Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 232 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 232 The Uninvited Guest

The Su Qiao family had a happy holiday, and no one could mention Qiao Muqing, so it didn't seem so embarrassing.

Just after midnight, it was Su Tianxin's birthday.

Everyone took out the prepared gifts according to the usual practice in previous years.


The Su family found it strange that someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night.

When Chen Ma went to open the door, it was actually Qiao Muqing.

Now not only the Su family, but also the Qiao family felt strange.

"Don't you have two or three days to come back? You came back so early."

Hearing Xu Qingxia's words, she felt as if she didn't want to see her son. It's a big holiday, but she still thinks her son came back early.

"Westerners attach great importance to Christmas. We rush to get things done before the holiday. If it is really delayed until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I am afraid that we will not be able to find enough people for the meeting."

Qiao Muqing didn't care about his mother's attitude either, and explained with a smile.

The reason he was able to come back so quickly was just one of the reasons he just said.

There was another reason he subconsciously didn't want people to know.

"That's right, foreigners pay more attention to Christmas than we do. If someone comes to discuss business during the Spring Festival, I'm afraid we will want to beat him up too."

Qiao Duheng agreed with this reason.

However, Su Yuexin always felt that this kid was not telling the truth, but at the same time, he also felt that there was no other reason for him to come back in such a hurry.

After all, he has been absent from Tian Xin's birthday for several years, and he didn't care about it in previous years, and now it is even more impossible to rush back just to celebrate Tian Xin's birthday.

In the past, Su Yuexin could still show Qiao Muqing's face, but today is also her sister's birthday plus the festival, Su Yuexin still restrained herself a little.

It's getting late, and Qiao's guest room is ready. Everyone was going to rest, but Qiao Muqing's return disrupted the rhythm. I heard that he hadn't eaten yet, so Mama Chen went to make some simple meals. The crowd had another meal with him.

"It's almost one o'clock, Tianxin, go to bed first. It's not good for girls to stay up too late."

Su Yuexin saw that her sister was a little sleepy, so she made a sound.

Although Qiao Muqing was a guest, everyone had to accompany him to be polite, but it didn't make sense for my younger sister who was tired all day to stay up late to accompany her.

"Yes, Tian Xin should go to bed first, anyway we are going to rest soon.

This brat is here to play, and everyone should be punished if he wants everyone to accompany him. "

Xu Qingxia looked back, the sleepiness in Su Tian's eyes made her feel a little bit blaming her eldest son.

"This kid Mu Qing didn't do it on purpose, so let's not talk about him.

Go to sleep, Tianxin, we are here. "

When Chu Xin spoke, Su Tian nodded in agreement, stood up and was about to go upstairs. She was indeed quite sleepy.

I had classes during the day and went to the orphanage in the afternoon to play cards and chat with my mother. I really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Tianxin wait a moment."

Qiao Muqing seemed to have no chance to talk to Su Tianxin alone, so let's do it in front of so many people, and yelled at them.

"Huh? Brother Mu Qing?"

Su Tianxin is very sleepy right now, and people are a little cute.

Qiao Muqing's heart went numb when she called her out. Is this girl so easy to talk to herself only when she's sleepy?

When he was drunk last time, he was so powerful that he was speechless.

"Happy birthday."

Qiao Muqing handed out a document bag and sent birthday wishes.

Finally caught up - the little girl's birthday.

(End of this chapter)

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