Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 7 The Sad Plan

Chapter 7 The Sad Plan

Besides, Su Tianxin has absorbed too many memories at once. Although his body has passed out, his consciousness is still awake.

It took her nearly two hours to sort out these memories.

Su Tianxin's new body is a girl with the same name and surname as her, also named Su Tianxin.

The difference from the original her is that this Su Tianxin has a father, a mother and an older brother.

She was a young lady who grew up in a honey pot since she was a child.

Not only has he not experienced hardship, but he is really a child who has gone smoothly and has not suffered any setbacks.

It is precisely because of this that she always feels that anything in this world can be achieved as long as she thinks about it.

Even if she can't achieve it by herself, she can ask her parents, brother and even other people to help her, anyway, the goal can be achieved anyway.

She like this, now fell in love with a man, but this man has no affection for her.

The person she likes is Qiao Muqing, the eldest son of the Qiao family, whom she has known since childhood.

As the eldest of the Qiao family and the future heir of the Qiao family, Qiao Muqing always treated Su Tianxin, the daughter of a family friend and the younger sister of his good friend Su Yuexin, as a younger sister.

Although when they were young, the adults of the two families also mentioned in front of their children that they would marry the two children.

But that was a joke after all, no one took it seriously.

Qiao Muqing, the boss of the Qiao family, is not only several years older than Su Tianxin, but also 28 this year.

And after taking over part of the family business, he quadrupled the profits of these businesses of the Qiao family in just three years.

The industry is extremely optimistic about Qiao Muqing's future, and wants to marry into the Qiao family. There are many girls who marry Qiao Muqing.

If it weren't for the high threshold of Qiao's family, the threshold would have been broken by people who came to promise marriage.

That is to say, Su Qiao's two families are well-matched and have a good relationship, so Su Tian dared to make such a move.

It's a pity that Qiao Muqing didn't care what Su Tian thought.

In his eyes, Su Tianxin, a little girl who just entered college, is completely a child.

It's okay to be a younger sister, but it's not suitable for him to be Qiao Muqing's wife.

He felt that even as the future heir of the Qiao family, Qiao Muqing needed a girl of the right family to marry him, but Su Tianxin would definitely not be the only choice.

A young lady who is a bit willful and arrogant and has no scheming can't sit in that position.

What's more, he himself has other reasons, and he doesn't plan to marry a wife for the time being.

Su Qiao's family has been friends for generations. Originally, if Qiao Muqing and Su Tianxin were happy with each other, the two families would naturally be happy to see it happen.

But now it's the concubine who wants to, but the man who doesn't.

If Su Tian had his eyes on the second son of the Qiao family, perhaps this matter could still be discussed.

The big deal is that the adults will match up and finally settle the matter.

But Su Tian had his eyes on the boss of the Qiao family.

Mrs. Qiao watched Su Tianxin grow up since she was a child. She has no daughter, so she treats the young girl of the Su family as a daughter and loves her very much.

She is well aware of her eldest son's temperament, and she also knows the reason why this twisted melon is not sweet.

If she forcibly tied the two of them together, they might become bitter spouses in the future.

Whether it's for her own son or for the sweet girl she spoiled since childhood, she can't let such a thing happen.

Su Tianxin originally thought that the two families had a good relationship, and she would have more opportunities than others.

Who knew that after Qiao Muqing explicitly rejected her, even her own parents, brothers, uncles and aunts of the Qiao family did not support her.

For the first time, she experienced isolation and helplessness.

Even if he was unwilling and wanted to try again, Su Tianxin was not really stupid enough to commit suicide just because of this matter.

This matter is an oolong, Su Tianxin has a person named Bai Ya, she is her brother's high school classmate.

Brother didn't know her well, but he always saw Bai Ya.

The two people who came and went back and forth walked closer than others.

Su Tianxin has no real friends.

Bai Ya is a lot older than her, and she doesn't know her classmates, so if you whisper to her, you don't have to be afraid of being known and laughed at by her classmates.

This time it was also Bai Ya's idea for Su Tian to threaten Qiao Muqing with death.

Originally, the plan was well designed——

Bai Ya first prepared a bottle of sleeping pills for Su Tianxin, and then she said that she would go and watch Qiao Muqing herself.

The next step is to get Su Tianxin to call Qiao Muqing, saying that she likes Qiao Muqing so much, she feels too sad after being rejected by him, and wants to commit suicide to end her own life.

At this time, she had already taken the medicine, and her only request was to see Qiao Muqing for the last time before she died.

The reason why Bai Ya persuaded Su Tianxin to do this was: whether Qiao Muqing liked Su Tianxin or not, he had to go and see Su Tianxin because of the relationship between the two families.

(End of this chapter)

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