Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 14 It's OK

Chapter 14 It's OK

Qiao Muqing didn't want to see Su Tian's heart hurt by him.

I just want her to know that it is not so easy to stay by my side.

Instead of telling everyone that two people are not suitable.

It's better to let Su Tianxin retreat in the face of difficulties.

This is what Qiao Muqing is thinking now.

But Mu Xia's tone is not strict enough, it's better not to tell him yet.

Only when his younger brother Mu Xia's reaction was real enough for a while, he could hide it from his parents.


Qiao Muxia really thought that his brother had come up with some good idea, so he followed him and waited for a while before returning to Su Tianxin's ward.

"Is Mu Qing okay on the road?

Come, hurry up and see your sister Tianxin. "

Those who look forward to the stars and the moon have finally hoped for their eldest son.

Now that the Lord has come, the marriage of the two children can finally be settled.

"I'm fine. Are you feeling better, Tianxin?

I didn't mean to be late today..."

After a brief greeting with the Su family, Qiao Muqing came over to explain what happened today to Su Tianxin.

"That... I already know. It's not your fault."

Su Tianxin quickly grabbed the conversation.

At this moment, I don't care about the issue of impoliteness.

She had already seen Mother Qiao winking at her eldest son.

She didn't dare to let Qiao's mother answer or let Qiao Muqing continue.

Regardless of whether Qiao Muqing came here out of guilt or because of the friendship between the two families.

Anyway, it certainly wasn't because of a sudden special concern for her.

Why bother?

At the beginning, it was the concubine who wanted the man to be ruthless, so he killed one of them.

Now that the two of them don't have that kind of thought, it's time to cut off this evil relationship as soon as possible.

"I've done a lot of introspection.

My body, hair and skin are my parents, I shouldn't be willful and wanton to ruin my life.

Although... I used to be a bit silly, to you...

you know.

I won't do it in the future.

Let's return from the bridge to the bridge and return to the road, as long as we live in peace with each other.

clear? "

Half of these words are Su Tianxin's own thoughts.

The other half thought about Su Tianxin who left before, even if she wanted to break up with Qiao Muqing at this moment, she had to say something angry to be her style.

So what he said was kind of weird.

Fortunately, everyone didn't hear it right now.

After all, whenever he saw Qiao Muqing before, Su Tianxin's eyes were glued to him, but when he just said this, his eyes were extremely calm.

A young girl who has no experience in the world can fake her words, but her eyes are hard to deceive.

Qiao Muqing naturally wouldn't ignore such an important matter that everyone could see.

Has this little girl thought it through?

Walking before the gate of hell, is it really so easy to figure it out?

Qiao Muqing suddenly felt that his previous plan might not be useful.

If Su Tian really wanted to understand, he wouldn't mind having multiple younger sisters.

My own mother could send a son as big as him out for this little girl.

You can guess casually, if he treats the little girl badly, the mother will annoy him.

If the previous strategy can't be used temporarily, then change the way.

The solution once and for all is that he might as well recognize a godsister and a goddaughter for his mother.

Now the two have at least publicly defined a 'brother and sister' relationship.

If the little girl repents someday, she won't be to blame for her.

After all, in his opinion, Su Tianxin is just a child who hasn't grown up.

It is not impossible to change your mind in a moment.

The little girl is moody, although it is a trivial matter, but this trivial matter affects the relationship between the two families and the hearts of several couples.

From Qiao Muqing's point of view, he had to be more cautious.

Qiao Muqing thought about it and was about to speak when the little girl became anxious.

 Thanks to the little angel "broadcaster blue" for the reward, thank you.



(End of this chapter)

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