Chapter 21 Never Going Back Again

Before being reborn, Su Tianxin basically left only 600 yuan for emergency, except for the necessary tuition and living expenses, and the rest was handed over to the dean's mother.

The dean's mother didn't really want it, after all, they were still children who hadn't officially graduated.

But this year, another little boy who just turned three years old came to the orphanage.

Careful heart has congenital heart disease, although the treatment fee can be exempted from applying for national medical assistance.

But since the child is young, he also needs to strengthen his nutrition. He has to stay in the hospital every three days, and the dean's mother has to figure out a way for the money beyond the medical expenses.

There is really no other way, so I can only accept the money from the two children, Su Tianxin and Su Beibei.

As an orphan, Su Tianxin used to have no money.

But now she is Su Tianxin, the eldest daughter of the Su family, it's different.

She sorted out her pocket money and found that there were as much as 100 million...

One million, a number that she never dared to think of before.

Before she was reborn, she might not be able to earn so much money in her whole life.

With so much money, it can help the orphanage solve big problems.

100 million, at least enough for the dean's mother to not have to worry about it for two or three years.

After being overjoyed, Su Tian calmed down again.

The money does not belong to her.

It was Su Tian's heart in the past.

It was the lucky money given to her by the Su family over the years, and the rest of the pocket money.

None of it was earned by Su Tianxin in the past or by herself.

Although she has become Su Tianxin now.

But she...can't move all the money.

She wanted to ask the Su family's permission to donate some to the orphanage first, so as to relieve the urgent need.

Then find a way to make money.

When she was an intern before, she heard her colleagues complain.

Those wage earners who work for a lifetime are not as good as rich people who use money to make money and earn more in a few days.

Even if you want to help the orphanage and share the worries of the dean's mother.

You still have to figure out your own way, and you can't rely entirely on the Su family's parents for funding.

Su Tian looked heartily at the 100 million 'pocket money' in his hand.

She thinks that she can use the money in her hands to find a way to make some reliable investments, and donate it to the orphanage after the money generates money.

After thinking about it, it just so happens that Su Tianxin is studying financial investment.

Although it was only the first semester of freshman year, I didn't learn too much theoretical knowledge.

But she can find an excuse to tell her family that she wants to practice it, and ask her brother Su Yuexin, who has investment experience, to take her for a while.

In this way, she can learn investment knowledge and make money at the same time.

There are indeed many advantages to being the daughter of the Su family.

But...she kind of misses the orphanage...that's where she grew up after all.

There were her brothers and sisters, and Mother Dean.

Fortunately, Su Tianxin has now fully accepted the memories and emotions of the previous Su Tianxin.

The members of the Su family are no different from her relatives.

Otherwise, she hadn't been back to the orphanage for a few days, so she couldn't help but sneak there.

She died in a car accident so suddenly, I don't know how sad the dean's mother and brothers and sisters at the orphanage will be...

Really want to go back and watch them.

bear with it...

She is not her anymore.

With her current status, if she suddenly went to the orphanage, not only the people in the Su family would find it strange, even the dean's mother and the others would not know her anymore.

Anyway, I can't go back with my original identity, so I might as well think about it first.

There is always a right time to go back.

It's best to discuss the donation with the family first, and then make an appointment with Su Beibei to go there.

(End of this chapter)

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