Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 184 The way of appearing is a bit unexpected

Chapter 184 The way of appearing is a bit unexpected

"Of course it's because the officials have come forward this time, and no one dares to mess around.

The media who were able to come this time all received formal invitation letters, and even their positions were fixed and arranged.

On such a big occasion, the top will not allow mistakes.

Although speaking of this reception, we are the host and organizer.

But every move has to be controlled by the above.

That's good, because you don't have to be responsible for the safety of your guests. "

Su Yuexin explained to her sister.

Su Tianxin roughly understood what his brother meant, so he didn't ask any more questions.


As one of the hosts of today's reception, the Su family arrived early to welcome all guests.

And Avette thought he was staying in the hotel, so he didn't need to make trouble on the road, and he was already in the banquet hall at this moment.

"Teacher, are you done?"

For people abroad, perhaps because of the relationship between education and culture, the teacher-student relationship is more like a friend relationship.

Su Tianxin can now greet Avette easily.

On the contrary, she is occasionally a little more cautious in front of Qi Ning.

"I am here waiting for my little princess.

Tianxin baby, you are so beautiful!

If I hadn't already accepted you as a student, I would have taken you home as my daughter. "

Come on, after Su Tianxin's rebirth, she seems to have her own 'daughter' filter.

Even Avette, a middle-aged and golden bachelor who has been chic for most of his life, wants to abduct her and take her home as his daughter.

The Su couple didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

Suddenly there was a sense of crisis that everyone wanted to snatch my daughter.

"You don't even get married, but you still want a daughter? Dreaming may be faster."

A noble lady with a unique tone in her voice, proud but not offensive.

Su Tianxin recognized that this was one of his teacher's cousins——Nikla.

Her husband's surname is Hall. Although she should be called Mrs. Hall, because she is a real princess, everyone is still willing to call her Princess Nicola.

"Cousin Nicola, there is nothing in conflict between having a daughter and being married.

Look how cute my Tianxin baby is, don't you like it? "

Everett had already introduced his new student when he called to invite Cousin Nicola.

She almost praised Su Tian's heart like a flower.

Nikola sized up the little girl with an oriental face critically.

Shaking her head: "No, she is not suitable to be your daughter.

I can raise her to be a real princess, come to my house. "

Nikola's first words made the hearts of the Su family sink. It seems that the princess doesn't like Tianxin?

But the latter remark turned around, which is also a bit surprising.

"Look, you two have to take care of Tian Xin.

My cousin also likes little girls very much.

The three of them are brats and have no daughters. They have always wanted a daughter to inherit her title of princess.

She fell in love with Tian Xin, and she might abduct him one day. "

Evitt laughed out loud, and Cousin Nicola was still as joking as ever.

She must have done it on purpose just now. The ugly face in front frightened the members of the Su family.

"I'm also here to join in the fun, little girl, hello, my family also lacks a princess, do you want to come?"

Avette's other cousin, Princess Marcia, also arrived.

"What, what.

Is this a daughter snatching conference?

I'm just talking casually, why are you all here to join in the fun.

His parents are still here, have you considered his feelings? "

The two princesses also knew the Su family couple.

(End of this chapter)

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