Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 2 Where's the Shadow?

Chapter 2 Where's the Shadow?

"I'm a soul seducer, a ghost messenger from below. Your life span is over, come with me."

It turns out that this big brother in black robe is the ecstasy!

"I...why should I go with you?

I didn't do anything, I'm a good person, I haven't done anything bad, I'm still so young, I can't die, look at me, I'm fine.

I still have an interview, that... I'm going to be late, so I'm leaving first. "

Although Su Tianxin didn't know why the ecstasy came to her, but she didn't want to die at such a young age, besides, there was still an interview waiting for her, if she messed up again this time, she would really be ashamed to see the dean mother.


Su Tian wanted to leave, but the ecstasy uttered the word "Come" softly, and she couldn't help but walk up to the black-robed elder brother under her feet.


Su Tianxin realized that her body was not under her control at all, so she cried out in fright.

"You are a ghost yourself, what are you afraid of?"

The ecstasy was shocked by the girl's voice, and his ears were a little ringing.

I've never seen such an unconscious ghost, and I don't even know I'm dead.

The ecstasy felt so tired, he really wanted to go back and ask Hades to give him a promotion and a salary increase.

Now mortals are getting more and more difficult to deal with, and they don't respect them at all, let alone ghosts, and they frequently play tricks.

In the past, there were quite a few people who pretended that they were not dead and didn't want to be seduced, but there were not many such stupid people who didn't realize that they were dead.

So annoying!

He still has to help the new ghost retrieve her memory, so that she can leave willingly.

After all, a soul seducer can only seduce those souls who have no nostalgia for the world.

If the soul's obsession with the human world is too deep, it will stay in the human world temporarily, and can only go down when the obsession disappears.

If it weren't for the fact that the seducer had already become a ghost, he would have died of exhaustion seventy or eighty times.

This is simply not human work!

Oh, by the way, he wasn't a human being in the first place, and again—this is simply not the work of a ghost!

"I'm a ghost? How is it possible? Look, I can walk and jump, and I still have...a shadow? Where's my shadow?"

Su Tianxin originally thought that she was lucky to be fine after being hit by a car just now, but seeing her now, she is nowhere to be seen...

The dean's mother said that ghosts have no shadows. Has she really become a ghost?


Su Tianxin was hit by a car just now to save the kid who ran out of the road to pick up toys.

When Su Tian just woke up, she was thankful that she hadn't suffered any serious injuries, but now she realized that she was gone.

Looking into the distance, the medical staff carried the unrecognizable man in a white dress from the grass onto a stretcher.

Su Tianxin recognized it, it was herself.

If that was her, then who is she now?

There is only one possibility...

She is really dead... Su Tian burst into tears in grief.

"Don't cry...hey...don't cry...I didn't say anything."

The ecstasy felt that he hadn't bullied the little girl. After death, one cannot stay in the world. This is the law of heaven.

He just acted according to the rules and regulations, why did he cry like this?

Let's just say, most people can't accept this person's death, especially when the accident happened so suddenly.

But there's no need to be so sad, I don't know what he thought he did to the little girl.

"I'm really dead?"

Su Tian refused to give up and wanted to ask if there was any possibility of rescue.

"It's completely dead. Here, it's written in the book of life and death. I really didn't lie to you."

The ecstasy tried his best to pretend to be honest and reliable, although he really wasn't lying.

(End of this chapter)

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