Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 3 The Book of Life and Death for You

Chapter 3 The Book of Life and Death for You

Su Tianxin leaned over to take a look, the notebook really had her name and date of birth on it.

Su Tianxin grew up in an orphanage.

I heard from the dean's mother that someone put her at the gate of the orphanage.

There was a small note in the basket, on which only her date of birth was written, but not the specific time.

But the "book of life and death" in front of him recorded the time of birth in detail.

At this moment, her mood is a little delicate. She never thought that one day she would know her complete birth information under such circumstances.

"Look, it clearly says September 2018, 9, which is today.

25:[-]:[-] AM, now, the time of your death.

Follow me without question. "

The soul ecstasy brought Su Tianxin's page in the book of life and death to her, and asked her to check it carefully.

He also acted according to the records in the book of life and death.

This little girl looks very good-looking, shouldn't there be any more troubles, right?

"Well, I'll go with you..."

Su Tian's voice was muffled, the facts were in front of her eyes, she still had nothing to argue about.

The book of life and death clearly stated her date of birth, date of death, and even the cause of death 'car accident'. She only had 23 years to live.

It's really short...

Seeing Su Tianxin cooperate so much, the ecstasy finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Another order is completed, and this month's performance is completed!

It stands to reason that this "book of life and death" cannot be taken out casually for people and ghosts to read.

But he has not completed the task on time for three months.

He has been deprived of his bonus for three months in a row. He has been very poor recently. If he can't complete his performance this month, he will probably have to buy alcohol on credit again.

Today, he also looked at this little girl so coquettish, thinking that if she could cooperate honestly, it wouldn't hurt to just take a look.

Anyway, the soul is hooked to the bottom, and after crossing the Naihe Bridge, a bowl of Mengpo soup is forgotten, and no one knows about his illegal operation today.

Nowadays, mortals are too obsessed, and they don't always want to cooperate well.

A large number of souls stay in the world and become ghosts. After a long time, it will easily affect the order of the world, and they will still be troublesome at that time.

Hades is the most afraid of trouble.

In order to avoid troubles for him in the future, such a system of linking the performance of the soul-hunting performance with the bonus evaluation and title was introduced.

Seductors have limited authority, they can only take away the souls of those who are willing.

In the past, when there was no such system, everyone muddled along.

Those who are willing to leave have hooked up their souls, and now they have to rack their brains to find a way to persuade these souls as much as possible.

Like the ecstasy that Su Tianxin met now, if she just showed her such a small violation of the "Book of Life and Death", it was actually nothing serious.

Some ecstasies have other methods in order to complete their performance.

"Come on, sign here, and we will complete the formalities."

The ecstasy conjured up a signature pen from nowhere and asked Su Tianxin to sign a form.

Su Tian thought that the Ecstasy Envoys were keeping up with the times, but she thought they were still using brushes.

Just as I was about to step forward to sign my name obediently, I heard a nice voice: "Wait a minute!"

Looking back again like a conditioned reflex, Su Tian saw a handsome-looking man in a long robe and a crown coming over, and took the pen from her hand.

This is... a ghost?people?Fairy?

Su Tian was a little confused...

"What are you doing?"

How can the ecstasy bear it when he sees that the achievements he has obtained will fly away?

(End of this chapter)

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