Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 13 The Girlfriend Is Not So Good

Chapter 13 The Girlfriend Is Not So Good

The two brothers did not take the elevator, but walked up two flights of stairs before stopping.

"Okay, let's talk now."

Qiao Muqing was sure that he was far enough away from Su Tianxin's ward, no matter how much his younger brother bluffed, he wouldn't attract anyone.

"Brother... our mother asked you to marry that sweet girl.

She's waiting for you to nod now.

That girl is stupid and stupid, except for her deceptively long face, she has no other advantages.

I protested, but no one listened to me.

You run away quickly, I don't even like such a sister-in-law, I believe you will not want such a daughter-in-law either. "

Qiao Muxia has admired his brother since he was a child, and he has the best relationship with his brother.

Someone he can't even look down on is definitely not worthy of his brother.

I don't know what his parents think, this mess is too much.

"Is that what Mom really said?"

Qiao Muqing couldn't believe that his parents had decided such a big matter behind his back?


Brother, you also know that our mother really likes that girl from the Su family.

Right now, that girl almost died because of you...

Mom felt that our Qiao family was sorry for her, so she planned to... let you marry that girl as an explanation to the Su family.

If you want me to say, what does it matter to our Qiao family that the girl wants to die or live?

Just because she likes you, you have to marry her?

So there are so many people who like you brother, everyone is looking for death, why are you all married and responsible?

It's just too unreasonable! "

Qiao Muxia was even more anxious than his brother.

He had no right to speak in front of his parents, and finally he was able to speak out the complaints he had been holding back.

"Okay, I know about this.

Don't speak for a while, I'll handle this matter myself. "

Qiao Muqing knew that his younger brother was worried about him, but he planned to find another way to do this.

Su Tianxin almost lost his life, no matter whether it's the Qiao family or the Su family, they feel uncomfortable now.

At this time, if he still rejects the matter with his previous attitude, I'm afraid it will really cause trouble.

The relationship between the two families is at a standstill, and the brotherhood between him and Yue Xin will also be affected, which is not worth it.

This matter can only be slowed down, not rushed.

He would definitely not agree to marriage, but multiple 'girlfriends' were barely acceptable.

Qiao Muqing is usually very busy with work, so she has no time to fall in love.

Even if he promised Su Tianxin to be his girlfriend, he still had to be busy.

Little girls are full of fantasies about love, want romance and need companionship.

Qiao Muqing couldn't give them these.

All he can give is the status of a 'girlfriend', nothing else.

Su Tian wanted to get close to her, and he couldn't stop him for now, but he wouldn't change himself just to accommodate her.

After a long time, Su Tianxin may find that being with him is not as good as he imagined before.

Disappointment is probably second.

The key is that Qiao Muqing knows that she has a special physique, and sometimes it will cause people around her to encounter minor troubles.

And in the end, it was others who were unlucky, and he himself was fine.

The family is better.

Although there will be troubles sometimes, but no one has been injured so far.

But people outside the family are not so lucky.

For example, Qiao Muqing's assistants stayed for a year at the longest.

In this year, that assistant had fractured his bones three times.

Later, I couldn't bear it anymore and had to resign.

Although being Qiao Muqing's assistant is a job with a particularly high salary and good treatment.

But between life and money, no one is so stupid as to not know how to choose.

It is also reasonable for the assistant to leave.

 Please collect, recommend tickets and reward~ Thanks to "Jieyun 23", "I am Lan Pingping 123" and "Silver Candle Drinking Tears" little angels for their rewards, okay~



(End of this chapter)

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