Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 22 Self-Assumption

Chapter 22 Self-Assumption

This has to be well planned.

Her narrow escape this time was a good excuse.

Talk to your parents in a few days.

Su Tianxin was in the room thinking about how to make money and how to go back to the orphanage.

The other three members of the Su family gathered together to quietly discuss the marriage between Su Tianxin and Qiao Muqing.

Su Tianxin originally thought that when she was in the hospital, she had made her position very clear.

Even after this incident, she and Qiao Muqing were completely unbound.

Unexpectedly, the Qiao family is still thinking at home these days, how to continue the marriage that was mentioned before.

In their eyes, Su Tianxin was saying angry words at that time, and it was because of the depth of love that he hated him so much.

If she really let go, she shouldn't care about Qiao Muqing.

How could it be like when he was in the hospital that day, his eyebrows were cold and right.

Since Su Tian didn't completely let go of Qiao Muqing, the Qiao family didn't intend to give up the idea of ​​marriage.

In fact, for the two families, the advantages of this marriage really outweigh the disadvantages.

The disadvantage is naturally Qiao Muqing's problem alone.

If you are forced to marry a woman you don't like, the major event in your life is just like that.

And this benefit is naturally because Su Tian is happy, and the Su family and the Qiao family have joined forces, and everyone is happy.

The two families know each other well, and both children are good children.

There is no major problem with his personality, even if he is not so emotionally agreeable, there will be no major problems.

Such a relationship might last longer.

Looking at marriage rationally is actually easier to stabilize than maintaining it with emotions.

After Qiao's parents came home from the hospital, they thought that the marriage would become more reliable the more they thought about it, and they might have made a mistake, so let's take this opportunity to finalize the marriage.

But thinking that Su Tianxin just had an accident and he is still in the hospital, it's better to delay talking about it for a day or two.

The Qiao family's parents endured this for two days, and did not call the Su family to discuss the marriage until today.

The three members of the Su family, except Su Tianxin, just got together to discuss this matter after answering the phone call from Qiao's family.

"I don't agree with that.

Tian Xin herself is not willing anymore, why should she consider such an unreliable marriage? "

Su Yuexin, the mad devil who protects her sister, heard that the Qiao family called to discuss her sister and Mu Qing's marriage, and he was the first to stand up against it.

"We don't know if Tian Xin is willing or not.

In the hospital that day, it was obvious that she was just saying angry words.

It sounds like she was instigated by others to swallow the medicine, but in the end, wasn't it because she cared too much about that kid Mu Qing that she didn't even have the ability to distinguish? "

When Chu Xin talked about her daughter swallowing medicine, Chu Xin hated her teeth.

The ins and outs of Su Tianxin's plan to threaten Qiao Muqing with death were quickly found out through a friend of Su Yuexin.

The one named Bai Ya, combined with some things she did to Su Tianxin before, and some careful thoughts, the Su family can be sure that this woman's intentions are not righteous.

It was not that easy, Su Tianxin almost lost his life, but the perpetrator was at ease.

In a fit of anger, Su Yuexin personally called Bai Ya to warn Bai Ya to stay away from his sister in the future.

By the way, he also started preparing to teach Bai Ya a lesson.

Put aside Bai Ya's matter and let's not talk about it.

Chu Xin thought that she knew her daughter best, so she felt that although Bai Ya was hateful, the roots were still in her.

But she didn't know that her daughter was no longer the original one.

Now Su Tianxin doesn't want to get involved with Qiao Muqing at all.

 Thanks to the little angel "Book Friends 150216203529689" and "watching kites together at night", thank you.

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(End of this chapter)

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