Fortune Shrine

Chapter 3612

Chapter 3612

What, Patriarch Sapphire?

At this moment, the huge crowd was completely stunned.

Ancestor Qingyu is an existence at the level of the ancestors of Yuqing Wonderland. It is longer than Qingxuan Taoist Master Qingxuan. He was an old monster who was not born in Yuqing Wonderland 10 years ago. One of the nine wonderlands is precisely because of the existence of these old monsters.

Today, such an ancestor-level figure actually appeared in the Great Dream Barrier.

The hearts of the crowd can be imagined.

What is it that can attract such a powerful existence?At this moment, the hearts of the crowd became extremely complicated, curious and fearful.

Of course, they are all in the outside world at this moment, and they know nothing about everything in the Great Dream Barrier.

If you let them know that there is a Dao Jiuzhong in the Great Dream Barrier, I don't know how to feel.

Boom! !

With the gathering of the phantom of Qingyu Patriarch, the whole world seemed to be collapsing, and the crowd all turned pale with fright.

Although my heart is full of curiosity, I am curious about what is in the dream enchantment, which can attract the famous Qingyu ancestor, but, curiosity is curiosity, the powerhouse of the ninth level of the road is present, even if they eat the ambition and courage, they will not be afraid. Dare to really rush into the dream enchantment.

Just kidding, isn't that tantamount to death!

In fact, they were already too late, because the vast blue space, the Great Dream Barrier, was shrinking at a rapid speed.

In an instant, it was already thousands of miles away.

what happened?

What happened to the Great Dream Formation?

The crowd watched this scene in astonishment, it was able to attract the Ninth Layer of the Dao to come, and at this moment such a sudden change happened again.

Everything behind it means unusual.


Above the nine heavens, the once gigantic phantom, the majestic face of Patriarch Qingyu also showed a look of astonishment, like a high-ranking king overlooking all living beings.

"Leave it to me!" His eyes turned cold, as if he had sensed something, his five fingers turned into claws, and he directly grabbed the rapidly shrinking blue space.

The difference is that that space is shrinking at a rapid speed.

But that giant claw is rapidly expanding.

Over and over again, the vast and incomparably blue space seemed to turn into a huge blue light ball.

The ball of light changed, and finally, it turned into a huge roulette again.

During the period when the sky is densely covered with stars, 28 giant beasts of the constellation are entwined, exuding an incomparable aura, extremely bright, and dazzling light, which makes everything in the world become eclipsed.

"what is that?"

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at each other, eyes full of fear.

This sudden change undoubtedly shocked everyone.

Not to mention them, even Patriarch Qingyu couldn't help flashing an inconceivable look in his pupils.

"Dream astrolabe, the way of cause and effect! How is it possible?"

His astonishing voice resounded throughout the world, and made the crowd stunned. They may not be clear about the Great Dream Astrolabe, but they still know what the law of cause and effect means. It is one of the six top laws.

They never even thought about this legendary law, and one day they would be able to witness it with their own eyes.

One by one, their eyes became a little different, fanatical and longing.

It should be said to be a luxury.

With their strength, even if the way of cause and effect is given to them, they probably won't be able to comprehend it.

Except for one person, that is Patriarch Qingyu, his pupils are full of greed at this moment, like a hungry wolf.

"Okay! Unexpectedly, after tens of thousands of years, you will be able to experience the Great Dream Astrolabe again. I will also see what progress you have made in the past 10 years."

Boom! !

While speaking, that giant claw became more and more terrifying, like a giant hand, suppressing everything.

Under the palm of the hand, everything is crushed into powder.

The terrifying power was faintly stronger than that of the resplendent roulette, and the huge world exploded in an instant. The air waves engulfed everything and enveloped the world, like a huge wave that overwhelmed the sea.

"Run away!!"

When the crowd saw this scene, they all fell into an abyss.

Just kidding, the power of the Nine Layers of the Great Dao is something they can bear, even the aftermath is enough to tear them into pieces.

Bang bang bang! !

The scattered crowd, some unable to escape in time, burst like smoke in an instant, dissipating invisible, leaving only blood mist all over the sky, turning the surrounding world into a hell on earth.

The tragic appearance makes people dare not look directly.

Boom! !

There was a loud bang, and the huge roulette suddenly burst into an incomparably bright light, like a bursting sun.

The two collided with each other in an instant, causing the world to tremble and shake to the point of collapse.

Above the nine heavens, purple arcs flickered faintly, as if something was brewing.

A terrifying atmosphere enveloped the huge world, making everyone breathless.

Rao the patriarch Qingyu couldn't help flashing a look of fear in his pupils, "How is it possible? How could this little fluctuation cause an abnormality in the laws of heaven?"

However, no one could answer Patriarch Qingyu.

If I had to say yes, it was the sound of rolling thunder, which made the whole world crumble.

The terrifying air wave instantly engulfed the entire world.

Suddenly, a shrill howl came from the air wave, heart-piercing.

what happened?

The crowd all looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't see any figures in the roulette before, but there was a miserable howl at this moment, and it sounded like there were quite a few people. These people...

Suddenly, everyone couldn't help but think of the countless strong men who had entered the Great Dream Barrier before.

The Great Dream's enchantment has changed, and these people are probably doomed.

At this moment, they suffered another terrifying blow from the Qingyu Patriarch. It is conceivable that at this moment, the faces of the crowd became extremely ugly, and they were very happy in their hearts.

However, what they didn't expect was yet to come.

In the chaotic space, they faintly saw distorted faces, expressions of extreme pain.

Even the soul was stripped away, the consciousness was erased, and turned into strands of pure soul power, which was then absorbed by the huge roulette, and at the same time, the light emanating from the roulette became more and more brilliant.

"This is? It is devouring the power of the soul?"

One by one, the faces of the crowd became extremely pale.

The vest was soaked through.

Such a weird and domineering scene, no wonder they are like this.

Not to mention them, Patriarch Qingyu was the same, his face darkened instantly, "Bastard! You should use this old man, you are courting death!"

Patriarch Qingyu couldn't stop being furious, because he suddenly discovered that the opponent was using his own power to harvest those warriors who broke into the Great Dream Barrier, thereby devouring the soul power of these people, and then feeding it back to the Great Dream Astrolabe to fight against Own.

For him, this was undoubtedly an unacceptable thing, and the anger in his heart could no longer be restrained.

At this time, the dream astrolabe has already burst out with the most brilliant light.


(End of this chapter)

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