Chapter 19

It turned out that those wallets and certificates had hidden codes.

It was the police informant who provided the clues, but because the informant was discovered by the criminals, he threw the things in the stairwell in a hurry.

Su Tianxin picked up these things in time and provided great help to the police.

After the police got these things, they immediately rescued the informant and arrested the criminals.

However, now the police suspect that the criminals slipped through the net and may have seen Su Tianxin pick up these things.

According to the complaint of the captured criminals, some accomplices went to the hospital to find those things at that time.

Maybe it was just a step too late, being preempted by Su Tianxin.

The police were afraid that this fish that slipped through the net would be detrimental to Su Tianxin and the Su family.This time, I also wanted to tell the Su family not to go out recently.

Do not go out for at least three or four days, while being targeted by criminals.

The police have said so, and the people of the Su family will not make fun of their own lives.

What's more, Su Tianxin has just been discharged from the hospital, and the family is thinking of staying at home for a few days, watching her, and enlightening her by the way.


After seeing off the police, Mother Su felt that it was time to talk to her daughter.

"Tian Xin, you can move back to live.

It's so far away from home, Mom doesn't worry about you living outside alone. "

When Su Tianxin was admitted to Tsinghua University, Su Bai was overjoyed and bought an apartment near the school for his daughter.

One is to facilitate the daughter to go to school without having to squeeze into the dormitory, and the other is to exercise the daughter's self-reliance.

At first, Su's mother did not agree with her daughter moving to live alone, but her husband agreed, and her daughter also insisted that she can be independent when she grows up.

I didn't know that such a big thing happened in less than half a semester.

She has to go to school, but no matter what she thinks, she still has to let her daughter come back to live, so she can feel at ease.

"It's good to come back to live, but sometimes I have classes too early in the morning, and I can't get up when I go home...

How about I come back to live for a while, can I find a classmate to live with next semester? "

Su Tianxin had this idea yesterday.

With such a big incident, the Su family will definitely not let her live alone.

But the school is really not close to home, and since she is so old, she should have some space of her own. She is always under the nose of her parents, and some things are inconvenient.

"Student? This can be considered, but you still have to tell us about this candidate after you have chosen it yourself."

Mother Su didn't want to control the children too strictly, but with this experience, they still need to understand the situation of their daughter's friendship as parents.

After all, they haven't had time to check where the daughter got the sleeping pills.

But even without checking, she knew that there was something wrong with the people around her daughter.

"Okay, I'll see if there is any suitable one during this time."

Although Su Tian already had a candidate in his heart, he had to take his time.

The candidate Su Tianxin had in mind was actually an acquaintance of hers before rebirth——

Su Beibei was the younger sister of Su Tianxin Orphanage before rebirth.

Two years younger than her, she is as close as a sister to her.

She is a smart and kind girl.

After the rebirth, Su Tianxin merged her memories and discovered that Beibei and the current Su Tianxin were classmates in college, what a coincidence.

Su Tian knew in her heart that even though Bei Bei didn't have a good relationship with her current self, it wasn't too bad either.

As long as she does it deliberately, the relationship between the two can be compared to the relationship they used to grow up together, but they can become good friends.

 Thanks to the little angels "Si Xian Si Qi" and "Tonsil Inflammation" for their rewards, thank you~



(End of this chapter)

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