Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 1006 Accompanying you

Chapter 1006 Accompanying you


"To the address."

"What address?"

The two asked and answered several sentences, but Su Tian was still a little confused.

"Tell me the address where you are going to make the appointment. If you don't want your parents to worry, you have to ask me to make sure you are really safe. The only way is for me to go with you."

Qiao Muqing is domineering at this moment, he does not allow Tian Xin to go to the appointment alone, even if the other party is Fran, who is not dangerous to them.

Although he didn't know what happened to Richard, but the problem must be very serious, otherwise Tian Xin wouldn't be so anxious to think of a solution.

Although he may not be able to help, at least seeing Tian Xin is safe with his own eyes, this is more important than anything else.

Of course, it can also make some other arrangements, in case the two of them encounter any trouble with Fran, they won't be completely helpless.

As for this arrangement, when Qiao Muqing asked Tian Xin's address just now, she already had some concerns in her mind.

"Okay. Franjo and I are at Jenny's in York Street."

Su Tian knew that once Qiao Muqing decided on something, it would be difficult to convince him in a short time, if it was normal, maybe.There are still some ways, but it is really difficult now, time is tight, she can wait, Richard can't wait, and Su Hai who stayed in the palace as a substitute can't wait.

Forget it, maybe this is a chance, her or Qiao Muqing's chance, which made them unable to avoid each other or even the danger this time.

"I'll go there right away. Don't go into that cafe, wait for me at the door. It would be best if you can hide."

Qiao Muqing hurried out after saying this.

Su Hai also wanted to ask him what he should do, should he continue to stay as a substitute, or follow suit.

Seeing that Qiao Muqing only remembered Su Hai's appearance when he looked back, he said to him, "You go too, you might as well be a substitute, if you are discovered by me, you will naturally be discovered by the Su family, Tian Xin I'll explain to them where they're going."

Now Su Hai is happy. Being a stand-in is not an easy task, and he was dismantled after only 5 minutes on the job. He himself doesn't have much confidence now, so he might as well go and see if Tian Xin and the others can help. busy?

"Look at Tianxin..."

Although Qiao Muqing said so, Su Hai still wanted to seek Su Tianxin's opinion.

"Then you can follow along, and explain Richard's matter to Brother Mu Qing on the way."

"Is it all explanations or selective explanations?"

Su Hai lowered his voice to ask this question.

"Of course you know what to say. Can your little brain get around him? Lying can only be exposed in front of him."

Su Tianxin didn't intend to hide it from Qiao Muqing anymore. Since he was going to be involved in this matter, he must be told the truth and know the cause and effect. Although he is not capable enough to help him now, he can hide it from him. It is not kind to let him follow in distress in a daze.

"Okay, I see."

Su Hai curled his lips, feeling that his status is getting lower and lower, obviously he is quite smart, why is he so untrustworthy now?
Really blind.

Qiao Muqing glanced back at Su Hai, the meaning in his eyes was obvious: Why don't you leave?
Su Hai quickly put away the magic weapon, and hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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