Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 9 You are ruthless, I have no intention

Chapter 9 You are ruthless, I have no intention

Su Tianxin woke up again, and there were several more people in the ward.

After a moment of daze, she recognized the Qiao family.

It was Qiao Muqing's parents and younger brother, but Qiao Muqing was still missing.

Su Tian sighed inwardly.

Poor that young girl lost her life because of that Qiao Muqing, and people didn't pay much attention to her. Now several hours have passed without even showing her face.

Even if he didn't have the slightest affection for that little girl, shouldn't he come and see her?

After all, his parents and younger brother are all here, but the most important person is not here.

This is... afraid that after Su Tian wakes up, he will still feel hopeful when he sees him, and continue to be entangled?

So why don't they just see each other since then, and the two of them won't have any entanglements anymore?

This might be what the two families meant.

Su Tianxin, who didn't have a good impression of Qiao Muqing in the first place, misunderstood because he didn't know that Qiao Muqing was trapped in the elevator by accident.

At that time, he made up his mind to stay as far away from Qiao Muqing as possible in the future.

She even stayed away from Qiao's house.

It was the dead Su Tianxin who liked Qiao Muqing, not her.

There is no need to let people misunderstand and worry family members.

She was an orphan in the past and never knew what it was like to have loved ones.

Once reborn, she will make up for all of these.

She also has to take good care of her parents for Su Tianxin who left.


"Tian Xin, you finally woke up, you scared mom to death.

Do you still feel uncomfortable? "

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Tianxin in the ward for several times, finally someone noticed that she was awake.

The family's attention should have been on Su Tianxin.

Just when Qiao's family came, the two families exchanged simple greetings, and then there was a disagreement between the two families, so they didn't notice that she was awake for a while.

This difference is actually not a bad thing.

The members of the Qiao family believed that the Qiao family should be responsible for what happened to Su Tianxin this time.

Especially Qiao Muqing's mother, Xu Qingxia, she heard that girl Tianxin had an accident, so she didn't intend to worry about whether the two children would become grudges in the future.

Anyway, she decided that her Muqing must marry Su Tianxin.

Tian Xin was raised by the Qiao family. Xu Qingxia was very distressed when she heard about this child's stupid suicide because of Mu Qing.

Isn't that just marriage?

The Qiao family always wants to marry a daughter-in-law.

Originally, in Xu Qingxia's eyes, no matter who she marries, it's not as good as Tian Xin's love for her.

In the past, it was because her son didn't like it. As a mother, she couldn't interfere too much.

I also think about the things between the children, and let the children solve it by themselves.

But now she realized that she should have intervened before, otherwise today's incident would not have happened.

This Tianxin has been saved, if in case...

Then what will the Qiao family pay for a daughter of the Su family?

Given the relationship between the two families, it's not a bad thing to get closer and closer, so it's decided like that.

The people from the Qiao family had discussed it at home before they came.

Qiaosu's family, this family listens to his wife.

The son's marriage is a major event, but it is also a family matter after all.

This happened to Su Tian's heart, Qiao's mother wanted the eldest son to marry the Su family's daughter, so Qiao's father naturally had no objection.

Even if the youngest son objected, it was useless. Anyway, no one from Qiao's parents was really asking for his opinion.

Qiao's mother had already thought about it: she felt that if her son was really unhappy, she could marry a daughter-in-law for her as a mother and forget it.

Anyway, the son is filial and obedient, so it's a bit difficult, he will never ignore himself as a mother, and he will definitely agree in the end.

No matter what, this time Xu Qingxia is determined to make her eldest son responsible for Su Tianxin.

The Qiao family felt that as long as the eldest son Qiao Muqing was persuaded, it would be settled.

But never thought of the hospital, it was the Su family who jumped out first and disagreed.

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(End of this chapter)

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