Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3603 There must be such a day

Chapter 3603 There must be such a day

As soon as the words fell, his figure suddenly sped up, and he shot at Daoist Wuwei like a lightning bolt.

If it had been before, Fang Yi would have felt a little weak in the face of the seventh-level powerhouse of the Dao. After all, the gap between the two was too great, but now, he didn't care at all.

The agglomeration of the Way of Rebirth made his soul unbelievably strong, and his sensitivity to everything around him became extremely keen.

Even the slightest change in Daoist Wuwei's every move is in his induction.

Not to mention the four brilliant and shocking sword shadows.

Condensing the four great sword formations, all of this is no stranger to him, and even he also condensed four bright sword shadows, and one of them is particularly sharp, with an unparalleled aura, as if it can tear apart Everything between the heaven and the earth, and that sword shadow is without a doubt the Immortal Trapping Sword.

Taoist Wuwei obviously recognized the sword, his pupils narrowed sharply, and two rays of light burst out.

"It's you!"

"Arrogant child, hand over this sword, and I can give you a good time, otherwise... this seat will definitely kill you."

Daoist Wuwei shouted like thunder, and Tongtianguan searched all the way for this sword.

Seeing it now, one can imagine the longing in his heart.

The whole person was like a firecracker that was completely ignited, and the terrifying breath erupted in an instant, completely enveloping Fang Yi.

Four bright and shocking sword shadows also fell.

Swipe! !

The sword shadow fell, and the sky and the earth were divided into two. Under the sword's edge, everything turned into powder, and disappeared between the sky and the earth in an instant, including the space. Large pieces fell off, as if the end was coming.


Daoist Wuwei's eyes were cold, like a god of death from the abyss of hell.

The corners of his mouth were ferocious, and he looked at Fang Yi as if he was looking at a dead person.

The majestic seventh-level Dao, facing a fourth-level Dao, it is no wonder that he has a chance to win, joking, such as a huge gap, he does not believe that Fang Yi can still escape from birth.

Although in Longyu, Fang Yi's astonishing performance made him astonished, but that was just an accident, because of Dameng Xianzun's shot.

Afterwards, news about Great Dream Immortal Venerable spread, and they all believed in this very firmly.

I firmly believe that it is not Fang Yi's own strength, but from Dameng Xianzun.

Although they were not wrong in their judgment, everything that happened that day was indeed because of Feng Shenmeng's attack, which repelled the Blazing Blood Patriarch and the strong man behind him.

However, before that, when facing the Beiming Blood Emperor, Jinling Zhanxian and others, it was Fang Yi who did it, and he couldn't fake it at all.

At that time, he was only at the third level of the Great Dao, but now he is at the fourth level of the Great Dao.

The strength is no longer the same.

It's a pity that Daoist Wuwei didn't think so. He only thought that everything was caused by Immortal Daomeng behind the scenes. How could he compete against the seventh level of Dao with a mere Dao Sanchong.

Even breaking through to the fourth level of the Dao at this moment is still far from enough.

So... He seemed to be convinced of Fang Yi, and the ferocious look at the corner of his mouth became more and more cruel.

However, facing the four dazzling sword shadows, the corner of Fang Yi's mouth could not help but twitch a hint of mockery. Before changing to such a sword array, he really didn't dare to take it hard, but now...

I saw him take a big step, without avoiding at all, just went up directly.


Daoist Wuwei was startled, as if he thought he was wrong, his pupils were wide open, and the eyeballs seemed to fall out.

Could it be that the Great Dream Immortal is still waiting behind the scenes?

This is the only possibility he can think of at the moment, other than that, he really can't figure out how Fang Yi, a mere Dao Sizhong, dares to confront himself head-on.

Isn't that courting death?

But... Before he noticed the Great Dream Immortal Venerable behind him, his expression changed again, becoming terrified and unbelievable.

Because that radiant immortal sword erupted with a dazzling light that was not weaker than his at all, and its unparalleled aura instantly shattered everything in the world.

Boom! !

The huge space seemed to explode completely, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

The two incomparable energies collided together, just like the heaven and the earth had just opened, and the force of birth and death of all things swept across the earth, destroying everything.

The Tongtian Temple disciples around them were instantly reduced to ashes before they even had time to react.

The same goes for the blood disciples in the dream, one by one, like smoke, completely dissipated.

"This is?!"

Daoist Wuwei seemed to have not realized the abnormality of these blood races until now, his pupils were full of disbelief, the corners of his mouth were twitching sharply, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

As a majestic seventh-level powerhouse, he was actually trapped in a dream, and was forced into a panic by a group of phantoms in the dream. How could he accept this? When he woke up, it was as if someone had slapped himself in the face. , ashamed.

However, this is not the most important thing.

When he found that Fang Yi was still standing there as if nothing had happened, his face suddenly turned ashen.

"How is it possible, you..."

His pupils were exposed, as if he had seen a ghost, and a Dao Sizhong took the blow hard on him, and he was completely unharmed, as if he had not been affected in the slightest. This undoubtedly caused him a great blow, and even his cognition was overturned.

"It's a surprise!"

"Old man, now it's my turn, you also take my sword."

Fang Yi grinned at the corner of his mouth, giving off an evil feeling.

At the same time, a terrifying sense of destruction also erupted from his body, instantly permeating the surroundings, and the huge world was completely shrouded in it, like a hell on earth.

The breath of despair and death is full.

If it were ordinary people, they wouldn't need to fight, the breath alone would be enough to scare them.

Even Daoist Wuwei had an inconceivable look in his pupils.

However, he still sternly shouted: "Things who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, dare to be rampant in front of this deity, this deity will definitely make you regret coming to this world, die!"

As soon as the word death came out, Taoist Wuwei didn't hold back at all, and the divine power in his body erupted in an instant.

Endless divine power and ruled thin lines spread throughout the space, turning the surroundings into a vast ocean of rules.

And he is the master who controls everything in this vast ocean.

With every gesture, everything around him moves with him.

Such a terrifying battle, at this moment, all the surrounding crowd stopped, and they all looked at the sky in horror, looking at the two domineering figures.

Each one is like a stone carving.

Ao Xue is no exception.

In other words, he was more shocked than the others, because Fang Yi walked step by step, and he saw it all.

From being chased and fled around, to now being able to compete with Dao Qizhong, Fang Yi's changes are nothing short of amazing, making him feel unreal, as if he is dreaming.

Could it be... is all this really a dream?Because of the big dream enchantment?

Do not!

Subconsciously, Ao Xue shook his head. He knew very well that Fang Yi had already left him behind, and was heading towards the supreme realm. Maybe one day he would be able to stand on the top of the Three Realms.

No, there must be such a day.


(End of this chapter)

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