Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 125 The Authority of the Student Council President

Chapter 125 The Authority of the Student Council President

"It's ok.

If it is convenient for you now, let me tell you briefly.

Whether you are a freshman or a student of our student union, I still hope that you can join. "

Wei Yanzhi's voice was pleasant, his tone was not gentle, but it made people feel very comfortable.

It can be seen that he is a person with a good personality.

Su Tian couldn't help but suddenly compare him with Qiao Muqing.

When you realize what you are doing, stop quickly.

Why is she comparing the two?

Are you stupid?

no, no, no...

It must be because he just heard Wei Yanzhi's voice and remembered the embarrassment in the cafe that day.

Really, if it wasn't for Qiao Muqing, she wouldn't have thought of someone as a shield temporarily, and the person involved had heard it. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a place to drill.

Thinking of this, Su Tian felt that there was no need to compare at all. Anyway, Qiao Muqing was not good, and nothing was good.

"Senior Wei, I think the Propaganda Department you recommended last time is pretty good.

In addition to going to class, I have other things to be busy with, and I don't have a lot of time.

How much information do you need to prepare for the position of news anchor?

Although I am willing to accept the challenge, I am really busy recently.

There is another exam in three days, so I don't have much time to prepare. "

Su Tian told the truth.

She had already been told by Wei Yanzhi that joining the Student Union would be helpful for getting a scholarship, so she decided to join.

At that time, I didn't express my position immediately, and it was too urgent to act too badly.

Coupled with the situation at that time, she wished she could have a few words with Wei Yanzhi and leave quickly.

Monday was the last time to submit the application, so she naturally wanted to tell Wei Yanzhi her true thoughts.

Maybe I can ask for something that will help the campaign.

Time is tight and there is no time to prepare. Naturally, with the help of internal information provided by insiders, it is easier to get twice the result with half the effort.

"Then since the school girl has thought about it, let's save some time, don't have to participate in the election, and just make an appointment directly."

Wei Yanzhi helped Su Tianxin through the back door in such an open and aboveboard manner that Su Tianxin didn't know how to respond for a while.

The two of them don't know each other well, it seems a bit inappropriate to owe such a big favor all of a sudden.

"That... I appreciate the kindness of the senior.

If this is the default, I'm afraid it will affect you badly.

Why don't the seniors help me find the materials for the election, I will simply prepare, and if I am not selected, I will consider and see if there are other suitable positions.

Now that I have promised to join the student union, I will definitely not give up.

I don't just focus on one location.

I still want to get a scholarship, for this I will not give up this application opportunity. "

The default is too easy to be criticized.

He has a bad heart towards Wei Yanzhi and Su Tian.

If someone speculates at will and spreads rumors about the relationship between the two of them, wouldn't that be more troublesome?

One is a little trouble, the other is a lot of trouble.

Naturally, it is a small trouble to choose to take some time to prepare.

"Don't be afraid to affect me.

Because of this default, I did not make the decision alone.

It was approved by the internal vote of the student union.

In fact, the original freshman was not qualified to run for news anchor.

Because everyone thinks you are very suitable, this position is specially reserved for you.

If you don't apply, you will naturally cancel the freshman campaign position.

Although I am the president, I actually don't have as much power as the school girl thinks. "

Wei Yanzhi thinks that Su Tianxin is quite cute, but he is still worried about him.

This is a bit different from what he thought before, and it doesn't seem too surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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