Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 126 The senior's attention to her

Chapter 126 The senior's attention to her

For daughters like Su Tianxin, in order to save trouble, most of them will find a shortcut even if no one provides them with a convenient door.

Of course, this is not necessarily what everyone thinks.

Su Tianxin just proved with her actions that she is not such a person.

Wei Yanzhi seems to have a little more affection for Su Tianxin.

This should be regarded as the one with the highest degree of affection among the women Wei Yanzhi usually comes into contact with.

Su Tian probably didn't even think about it, but before he knew it, he had already gained favor in Wei Yanzhi's heart.

Only Wei Yanzhi himself knew what was going on.

When Su Tianxin first entered the school, Wei Yanzhi had heard of the daughter of the Su family.

At that time in school, not many people knew that Su Tianxin was the daughter of the Su Group.

Wei Yanzhi, the president of the student union, only found out after reading the personal information of the freshmen.

Wei Yanzhi actually has a good personality on the surface.

He is very polite and kind to everyone.

In fact, only family members and people who have a close relationship know.

He was not exaggerated but really polite.

People and things that are not important in his heart and don't care.

He just maintained a polite and demeanor.

Even though Su Tianxin came from the famous Su family, in Wei Yanzhi's initial impression, he was just a person who never liked or hated, and didn't have much feeling.

Because you don't know each other at all, you don't understand, you don't have fellowship, so naturally you don't need to pay too much attention to it.

What Su Tianxin really caught Wei Yanzhi's attention was her trending video.

Wei Yanzhi himself doesn't play Weibo very much. At that time, his classmates dragged him to watch the video together.

After all, that was the biggest news hotspot in the school at that time.

A school girl from Qing University who was so beautiful that she attracted the attention of the whole Internet, and became a hot search.

This matter is not only new, but also aroused widespread discussion in the school.

It was also at that time that many people knew Su Tianxin's true identity.

As far as the whole trending incident is concerned, Su Tianxin's image is actually quite positive.

Most of the studies are relatively simple and simple.

Therefore, there are those who are envious, those who admire, and those who just watch the excitement, but few people deliberately go to black Su Tian's heart for the sake of black.

The word "beautiful and kind-hearted" was what Wei Yanzhi heard the most about Su Tianxin during that time in school.

Wei Yanzhi, who doesn't have a personality like everyone else's, and who has been talked about a lot, also wants to see if Su Tianxin can bear such a high evaluation of a girl.

The beauty of a person may be judged only by the appearance of a person.

Although aesthetics may not be consistent with everyone, it is something that most people can agree on.

Su Tianxin's appearance is undoubtedly very good.

The facial features are exquisite, the proportions are very good, and the personal temperament is also cultivated since childhood. Even standing in the crowd is absolutely dazzling.

So, first of all, Wei Yanzhi admitted that Su Tianxin deserves the word 'human beauty'.

However, whether the 'good heart' is good enough, he has to observe it before he can make a perfect move.

Of course, Wei Yanzhi didn't go crazy and follow Su Tianxin every day.

First, he repeatedly watched the video that was on the hot search before, and then only when he met Su Tianxin in public, he observed her behavior.

A person's habits will be a reflection of her character and upbringing.

Wei Yanzhi found out, no matter in the video or in reality.

Su Tianxin is indeed a girl who is consistent in appearance and appearance, very caring, and willing to help others.

(End of this chapter)

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