Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 124 Information for Seniors

Chapter 124 Information for Seniors

If the first step is successful, then continue step by step. As long as you work hard and persevere, you will not fail.

The Su family has plenty of resources, money and contacts, all of which are not lacking.

Even if you can't invite a master like Avette as a teacher to teach your daughter.

They can hire other pastry chefs who are also very strong to teach their daughters.

None of this is a problem.

"thanks Mom."

Su Tian felt that it was a good feeling to be cared for by her family.

However, she will definitely work hard to make desserts that Master Evitt likes.

After being reborn, Su Tianxin had more and more accurate intuition from the beginning, until today she made a wish, and she really made a dessert that even Avette was amazed and satisfied with.

She felt that maybe when God gave her a chance to be born again, she also gave her a great benefit.

This benefit, specifically, she can't say what it is now.

But think about the words she heard before she was sent back: "God will not treat kind-hearted people badly. As long as you have a kind heart, everything will be solved."

Perhaps these are the rewards for the good things she has done?

Su Tian felt very happy.

It turns out that doing good deeds really pays off.

Although she said that when she did good deeds, she didn't expect to be rewarded.

But if good people really have good rewards, then Mama Su in the orphanage, those kind people who have rescued their children, and people in this world who are doing good things all the time will have good rewards of.

This is what she wants to see most.

Of course, she would be happier if she could use the abilities God gave her to earn more money and help more people.

Before rebirth, Su Tianxin heard from her classmates that in the popular rebirth novels, it seems that the protagonist gets supernatural powers after rebirth.

At that time, she just thought that this kind of novel sounded quite interesting.

I never thought that one day she would really meet and be reborn.

Since the rebirth really happened to her.

Then what she has now, the super intuition and the ability to make a wish with snacks, could it be the legendary ability?


A notification sound interrupted Su Tianxin's train of thought.

It was Wei Yanzhi's message.

Ah, almost forgot about this.

"Hello, senior, I'm Su Tianxin.

I'm sorry, I'm a little busy these days, and I forgot to ask you to get the materials. "

Su Tianxin met Wei Yanzhi last Friday, and agreed to get the student union application materials on Monday.

Later, because Su Tianxin was busy preparing for the interview with Master Avette, the two never had time to meet.

Originally, I wanted to ask Su Beibei to help her find the senior to get it.

I also feel that this is a bit inappropriate.

It was as if she was avoiding Wei Yanzhi.

Su Tianxin hadn't explained to Wei Yanzhi what happened in the coffee shop that day.

Hidden away, feeling very guilty.

It's not easy to explain on WeChat, so she planned to meet and explain clearly when she got the materials.

As a result, it was forgotten as soon as it was delayed.

The message Wei Yanzhi sent just now is to remind her that Monday is the last day to submit the application form for joining the student union.

I would like to know if she is interested in submitting an application.

Originally, that day Su Tianxin agreed to ask Wei Yanzhi to get the materials on Monday.

Wei Yanzhi thought she was interested in joining.

As a result, a week passed, and the eldest lady did not look for him.

It is estimated that there is no hope.

But Wei Yanzhi is more serious and responsible in his work.

Since he accepted the job of recruiting Su Tianxin, he must do his best to achieve it.

He still has time until Monday.

See if you can, and try again.

Since the other party said it was because he was busy and didn't have time to read the materials, it just so happened that he had time now, so he could introduce it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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