Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3604 Big Dream Barrier

Chapter 3604 Big Dream Barrier


The loud noise was endless, and the battle between the two shook the whole world, causing the space to fall into chaos, and everything sank.

Those disciples of Tongtian Temple who were a little slow to react were all involved in it, leaving no bones left.

"Little thief, kill me!"

And Daoist Wuwei's complexion also became extremely ugly.

Maybe he never dreamed that Fang Yi was so powerful.

A mere fourth-level Daoist actually possesses the strength to compete with the seventh-level Daoist. Let me ask, who would believe it if he hadn't experienced it himself?

You know, with such a cultivation base, it is difficult to reach the sky every time you take a step.

Leapfrog fighting only exists between low-level warriors, and it is extremely rare among such strong men.

But now, there is such a person who leapfrogs the fourth level of the Dao to challenge the seventh level of the Dao, and does not fall behind at all, how inconceivable this is.

"Old man, is it up to you?"

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth curled into a taunt, "From today onwards, the Immortal Trapping Sword belongs to me, please listen to me, if you give up on Tongtianguan, I don't bother to argue with you, if you dare to trouble me again , I definitely want you to look good."

Facing the majestic Daoist Wuwei of the seventh level of the great avenue, with a view of the sky, Fang Yi has to say that Fang Yi is so bold.

If outsiders hear this, their jaws will definitely drop.

What kind of existence is the concept of customs clearance?

The overlord of the Nine Heavens, one of the most powerful forces in the Three Realms, Fang Yi didn't pay attention to such a colossus at all. How can people not be shocked by such wild words.

It's just so arrogant.

Daoist Wuwei was also so angry that he gritted his teeth, but no matter what he did, he still couldn't win Fang Yi.

At this point, he had to admit that Fang Yi already had the strength to compete with him.

Boom! !

Above the nine heavens, the sound of rolling thunder continued, as if the sky had been turned upside down.

The two made the whole hearing into chaos, a large space cracked and completely collapsed, a doomsday-like scene.

At the same time, in the collapsed space, figures emerged one after another, suddenly they were warriors from another dream world.

This is?

When Fang Yi noticed this scene, his pupils shrank.

The Great Dream Enchantment has received a powerful impact, is it going to gradually collapse, the dream world will shatter, merge into one, and turn into the real world?

Fang Yi faintly had some kind of understanding.

He felt the enormous pressure from the Great Dream Barrier.

He also has a part in this pressure, because he is fighting against Daoist Wuwei, the terrifying shock wave is destroying this world, and similar battles are staged in various spaces, the Great Dream Barrier has to bear such a big impact, it is naturally unsustainable .

Fragmentation is also expected.

It's just that, no one knows what the consequences will be.

Where is Fengshenmeng?Fang Yi is eager to know how her situation is.

But unfortunately, he didn't know anything about the current situation.

"Look! The Great Dream Barrier is about to burst!"

The crowd also noticed this at the moment, and everyone's eyes brightened.

The corner of Daoist Wuwei's mouth turned into a cruel look, and he stared at Fang Yi viciously, "Little thief, you are just relying on the Great Dream Immortal. Once the Great Dream's enchantment breaks, I will see how long you can last."

Until now, Daoist Wuwei still seems not to believe that all of this is due to Fang Yi's own strength.

Or maybe, he already knew and just didn't want to believe it.


Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to pay attention to him, with a trace of disdain on his face, he was not in the mood to pay attention to the other party at the moment, his thoughts were all on Fengshenmeng, the sudden change of the big dream barrier meant that there must be something wrong with Fengshenmeng, Therefore, he must rush there as soon as possible.

Maybe he can't help much, but, Fengshenmeng has something to do, how can he remain indifferent.

shuttle! !

The next moment, like lightning, he went straight to the cracked space.

"Bastard! Want to escape? Leave your life to me!"

Taoist Wuwei obviously did not agree.

The terrifying aura in the body erupted instantly, and the four shocking sword shadows were like four heavenly pillars, with countless sword-shaped runes entwined in them, outlining a huge sword net, and enveloping Fang Yi.


Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and black and white light burst out, destruction and eternity intertwined, and a huge pattern similar to a Tai Chi diagram instantly faced the sword net.

Not only that, Fang Yi's whole body erupted with a brilliant golden light of Wu Chi.

The three-color celestial baby suddenly flourished and climbed steadily. In an instant, it seemed to have turned into a giant of heaven and earth, standing upright.

Pieces of golden lotus leaves bloomed, forming a huge lotus platform.

Set off against Fang Yi, making him seem like a real god.

A dignified and majestic atmosphere permeated the air, making people unable to bear the urge to worship.

Rao Wuwei Taoist, his pupils changed greatly, full of horror, "Golden Virtue Golden Lotus, you actually... No wonder the Great Leiyin Temple wants to kill you at all costs."

Daoist Wuwei's face was full of shock, and his heart became extremely vigilant.

The soul and divine power struck at the same time, Fang Yi's blow, even he did not dare to be careless.

Especially when both have reached an uncanny level.

However, in this situation, he will naturally not back down.

In the public, he couldn't help but flinch.

I saw his face turned cold, and the aura like abyss erupted from his body. With a sudden movement of his body, he went directly to meet him.

Boom! !

The two have not yet met head-on, the huge world has already burst open one step at a time, and the gap that had already been broken has become even more terrifying, and one after another figures cast surprised gazes.

They seemed to be attracted by the movement here.

Especially when they saw Fang Yi, a martial artist at the fourth level of the Dao, who was able to perform such an astonishing blow, they couldn't help but feel a little dazed, showing an unreal look.

"It's him! Fang Yi!"

Although the gap cracked, the quadruple became clearer, and the figures recognized Fang Yi. Suddenly, their pupils brightened, like hungry wolves.

Although many of them have nothing to do with Fang Yi, Fengshenmeng came all the way, everyone knows that Fang Yi is with her, and finding Fang Yi is undoubtedly equivalent to finding Fengshenmeng, so...

At this moment, those people seemed to be completely crazy, rushing towards Fang Yi.

Such a huge group, plus everyone is extremely powerful, if Fang Yi is really besieged by them, it will not be so easy for Fang Yi to leave.

Ao Xue's complexion also changed drastically, and as soon as he moved, he stopped in front of that group of people, as if he was fighting these people for life and death.

However, how could he alone be able to resist these people.

Seeing that the crowd like hungry wolves is about to attack.

Suddenly, from the huge gap, a faint blue ripple suddenly opened up. It turns out that this space has not completely collapsed, and there is still a layer of blue enchantment, the Great Dream enchantment.


(End of this chapter)

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