Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 20 Sister Beibei

Chapter 20 Sister Beibei

Su Beibei has a simple background, warm and generous personality, and straightforward.

The two were classmates, and Su Beibei had never deliberately approached Su Tianxin, or even flattered her, because of her good family background.

With the temperament of the Su family, even if they know that Su Tianxin is close to such a classmate, they should be at ease.

Su Tianxin, the former daughter of the Su family, is actually quite pure in nature.

Although she is sometimes spoiled and willful, she has never bullied others because of her good family conditions, or looked down on those students who are not well-off.

Su Beibei's orphan status was no secret.

From elementary school to high school, there were always classmates with good family backgrounds who laughed at her or even bullied her because of this.

Su Tianxin, who is an orphan, has also encountered such a thing.

And Miss Su Tianxin met Su Beibei during college, and she helped Su Beibei a few times with small things.

Probably because the elder sister who grew up with him, Su Tianxin, who has the same name, is not a really unreasonable and contemptuous lady in Su Beibei's eyes.

Su Beibei also had a good impression of her.

The foundation is not bad, and there will be room for improvement in the future.

If the relationship between the two of them was too bad before, then Su Tian would be worried.

Now, she is about [-]% sure that she can turn her Beibei sister into her little sister again.


The whole Su family didn't dare to go anywhere, they were waiting for news of the police's arrest.

It feels like the family has an extra three days off all of a sudden, so uncomfortable.

On the first day, the family watched a movie, chatted, and had a barbecue...

The next day, the family looked at each other in dismay, as if they had finished talking yesterday...

On the third day, the Su family father and son were busy with conference calls to deal with official business, and Su's mother invited someone to come to the house for a beauty treatment. It seems that they can find something to do without going out...

Su Tianxin finally had her own free time.

It's the fifth day since she was reborn with another Su Tianxin.

She has been cared for and cared for by her family.

I'm happy, but it's nice to have some free time.

Su Tianxin, who grew up in an orphanage, has relied on scholarships and part-time jobs to support herself since high school, but her savings have never exceeded four figures.

It's not that she didn't work hard enough, or that she spent too much and didn't save money.

It's the difficulty of maintaining the orphanage over the years.

Children like them who have grown up have the ability to support themselves and pay school fees.

But there are still some younger brothers and sisters who have to live on the little funds of the orphanage.

Orphanages are social welfare institutions.

Although the state allocates funds every year, those funds are really only enough to maintain the children's basic food and clothing.

Many younger brothers and sisters were abandoned because of illness.

Although the country will reduce or exempt some medical expenses, it is not so easy to raise a child.

Not to mention so many children.

The dean's mother not only has to feed and clothe the children, but also pays the children's tuition.

There are even some necessary expenses for the operation of some orphanages are also paid out of funds.

Those funds are far from enough.

In these years, as long as the children who grew up in the orphanage started college, in addition to paying their own tuition and living expenses, they all spontaneously paid a monthly sum of money for the orphanage.

Although the money is not much, it is everyone's heart.

No one forced them to pay the money, but many people have been insisting.

From college to work, marriage and childbirth, everyone has been using their meager efforts to repay the kindness of the orphanage and the dean's mother's upbringing.

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