Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3611 Rescue Soldiers

Chapter 3611 Rescue Soldiers

"No! Absolutely impossible, you..."

The corner of Daoist Qingxuan's mouth twitched, his face became extremely ugly.

10 years ago, he lost to Great Dream Immortal Venerable. 10 years later, he thought he could crush the opponent's reincarnation, but he never thought that he would be repelled again.

And he could feel that compared with 10 years ago, the gap between himself and the other party was getting bigger and bigger.

But... how is this possible?

The other party has spent 10 years in reincarnation and rebirth. Looking at the reincarnation at this moment, it doesn't even last ten thousand years. Why...

At this moment, Taoist Qingxuan obviously couldn't accept it.

He shook his head desperately.

"No! It's impossible, you can't be so strong? Even if you recover to the subversive stage, you can't be so strong, let alone..."

Daoist Qingxuan's pupils protruded, and his eyeballs seemed to pop out.

It's a pity that Fengshenmeng completely ignored his unacceptability, a hint of impatience curled up on the corner of his mouth, and when he raised his hand, the huge roulette condensed again, rolling towards Master Qingxuan again with an unstoppable momentum.

Boom! ! !

The terrifying aura crushed the world, shattered everything, and turned everything into powder.

The crowd was all terrified, unable to stay any longer, and fled in haste one by one.

Because compared to before, the roulette in front of him became even more terrifying, exuding an unparalleled aura, and his mind was drawn, as if he was about to be withdrawn into it. If he didn't escape, he might never be able to escape.

Somewhere, there is an invisible force of rules that restrains them, so that they cannot escape the huge roulette.

And this is the way of cause and effect.

Nine days away, endless soul power descended, sweeping in like a big wave.

In the entire dream enchantment, the power of the soul accumulated for 10 years seemed to be completely stimulated at this moment, heading towards Fengshen's dream and the huge roulette.

At the same time, the aura of Fengshen Meng also expanded rapidly, as if there was no end to it.

In an instant, he was like the real ruler of this world, controlling everything.


Seeing this scene, Daoist Qingxuan let out an unwilling howl.

It has been 10 years, for this broken world, he has been here for 10 years, the purpose is to take this broken world as his own.

Finally, he waited until such a day, he was able to break through the cracks in this world, and he thought he would be able to succeed immediately.

The result can be...

boom! !

However, no matter how unwilling he is, in the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain.

There was only a loud noise, and the huge roulette was crushed down, and the huge figure of Taoist Qingxuan flew out directly, like a boring shell.

The majestic Ninth Layer powerhouse of the Great Dao is blown away like this, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will find it hard to accept, but the fact is that it is like this, as powerful as Qingxuan Daoist, he is still not the opponent of Fengshenmeng. The strength of Fengshenmeng is obviously beyond than everyone expected.

Among them, Fang Yi was naturally included.

Originally, he was still worried about the safety of Fengshenmeng, and he even wanted to help Fengshenmeng even at the expense of exposing the Water God Temple.


Fang Yi couldn't help smiling wryly, a little helpless and a little frustrated.

As for the others, those who could or could not escape were already trembling with fright.

The whole world is in an extremely strange atmosphere, filled with despair and death.

"Bastard! You will definitely die today."

Daoist Qingxuan was not reconciled to being blown away, his whole body seemed to go crazy, a terrifying breath erupted from his body, not only that, an unknown fire also blazed in front of him.

"It's the flame of the soul, he's going to call for reinforcements."

Ao Xue seemed to see something and blurted it out.

Fang Yi's face couldn't help but change when he heard that, Daoist Qingxuan is already a strong man in the ninth level of the Dao, and he wants to save lives, what kind of existence will that be?

Fengshenmeng's face also became a little ugly and dignified at the moment.

Obviously, although she is strong, she is not strong enough to ignore all existence, and when facing Taoist Qingxuan, she can only repel him, but cannot completely crush him.

This shows that even though her strength is stronger than Taoist Qingxuan, it is still very limited.

It may be possible to deal with Taoist Qingxuan.

However, if another strongman of the same level arrives, or even a stronger warrior, then...


Hearing Fengshenmeng's shout, the huge roulette became more terrifying, like a huge tornado, covering the whole world.

The huge blue space was trembling violently, as if it was about to collapse completely.

Moreover, the entire space is shrinking sharply, and those who originally fled are drawn closer again.


A voice of despair came, piercing the heart.

For them, it seemed that they were about to escape, but in the end...

Of course, what they don't know is that this huge space is under the control of Fengshenmeng. Their so-called escape is just deceiving themselves and others. no intention.

Even at this moment, Fengshenmeng didn't want their lives, they were just a group of implicated wretches.

At the scene, perhaps only Taoist Qingxuan could enter the magic eye of Fengshenmeng.

Boom! ! !

The space shrinks, and the entire Great Dream Barrier is changing rapidly.

At this moment, outside the Great Dream Barrier, there were still people coming one after another. Seeing this scene, they all turned pale with fright and retreated violently.

Compared with those who have already entered it, they are undoubtedly trustworthy, at least they saved their lives, while those who went deep into it may not have such good luck, and most of them will stay inside forever.

"Look! The Great Dream Barrier is shrinking."

The crowd exclaimed, with disbelief on their faces.

10 years can change a lot and make people form a fixed way of thinking and habits.

For them, the Great Dream Barrier has long been a part of this space. Now, this strange place is actually shrinking. How can they not be surprised.

Boom! !

However, in comparison, what frightened them even more was the incomparably terrifying aura in the distance, sweeping towards them like a giant wave.

"what is that?"

The crowd was terrified, and such a terrifying aura meant that the person who came was definitely an old monster that could not be seen for tens of thousands of years.

Sure enough, the next moment, a thunderous sound exploded across the world.

"Bold, who dares to act presumptuously in Yuqing Wonderland!"

The loud voice shook the world, and the Great Dream Barrier trembled violently, as if it couldn't bear it.

At the same time, a huge phantom condensed above the nine heavens, exuding an incomparable majesty in the world. Once the phantom condensed, the huge world seemed to be completely frozen, and time seemed to be frozen.

"It's Patriarch Qingyu." Seeing the phantom, the huge crowd was completely stunned.

Patriarch Qingyu, that is the strongest existence in Yuqing Wonderland, now...


(End of this chapter)

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