Chapter 4


The other party's words were an answer to the ecstasy's question just now.


There are only ghosts and no one here.

Who are you saving?

You can see clearly, this is a dead soul that has left the body, not even a living soul, let alone a human being.

Su Tianxin don't waste time, sign it. "

The soul ecstasy is afraid of further delay, if Su Tian's heart is really taken away, he has no place to find a new soul that has just died in a short time, and bring it back to hand in the performance.


"It's her that I want to save, no matter if she's a ghost or a person right now.

This ghost messenger, can I take a step to speak? "

Su Tianxin was interrupted before she could reply.

The man who appeared suddenly just now was indeed here to save Su Tianxin, which surprised Su Tianxin.

She seemed to have never known such a fairy-like person.

"I still have……"

The soul ecstasy just wanted to say that he still has official business to do, so he wanted to be perfunctory.

As soon as the token came out of the man's hand, he was so scared that he almost knelt down.

The emissary seemed impatient at first glance, and he didn't give people a chance to finish his sentence at all.

"What is the purpose of this fairy envoy who dares to ask?"

That token is known to everyone in the sky and on the earth.

It was only now that the ecstasy realized that he had met a god that he couldn't afford to offend today.

Recalling that he was blind and arrogant just now, I am afraid that he has offended the other party.

Thinking of this, the ecstasy made his legs tremble violently with fear.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a mortal soul who had just become a new ghost in front of him, he would have to protect the face of the underworld ghost messenger, and he would have knelt down and begged for mercy on the spot.

"Do you recognize this token?"

"I recognize it, I recognize it! This is the token of the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

Lord Shangxian, don't blame me, I really didn't know that you were the emissary of the Queen Mother's palace, so I will compensate you for being so unreasonable. "

The ecstasy made it very cowardly at the moment.

What performance and salary, the only thing in his mind now is that he must not offend the immortal in front of him again.

"Then can this ghost messenger take a step to speak?"

The man called Shangxian still had the same indifferent expression on his face, it seemed to him that the difference between the attitude of this ghost before and now was so big that there was nothing worth caring about.

What he always cares about is whether he can have a private chat with this ghost messenger.

"Nature, nature."

Su Tianxin looked at the dog-legged ecstasy, which made her want to laugh, it seems that this ghost is not easy to be.

Just now he was smug, but now he is cowardly like this.

Sure enough, the first rank of officials crushed people to death, and when they saw someone stronger than themselves, regardless of whether it was a human or a ghost, they still had to obediently bow down and be small.

What's more, even an ordinary person like her has heard of it, the Queen Mother is no ordinary fairy.

I'm afraid it's in the Queen Mother's fairy palace, even a little fairy boy can't afford to offend.

The adult called Shangxian called the ecstasy over and said a few words.

When he came back again, the ecstasy changed his smiling face for some reason.

Explain to Su Tianxin: "What happened just now was all a misunderstanding, I got the wrong soul, and this Lord Shangxian will send you back to the world in a while."

"Didn't I write in the book of life and death..."

Su Tianxin clearly confirmed the book of life and death just now, what could be wrong?

"That's not you, it's another Su Tianxin with the same name and surname.

Rest assured you have a long life. "

It's not easy for the ecstasy to open his eyes and tell nonsense.

But he didn't dare to disobey what the envoy said just now.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to take care of the follow-up, as long as Su Tianxin's soul is left.

"Since I have nothing to do here, I'll go first. You are busy, my lord."

The soul ecstasy said hello and hurried away.

"My lord, can my body be repaired?"

Although it is a gratifying thing to die and resurrect.

But looking back at herself who hadn't been carried away, Su Tian frowned: Since it was a misunderstanding, then she should be able to fix her broken arms and broken legs, right?

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(End of this chapter)

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