Chapter 10

"I'm fine...Mom..."

It was the first time Su Tianxin spoke to call her mother a little uncomfortable.

Everyone thought she was a little embarrassed to face her family because of what happened today, and didn't care too much.

"It's good that you're fine, it's been a long time, and you have had your stomach washed, so you must be hungry, right?

The doctor told you not to eat for five hours, so bear with it, good boy. "

Chu Xin thought that when her daughter woke up, she would have to talk about her, it was so frightening.

At a young age, don't learn what is good, learn to threaten people with your life.

You can't do this stupid thing again.

But when my daughter woke up, looking at her pitiful appearance, she was cautious about calling her a mother.

Chu Xin's heart suddenly softened.

Not to mention blaming her daughter, even if her daughter wanted a star right now, she would want to pick it up and bring it to her right away.

As long as the daughter is alive, everything is fine, and everything else can be discussed.

Chu Xin sighed inwardly.

If the daughter is still thinking about that kid Qiao Muqing, she simply agrees with the Qiao family and let the two children get married first and then fall in love.

Who made this little girl in her family like that kid Qiao Muqing so much?

It's not that all those who have no feelings before marriage will have a bad life after they get married.

Besides, Qiao's parents will not feel wronged by Tian Xin.

And it was they who brought it up first.

As long as my daughter is happy, as a mother, I can't bear it anymore.

"I'm not hungry, is there any water? I'll just drink some water."

Although Su Tian knew that this would be her parents and elder brother from now on, she was still a little cautious unconsciously.

I have no relatives since I was a child, and I have long learned to look at people's faces, speak and act.

Su Tianxin could tell that Su's mother really cared about her, it felt so good to have someone caring about her, and her heart was very warm.

Not to mention being hungry for a few hours, even for two or three days, as long as her mother is by her side, she can resist it.

Probably because of the memory of Su Tianxin from the past, and the fusion of her own memory.

Now Su Tianxin doesn't think that Su's mother is just the mother of the girl who is no longer there.

There is no feeling of stealing other people's happiness.

In her heart, Mother Su is also her mother now.

It seemed that from this moment on, she really felt that she was both herself and the dead Su Tianxin.

This feels much more real than before.

No wonder the god told her not to worry when he sent her directly into this body.

She doesn't need to prepare for this, she will enter the state naturally.

"Yes, yes, let's drink some water.

In another half an hour, you can simply eat something easy to digest.

quickly. "

Su Tianxin lay down and drank a few sips of water with a straw, her beautiful eyes were fluttering, looking at the few people around her hospital bed.

Su Tian didn't know what to say at this time, so she simply stopped talking.

Say less and make less mistakes.

Qiao's parents felt very uncomfortable at the moment.

What a wonderful little girl.


Even if she was a bit petulant and willful occasionally, she had never looked at the Qiao family so cautiously and defensively as she is now.

Su Tianxin looked at the guilt expression on Qiao's father and mother's face, and turned his eyes away.

Although she was rescued, she was no longer the Su Tianxin she used to be.

She didn't know how the dead Su Tianxin should react to Qiao's parents now, so she just avoided it.

When the Qiao family's parents saw Su Tian's heart turned away, they didn't even dare to look at them anymore, which made them feel even more uncomfortable.

"Tian Xin, don't worry, I will let Mu Qing marry you.

He didn't go late on purpose today.

As soon as he gets your call, he tends to catch up.

But then I got stuck in the elevator of the apartment where you lived, so I couldn't make it in time.

We just got in touch with him too.

His anxious first sentence is to ask how you are.

You Muqing brother will always run into those weird troubles, and you know it too.

He's on his way to see you right now, so don't worry.

That child still has you in his heart. "

Qiao's mother, Xu Qingxia, wanted to explain for her eldest son.

She was afraid that the girl Tianxin would really be hurt. If she hides from the old Qiao's family when she sees them in the future, how can it be?

What's more, if the marriage is settled, she doesn't want the Su family and girl Tianxin to misunderstand Mu Qing.

 The second watch is coming, please collect and reward.Thanks to "Book Friends 20181020024008522" for the reward, thank you.



(End of this chapter)

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