Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 231 It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge

Chapter 231 It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge

Su Tian felt that what Su's mother said seemed to make sense.

Just because she doesn't care, doesn't mean her parents don't mind.

When I started learning West Point, I persuaded my parents with good words. Usually at home, she really didn’t even cook a noodle, and she came back with a smell of oily smoke and chopped green onion. Thinking about her mother’s brain power, she might think that I have come to be a coolie chef myself, maybe I won't let her play next time.

Forget it, her current character set is Miss Qianjinjiao, so let's keep it good.

A group of people played with the children for less than two hours, and ate a meal made by Su's mother. They were evacuated from the orphanage before eight o'clock.

Su Tianxin was picked up by his elder brother himself, some of the others went home, and some went to the school party to join in the fun.

Originally, Su Tian thought that Wei Yanzhi would also go back to school. This event was jointly organized by the student union and the Youth League committees of various departments. As the president of the student union, he had to go there anyway, let's take a look.

He didn't expect Wei Yanzhi to directly say that the vice president was watching over the event, so he was very relieved.

Su Tian thought he was joking, but he didn't expect Wei Yanzhi to really say that when the vice president Liu Bin called, and the other party didn't pull Wei Yanzhi to support him even though he was soft-hearted.

Xu Zhong, a member of the news team, saw some meaning. Is the chairman taking revenge for voting before?

This is the real 'It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge', right?

Before, the cadres of the student union voted to recommend Wei Yanzhi to recruit Su Tianxin. The initiator was the vice president Liu Bin.

Wei Yanzhi has been holding grudges all this time, waiting for the right opportunity to put him together... The chairman is not as simple as he appears on the surface...

Xu Zhong's analysis was not shared with anyone. If the president finds out the truth about him, will he even have small shoes to wear in the future?J.


When Su Tian returned home, she found that Qiao's family was there.

Didn't we agree to spend this year at home?

Why did you come together again?My brother didn't say that Qiao's family was here when he was on the road just now.

"Tianxin is back... Come here quickly, I thought you would come back late after playing, and you are disappointed."

Seeing Tian Xin came back, Xu Qingxia was very happy.

"Aunt Xu."

He just came back from the outside, his body was still cold, Su Tian didn't want to get too close to Xu Qingxia.

"Oh, it's like a holiday when we see our peace of mind.

In previous years we were all together, and there were so many people, it was too unaccustomed to be separated this year. "

Xu Qingxia and her family decided to come here because they were so bored after eating at home.

She also knew what the Su family was worried about, but the eldest son, Mu Qing, just happened to be away on a business trip and hadn't come back yet, so his absence wouldn't be an eyesore.

As long as the couple brought their youngest son, they would definitely not be kicked out, so they ran here with confidence.

"I made a gingerbread man, has Aunt Xu tried it?"

Su Tian felt that Aunt Xu's words were difficult to answer, so she did not answer.

"I came here after dinner, and I just told your mother that I had too much dinner, so you tempted me with delicious food.

where is it?I'll try it, it must be delicious. "

As soon as Xu Qingxia heard that there were small biscuits made by Su Tianxin, which were cute gingerbread men, she became interested.

"Here, I thought I'd wait for you to digest it later before taking it out. I don't know who just kept shouting that I ate too much for dinner and didn't eat anything tonight."

Chu Xin looked at Xu Qingxia amusedly revealing her truth.

"The delicious food made by Tianxin is so tempting, I'm greedy."

Xu Qingxia wasn't embarrassed at all.

(End of this chapter)

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