Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 15 Don't Reluctantly

Chapter 15 Don't Reluctantly

"Don't look at me like that.

I am really sensible.

I'm not saying this out of anger, really. "

Originally, everyone was still guessing whether Su Tianxin's thoughts were just a moment of anger or the truth, but now everyone has heard it.

This kid is still angry...

Su Tianxin explained these words, it would be better not to explain.

In fact, this is the effect Su Tian wanted.

She knew the temperament of Su Tianxin in the past, and she also knew her feelings for Qiao Muqing.

If it really suddenly becomes too abnormal, everyone may not guess the truth, but the custodian will think whether she has been over-stimulated.

This actually worried the family and Qiao's family even more.

Everyone's worry might put the blame on Qiao Muqing.

She didn't dare to think about it any further.

So just come here for a while, and then slowly 'change'.


We all believe it. "

Qiao's mother was also afraid of provoking Su Tian's heart again, no matter what she said now, everyone agreed.

"I'm tired and want to rest."

Su Tianxin seemed to really not want to see Qiao Muqing's appearance.

Don't care if it's anger or seriousness, anyway, she is the biggest now, everyone has to let her order.

"Okay, Tianxin, you have a good rest, we will go back first."

Mother Qiao heard his voice and knew what he meant.

Responses were quick and couldn't have been more cooperative.


The four members of the Qiao family were sent away, leaving only the members of the Su family in the ward.

Su Mute wanted to ask how much sincerity was in her daughter's words just now.

Although she could see that her daughter was angry.

But according to her daughter's personality, even if she was angry, she wouldn't be so anxious to let the Qiao family leave.

She was a little confused whether to vent her anger or avoid embarrassingly.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

Su Tian was really a little hungry.

Now that the Qiao family is gone, she doesn't have to be so nervous.

Although it is a family member I just met today, but with those old memories, there is no need to see outsiders at all.

"Okay, Mama Chen has already cooked porridge for you, and the driver has already arrived.

The time the doctor said is almost up, drink less to pad your stomach.

My poor Tianxin..."

Thinking of the despair in her heart when her daughter almost lost her life, and the pain she suffered during gastric lavage.

Mother Su suddenly didn't want to ask her daughter that much anymore.

No matter what her daughter thought, she felt that she could no longer have anything to do with Qiao Muqing.

Although the Qiao family had good intentions, after all, their family adopted a son, which was different from the Su family who adopted a daughter.

Both men and women have to be cautious in matters of marriage.

But as the old saying goes, this girl's marriage is like a second reincarnation, so she must be cautious.

Although the Qiao family is good, they will not treat their daughter badly.

But the way Qiao Muqing looked at her daughter just now, as someone who has been here, she can see it very clearly.

That is not the slightest bit of ambiguity between men and women.

Even the concern is superficial, and I'm afraid it's only because of the friendship between the two families that I came here.

Under such circumstances, in order to appease her daughter, asking her to marry Qiao Muqing was not a suitable marriage no matter what.

My own daughter looks the best by herself.

Such a good child, why do you just let it go, why are you so wronged?

In what way are the children of the Su family worse than the sons of the Qiao family?

This marriage looks like a charity, if it is really accepted, then the daughter will be inferior to the dwarves from the root.

It's too late to regret later.

This marriage is absolutely unacceptable, yes!Can't agree!

As soon as Qiao's family left, Su's mother regained consciousness.

The previous wavering has returned firmly.

"It's good to have porridge, and I'll be a good man again when I have a bowl of porridge.

By the way, when can I leave the hospital?

I don't like the smell here.

And the hospital is not as comfortable as home, and I can't rest well. "

Su Tianxin has been afraid of going to the hospital since she was a child, this should be regarded as the shadow in the hearts of most children.

Even if she is with her family now, she doesn't like it here.

"The doctor said that he will stay in the hospital for observation overnight, and he can be discharged tomorrow morning without any problems.

Come open your mouth..."

The older brother Su Yuexin took what the younger sister said, and was reluctant to blame her.

I just heard her say that she was hungry, so she poured the porridge and sat down to serve the little girl who made the whole family flustered.

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(End of this chapter)

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