Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 11 People are more angry than people

Chapter 11 People are more angry than people

Only now did Su Tian realize that Qiao Muqing was trapped in the elevator.

It seems that he is not too cold-hearted and thorough.

But what kind of person Qiao Muqing is, Su Tianxin doesn't care.

Now that this body has been replaced by her, Qiao Muqing is no different from a stranger to her.

He was happy to come and see her, and she thanked him.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't want to come.

Anyway, she had planned to stay away from that guy.

It was Qiao's mother Xu Qingxia's words that made Su Tian very concerned.

To put it bluntly, this so-called "weird thing" is bad luck.

Actually...Su Tian searched through her memory and found——

Certain things that Qiao Muqing experienced were unluckily similar to those of Su Tianxin before his rebirth.

Su Tianxin, who was an unlucky child in the past, felt quite sympathetic to Qiao Muqing at first.

But by comparison, she is much luckier than her.

Put away the sympathy.

Why is she so stupid?

If this Qiao Muqing is as unlucky as she was in the past, it will make people sigh, maybe there is no way to inherit the Qiao family, right?

After all, if Su Tianxin struggled to find a job like this, the Qiao family would be doomed sooner or later.

Su Tian carefully looked through her previous memories, and found that Qiao Muqing was much smoother in life than her in the past.

Not only was it smooth, it was lucky.

During Qiao Muqing's school days, although there were always minor troubles, he was full of luck every time he took the big exam.

Also after taking over the family business.

The more big projects, big business, and especially profitable things, the more he has nothing to do with bad luck at all, and it always goes smoothly.

It's really puzzling.

what is this?

When you are unlucky, you are also unlucky, and automatically transfer at a critical moment?

And speaking of his so-called unlucky things, they were all small things in life.

And basically every time he himself is irrelevant, someone will always be implicated.

And such?

I have seen unlucky ones, such as Su Tianxin herself.

Back then, when she was unlucky, she was even afraid of herself.

In the orphanage, only a sister Beibei who was two years younger than her dared to play with her.

This is not to blame everyone, after all, no one knows what will happen to her when they are together.

For example, when traveling together, Su Tian often accidentally hurt the people around him because of Su Tian's unlucky heart.

The lighter ones are the occasional delay of an airplane or train.

Seriously, some people suffered fractures because of her injuries.

If it is a stranger or an unfamiliar classmate or something, you can still barely go together.

But the more familiar and close people are the more implicated by her.

Except for Beibei's younger sister who is immune, the others, even the dean's mother, dare not get too close to her and walk with her.

In other words, Su Tianxin is the kind of person who is born with bad luck, and is always so unlucky, so fresh and refined, and makes people around him implicated from time to time.

Su Tianxin is the representative of being truly loved by the "Mould God".

But her situation is indeed very different from hers.

She has been unlucky and miserable.

Although she hurt others, she herself was the worst.

And Qiao Muqing was unlucky for himself and others.

To put it bluntly, he took advantage of the good things himself, and others took care of the bad luck.

Could it be that this moldy god is still selectively attacking those around him, leaving Qiao Muqing alone?

Up to this moment, Su Tian felt that she was being self-indulgent.

That guy is so nice that he doesn't need sympathy at all.

Su Tian felt very angry when she compared herself with others.

They are also loved by the mildew god, why is there such a big difference in treatment?

Besides, what a powerful family the Qiao family is, it is a well-known family and wealthy businessman in Huaguo.

Such a young master in the family needs her to worry?

She doesn't need people's sympathy to be good, she is really free.

 New book issue routine, ask for collection, ask for recommendation tickets, ask for rewards, and ask for investment in new books every day~

  Thanks to the two little angels "Yinjity" and "Sad Aquarius Lei" for their rewards, thank you~



(End of this chapter)

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