Chapter 28

Later, I didn't know that the person grew up and changed.

Or she used to pretend to be cute.

After going to middle school, Su Tianxin became less cute than before

Later on, he always revolved around Qiao Muxia's older brother, Qiao Muqing.

The little girl who was originally a younger sister suddenly wanted to be his sister-in-law one day.

This was unacceptable to Qiao Muxia anyway.

My elder brother is so good and powerful, he always needs to be matched with a sister-in-law who can match him in all aspects.

In Qiao Muxia's eyes, Su Tian's heart is too far away.

Catch up with the second period again, Qiao Muxia's mentality changed when he faced Su Tianxin.

A cute younger sister who wanted to rob his brother, not to mention she was not worthy of his brother at all.

He will never agree.

Gradually, the relationship between the two is not only estranged than before, Qiao Muxia even began to hate Su Tianxin a little bit.

This kind of hate, until Su Tianxin's entanglement with Qiao Muqing in the past six months, has become more and more severe and serious.

A few days ago, Su Tianxin swallowed medicine and committed suicide to threaten Qiao Muqing. At that time, Qiao Muxia hated Su Tianxin to death.

Such a method, how could someone like them use this method, it's too cold.

If someone else used this method against his brother, their family would not care about it, just make a joke and let his brother handle it by himself.

But this is the daughter of the Su family.

Then his brother seemed to be guilty.

It's obviously Su Tianxin's wishful thinking alone, why is it as if her brother forced her to do this.

Inexplicably from the victim to the perpetrator.

His brother was about to be killed by Su Tianxin.

At that moment, Qiao Muxia really wished that Su Tianxin would really die, and it would be over once and for all.

Later, I heard from my parents that Su Tianxin was tricked by Bai Ya, so she swallowed the medicine and made a bitter plan.

Then I also heard that the eldest brother of the Su family asked someone to find out some good things that Bai Ya had done by Su Tianxin's side these years.

I can't say it's sympathy or I want to say that I deserve it.

From his point of view, Su Tianxin is still the younger sister who followed behind him in essence.

It's just that he was fooled by a fool all these years.

Being stupid and implicating his brother really deserves it.

A few days later, Qiao Muxia's heart softened again, and he felt that Su Tian's heart was also quite pitiful.

His brother is so outstanding, it's not Su Tianxin's fault that he likes him.

Since she learned to be stupid because she listened to stupid people's ideas, it seems that he should try to take care of her in the future, so as not to make her so stupid.

This will save his brother trouble, and the Qiao family.

Qiao Muxia felt that he was kind, and wanted to help Su Tianxin.

He didn't know that his mother had already planned to sell the two sons together, and whoever was sold counted.

Really... Looking at it this way, in Mother Qiao's heart, maybe Su Tianxin is her own?

Qiao Muxia's attitude towards Su Tianxin is obviously much better today than when he was in the hospital last time.

Su Tian was still thinking, it must be that Qiao's family knew that she really didn't care about Qiao Muqing at all.

I'm not afraid that she will become entangled with Qiao Muqing, so she will be less defensive towards her.

That's really good, and finally there is no need to explain it.

"Thank you, and thank Brother Joe for me too."

Su Tian didn't dare to be too happy.

Although she was happy that this matter was made clear.

But if it's too obvious, if she is misunderstood again because Qiao Muqing gave her a gift, she will be happy, but it will be troublesome.

"My brother actually likes you as a younger sister, and so do I.

Let's talk about anything in the future, and you can also say if you need help.

My brother is busy or not, you can just find me. "

Seeing that Su Tian really didn't intend to pester her elder brother anymore, Qiao Muxia felt relieved.

 Thanks to the little angels "Red Wolf and Big Big Wolf", "Brother Xiaosa 2010817" and "Tonsillar Inflammation" for their rewards, thank you, okay~



(End of this chapter)

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