Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 5 Why did you call me Chapter [-] again?

Chapter 5 Why did you call me back again?

Didn't everyone say that immortals can bring the dead back to life, so helping her restore her body is a trivial matter, right?

But what about the people who saw her smacked beyond recognition?Is there a collective erasure of memory?

It's not the man in black...

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just change to a new body."

This fairy elder brother said with a calm expression on his face, but why did Su Tianxin sound so scary?

"Heavy... change your body again?

Is this also replaceable? "

Why do you feel a little confused.

"Your mortal body has long been knocked out of shape, and you can fix it by repairing it, but I don't know if there will be any problems in the future.

In case someone loses an arm or a leg in a few years, are you sure it's okay? "

A fairy who looked good at first, why does he always speak so perverted?Who wants to be like what he said?

"Is it only possible to change one?"

It sounds like this immortal is still interested in Su Tian?

"Then change it.

what do you need?Tell me. "

This fairy seems to be quite easy to talk to.

However, Su Tianxin was the child who was most likely to be satisfied since she was a child. She felt that it would be good if she survived, and it would be too much to ask for it.

"I have nothing to ask, thank you for saving me."

Children who know how to be grateful are more painful.

Although this immortal doesn't have the emotions of a mortal, his mission here is to help Su Tian.

Seeing her so well-behaved and sensible, she is naturally very satisfied.

Once he was satisfied, he put more effort into changing Su Tianxin's body than before.

Su Tianxin saw the other party pinching his fingers, and with a wave of his sleeve, a figure appeared in front of him, followed by the ghost messenger who came to take Su Tianxin away just now.

"Immortal...Immortal envoy, dare I ask you what is your order for calling me back?"

The black-clothed ghost officer first lost the single task of Su Tianxin, and finally found a familiar colleague to change the task to hook this newly departed soul.

I didn't expect to be called back by this big man again. The ghost messenger who is the ecstasy is suffering...

In case... this fairy envoy even wants this new soul, he will not be able to complete the task this month, let alone owe a ghost, don't wow...

"Tell me about the new Lihun."

The one who had just been signed by the ecstasy envoy to be taken back to the underground was a pretty girl who was a few years younger than Su Tianxin.

She seemed to be completely out of the situation in a daze at the moment.

"This is a new ghost who committed suicide, but it's not actually a suicide, it's just a joke to scare people, and it turned out to be true.

The young girl heard that her family was very rich, so she didn't want to live a good life and committed suicide for fun. "

Guicha briefly explained the situation in a few words.

But no matter how you look at it, he feels that he is envious of others who have invested in a good pregnancy and still have money at home.

Su Tian suddenly felt that it is not easy to be a ghost, especially a ghost messenger. Don't look at it as a ghost, it has no right not to say it. How poor is it that it cares so much about money.

"Okay, that's it.

Not bad looking, good family, about the same age, and suitable cause of death. "

This new body has been settled, so it seems to be okay.

"What is this? My lord, what are you talking about?

Do you want to keep this... this new ghost? "

The ghost guard really wants to snatch ghosts, this is his last hope for this month, don't...

The fairy envoy was about to cry when he saw the ghost messenger, and he didn't understand why he was so nervous.

"I have used the identity of this new ghost, you take away the dead soul.

Go back and tell the King of Hades in your palace, he will understand.

Leave a wisp of living soul memory for her to use, there is nothing else, you can go. "

When Master Xianshi said this, the ghost messenger immediately smiled and saluted him again, and hurriedly took the new ghost who committed suicide back to the job.

The action was so fast that even Su Tianxin could tell that he was afraid that the fairy brother would go back on his word.

Could it be that the gods also have words that don't count?

(End of this chapter)

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