Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 6 Who am I?where am i?

Chapter 6 Who am I?where am i?

"I'll take you back, and from now on you will be her—another Su Tianxin.

You lost your life to save people, God will not treat kind-hearted people badly, and your life will get better and better in the future. "

Finally, he saw something similar to a smile on the face of this fairy brother.

"I don't know anything, will I be found and beaten to death?"

Su Tianxin also heard what this fairy and ghost messenger said just now, she was scared...

"Don't worry, she will leave all her memories to you. As long as you have a kind heart, everything will be solved. Go..."

Before Su Tianxin could ask any more questions, she was pushed out by a force, and she passed out as soon as her eyes went dark.


"Tian Xin...why are you so stupid?

Why don't you think about me, your father, your elder brother, those who love and spoil you at home, why do we spoil you so stupidly... woo woo woo..."

Su Tianxin was awakened by the crying in her ear, who is this?Why are you crying next to yourself?

When did she have a father and brother?


As soon as Su Tianxin opened her eyes, she saw a delicate woman crying so her eyes were swollen and red.

Looking at the surprised look on the other side's face, he suddenly couldn't ask the question.

Before he had time to think carefully about the current situation, a lot of memories rushed out of his mind, and Su Tian fainted again.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

Chu Xin, who was guarding the hospital bed, saw her daughter wake up just now, why did she faint again?

She was so scared that she hurriedly called the doctor, don't have any other problems.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll call the doctor."

Su Yuexin is also a little anxious, he loves his sister the most on weekdays, how could he think that this silly girl of his family would commit suicide because of a man and almost lose her life.

With his usual personality, he should be angry if someone did such a stupid thing.

But when he really faced his sister, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't vent it.

"Doctor, how about my daughter?

I just woke up and passed out again. "

The head of the Su family and Su Tianxin's father - Su Bai regrets it very much now!

If the mothers of the two children hadn't joked that they were going to be in-laws, and he hadn't stopped them in time, the matter wouldn't have gotten to the point it is today, alas...

The doctor simply checks and confirms that there is nothing wrong, so they don't need to worry.

"It should be due to the sequelae of taking an overdose of sleeping pills.

Although the gastric lavage has been done and it is not life-threatening for the time being, there will still be a state of drowsiness, so don't worry too much.

It should be fine in a few hours. "

"It's good to be fine, thank you doctor."

Su Yuexin felt relieved for the time being and sent the doctor out.


"This silly boy there anything that can't be solved, how could he think of using such an extreme method?

Wait until she gets well, or send her abroad.

If she still can't let go of Mu Qing, we can't force Mu Qing to marry her, right?

There may be some ways to change to someone else, but after all, we watched that kid grow up, and he doesn't take hard things most of the time.

Even if this marriage is really made true, Tian Xin will be wronged. "

Su Bo has such a pair of children, especially his daughter, who used to respond to every request.

But only in this matter now, he couldn't follow his daughter's temper.

"Okay, I'll go with her. She has never left my side since I was a child, and I can't bear it."

In Chu Xin's heart, she was unwilling to let her daughter go far away.

But she also knew that if this went on like this, if her daughter did something stupid again, it would not be so easy to save her next time.

If there is only one choice between being sad and dying, she can only make her daughter "sad" to save her life.

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(End of this chapter)

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