Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3605 Fierce Battle

Chapter 3605 Fierce Battle

Boom boom boom! !

A series of terrifying attacks landed on the blue light curtain, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. Except for ripples, there was no change.

The blue light curtain is like a sky, isolating everything.

"Blast it!"

The crowd shouted, one by one, like giant beasts going mad, but no matter what they did, they still couldn't shake the light curtain.

Ao Xue couldn't help letting go of his raised heart.

With so many strong people pouring in, let alone, he is really worried, but fortunately...

and many more! !

Before Ao Xue breathed a sigh of relief, above the nine heavens, an aura like an abyss suddenly came, and the whole space trembled instantly, even the light curtain was the same, as if it couldn't bear it and was about to collapse completely.

what happened?

Ao Xue's complexion changed drastically, his eyes were blank, and he looked at the void in puzzlement.

Fang Yi obviously sensed all this, his pupils shrank slightly.

Although there are quite a few of these strong men, they have not yet been seen by him. With his current strength, even if he is defeated, it will not be too difficult to escape. What worries him is Fengshenmeng, The change in this space means that Fengshenmeng may be in great trouble.

Boom! !

The sound of thunder rolled, and above the nine heavens, that deep breath erupted, sweeping the world like a big wave.

In an instant, the huge world was engulfed in it, but the blue light curtain remained unshakable.

In the end, a huge purple lightning fell out of thin air and directly hit the blue light curtain.

Just hear a click.

The blue light curtain couldn't bear it anymore, a huge crack appeared, and quickly spread towards the entire light curtain.

"The barrier of the dream is about to break, let's go together."

The crowd rose up to attack, watching the light curtain crack, how could they miss this opportunity, one after another terrifying attacks rushed like a tide.

not good!

Seeing this, Ao Xue's face changed drastically, and the heart that had been let go just now was brought up again.

Fang Yi ignored those people, and looked into the depths of the void with bright eyes. To him, these people in front of him were naturally not worth mentioning, and the battle in the depths of the void was what he cared most about.

What happened to Fengshenmeng, who is he fighting with?Why would it cause such terrifying energy fluctuations?

Especially the terrifying purple thunder just now gave him a faint feeling of familiarity.

It is the way of judgment, or perhaps it is the way of heaven.

Could it be... the opponent of Fengshenmeng is Tiandao?

It's just that the space in Kunlun Canghai is more stable, and there have been many terrifying battles, which seem to have not caused the suppression of the Heavenly Dao. At this moment, why is there the breath of the Heavenly Dao?

Fang Yi was puzzled.

Also incomprehensible is Taoist Wuwei.

However, this is not a bad thing for him, but it may be a good thing.

At the very least, he couldn't take Fang Yi alone, but now, with so many strong players joining, it will undoubtedly become easier to take Fang Yi.

Of course, the competition is also much greater.

But these are not important, the important thing is to take Fang Yi first, otherwise everything is for nothing.

"Little thief, let me see where else you can escape."

Daoist Wuwei seemed to burst out sparks from his pupils, and his attacks became more domineering and fierce, without giving Fang Yi the slightest chance to breathe.

boom! !

At the same time, there was a loud bang, and under the intensive and terrifying attack, the blue light curtain could no longer hold up and burst directly.


The crowd swarmed in, one by one, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, they came to attack and kill Fang Yi.

"Little thief, where is the Great Dream Immortal, and where is the exit of the Great Dream Barrier?"

"Tell me the secret of the Great Dream Barrier..."

The crowd yelled and couldn't find Fengshenmeng, and they already regarded Fang Yi as a vent.

In fact, they are also a group of poor people, trapped in this dream, they don't understand what's going on, how to get out, and what's going on in front of them, they don't know anything.

The dream world is layered on top of each other, even Fang Yi is a little confused, what is a dream and what is reality, he is a little confused.

Because the light curtain has been broken, it stands to reason that the Great Dream Barrier should also collapse.

But in fact, everything remains the same.

Apart from being a little bigger, this space has not changed.

kill! ! !

The crowd also seemed to have gone completely mad, desperately killing Fang Yi, more and more, light curtains burst in the surrounding space, and countless warriors poured in.

It was as if all the dream worlds had completely disintegrated at this moment and merged into one.

Turned into this big world.

At the same time, above the nine heavens, two stalwart figures also appeared.

One of them is naturally Fengshenmeng, with endless blue runes surging all over her body, stepping on the astrolabe, like a supreme god who controls the starry sky of all worlds.

The beauty is that there is an incomparably cold aura on the face, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

On the opposite side of her, there was another stalwart figure, his face was like a crown of jade, and he was dressed in a blue Taoist robe, like the first blue light in this world, resisting against the blue ocean, not weak at all.

Even longer and full-bodied.

"Master Qingxuan?"

Someone in the crowd blurted out and suddenly recognized the green-robed Taoist.

And the huge crowd fell into a sluggish moment, and everyone's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

The same is true for Fang Yi, a turbulent sea was set off in his heart.

In fact, he didn't know Taoist Master Qingxuan, but after learning about the Great Dream Barrier, he specifically asked about related matters.

About 10 years ago, the Great Dream Immortal suddenly came here and clashed with the Yuqing Fairyland and the Longevity Fairyland.

During this period, the disciples of the two great fairylands were killed or injured.

In the end, it was the Changsheng Emperor of the Changsheng Wonderland who ended all this.

However, before this, Yuqing Fairyland also made a move, and although the one who made a move was not as good as the Changsheng Emperor, it also broke through to the ninth level of the Dao, and this person was the Taoist Master Qingxuan.

In other words, the green-robed Taoist in front of him is a strong man at the ninth level of the Dao.

A group of existences at the peak of the true Three Realms.

Don't look at Fang Yi's strength is not weak now, and he can compete against the seventh level of the Dao, but compared to the eighth level of the Dao, he is still far inferior.

Although the seventh and eighth, as well as the ninth, it seems that the gap is not big.

But in fact, it is completely different.

Especially the Nine Avenues, the nine avenues are condensed. At this point, it is already a fusion of the avenues, peeking at the true truth of heaven and earth, the origin of the world.

Of course, there are many kinds of Dao Nine Layers, the difference between Qingxuan Daoist and Changsheng Emperor.

However, no matter what it is, it is enough to suppress everyone present.

Including Blazing Blood Patriarch and others.

"How could it be Taoist Qingxuan? Didn't he fall in the Great Dream Barrier 10 years ago? Why is he still alive?"

"Could it be that he has been hiding in the Great Dream Barrier? What is he planning so hard?"


(End of this chapter)

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