Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 1007 Keep it as a pet

Chapter 1007 Keep it as a pet

After receiving Su Tianxin's order, Su Hai naturally didn't dare to hide anything. From the time they were trapped last night to today's rescue, he told everything he knew.

Although some things are unreasonable and difficult to explain, Su Hai thinks that Qiao Muqing can automatically make them reasonable. Anyway, he has said everything that can be said, and waits for Su Tianxin to explain what cannot be said.

Fortunately, Qiao Muqing didn't know whether it was because he was not so curious, or because he had too much trust in Su Tianxin. Anyway, he could listen to Su Hai's bizarre stories, and he didn't seem to have any doubts about it.

"So, Tian Xin is trying to save Richard, so isn't it dangerous for her to go out alone now?"

Qiao Muqing asked Su Hai with a bad face.

"It's dangerous, but there's nothing you can do about it. The only one who can help her now is Fran and the others. I wanted to go with her, but she's afraid that there are other eyes in the palace, and she's also afraid The family is worried."

Su Hai was a little weak, and it was his fault. After all, he had sworn before that his double would be fine, but in the end, let alone 3 minutes, he was slapped in the face in almost three seconds, and he was seen through every minute.

"I know the specifics of the matter, and then we should talk about what to do in a while.

"For a while? What should we do? What else do we need to do? Isn't it good to just be with Tian Xin?"

Su Hai looked at a blank face, Qiao Muqing sighed in his heart seeing him like this, these two elves of Tianxin are really... except for dragging their feet at critical moments, it seems that they are really useless.

Forget it, let's treat it as her pet, and you can't expect pets to help people, it would be nice to send a message at a critical moment, so what else do you want?That is simply wishful thinking.

Thinking about it this way, Qiao Muqing could accept Su Hai's stupidity.

Fortunately, Su Hai didn't know what he was thinking. If he knew it was true...he wouldn't dare to scold him. Forget it, it's better not to know. It's not easy to get hurt if you are more careful.

When the two were driving towards Su Tianxin at the speed limit, Qiao Muqing received a call from Su Yuexin.

"Muqing, where are you taking our Tianxin? Why didn't you tell me?"

Su Yuexin came here for a vacation and to discuss business. Not long after he left, his parents told him that Qiao Muqing took his sister out. Is this guy so blatant?
Su Yuexin was conflicted. She wanted to help her brother, but also didn't want her sister to be chased away by him so easily. Did she come here without a phone call?
"We made an appointment with a jeweler. Last time I told you that there is a business discussion here this time, which is actually Tianxin's business. You also know that your father has a lot of opinions on me now. I have to help Tianxin earn money so that Did he see my performance?"

Qiao Muqing's impromptu excuse seemed real.

"My younger sister is going to be the heir, and you are still busy making money with her? Really... what do you think? Right now, my parents think that their precious daughter should eat and sleep well to welcome the dinner party. What are you doing?" Do you want to add points? Or do you want to scold yourself?"

Su Yuexin also couldn't understand Qiao Muqing's operation, and complained about her strength.

"Who still dislikes whether you have a lot of money? Your own sister, you don't know what to do. If she has a temper of enjoying what she gets, she can make herself so busy now? The inheritance is nice to say, but how can you really hold it in your hand? Don’t worry, I know what’s inside. Uncle Su just got upset for a while and figured it out. Besides, Tianxin has never seen such a big scene, isn’t it just a dinner party? Let her stay in the palace for two days She won't be bored just waiting for the dinner preparation without doing anything, shouldn't I take her out for a walk?"

(End of this chapter)

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