong.

However, Fang Yi is only a Dao Sanzhong, which completely overturned their cognition.

However, they didn't know that in this space, there were several large formations deployed by Fang Yi, with various auxiliary functions, which doubled Fang Yi's strength.

Of course, even with Fang Yi's true strength, it wouldn't be too difficult to defeat the silver-armored general.

However, it is somewhat impossible to crush like this.

"You... you, this is impossible!!"

General Yinjia's mouth was bleeding profusely at the moment, but he didn't care so much, as if he had seen a ghost, he looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, his eyeballs seemed to fall out.

The same is true for the army, who lost his mind for a moment.

But Ao Xue would not be polite to them, and took advantage of this opportunity to kill wantonly, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

And Fang Yi didn't talk nonsense, because they still had a lot of enemies to face, so there was no time to waste.

Seeing him stepping out, it seemed as if he had crossed an endless distance, and he was oppressing the silver-armored general, and the expression of the silver-armored general changed drastically, his face was full of panic.

"You...what do you want to do? Master Jin Ling will be here soon, he..."

At this moment, the silver-armored general was obviously scared, and his eyes were full of fear.

Fang Yi ignored his words, and asked directly, "Say! What do you want me to do in Taixu Wonderland?"

At the same time as he spoke, Fang Yi stuck out a giant palm again, completely sealing off the silver-armored general's surroundings, making it impossible for him to escape.

The silver-armored general tried to escape, but he suddenly found that the space around him was like a solid block.

I have been completely imprisoned.

As a peak of the fifth level of the Dao, he was actually imprisoned. At this moment, his face was ashen, as if he had fallen into an abyss.


He stammered, not knowing what to say.

But Fang Yi obviously didn't have that patience. When the terrifying coercion fell, the silver-armored general turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said: "I said, I said, it's... for the Kunlun mirror."

What?Kunlun Mirror?

Fang Yi's eyes moved.

He had heard rumors about the Kunlun God Mirror a long time ago. It was still in the Tianshan Mountains. It was said that there was a magic mirror in the nine mountains and eight seas, and there were eight auxiliary mirrors, and the Prisoner's Mirror was one of them.

Sure enough, these people came to exchange mirrors for the prison sky.

However, what is so special about the Kunlun Divine Mirror?Is it worth making these people so stubborn?

Fang Yi couldn't help feeling curious.


(End of this chapter)

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