Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 29 Divergent thinking is terrible

Chapter 29 Divergent thinking is terrible

Just in case, it's better to trouble his brother as little as possible, and it's best for the two of them to have less contact.

The meaning of Qiao Muxia's words could not be more obvious.

Su Tian understood, but Mother Qiao didn't.

"I'll call you Brother Mu Xia if I have anything to do in the future. Although my youngest son is not as capable as the boss, he is still reliable."

Although the younger son's words cleared his brother's suspicion.

But he was able to take the initiative to say that he would help Tianxin, which surprised and pleasantly surprised Mother Qiao.

Originally, she planned to let her youngest son get in touch with Su Tianxin's mother Qiao, and now it just happened to be what she wanted.

Looking at it this way, could it be that the youngest son has long thought about that child Tian Xin?

It's no wonder that every time Tian Xin went to look for Mu Qing at home, her youngest son always had a bad face.

This is because the girl I like didn't like him, but fell in love with his brother instead, so depressed?

Qiao's mother's divergent thinking has to be said to be very powerful.

Qiao Muxia was soft-hearted and wanted to help Su Tianxin and his brother, but his mother misunderstood him for a thousand miles.

"Mu Xia is graduating soon, so he should be quite busy.

Tianxin just let her brother take care of her, don't delay Mu Xia's study.

Tianxin, you can't be ignorant, huh? "

Qiao Muxia didn't see what he meant by his own mother, but the members of the Su family did.

Mother Su hurriedly stood up and stopped her.

Just kidding, there are no good boys in this world?

Could it be that my daughter can only find a boy from the Qiao family?

In Mother Qiao's mind, Mother Su probably understood that she really liked her daughter.

But this is what I like.

How can there be any reason to like a younger brother after liking an older brother?

Isn't this nonsense?

Could it be that Qiao's mother couldn't understand the elder son, so she asked the younger son to replace her?

If so, they really have to kill this idea early.

Otherwise, what if the two children really have feelings, or one of them has this idea.

How embarrassing after that.

It's really easy to say.

Su's mother hesitated before whether to agree to the marriage proposed by the Qiao family, but she felt sorry for her daughter and couldn't bear her sadness.

But now that the Qiao family is acting like this, I also know that the eldest son of the Qiao family doesn't make sense at all.

This marriage is even more unacceptable.

Not only can't agree, but also have to stay away from their youngest son.

After all, it was because of the children of the two families that the two families were separated a little.

For the sake of the daughter and the son of the Qiao family.

Let's have less contact with these children in the future.

"Mu Xia is only graduating next year, so he's not busy.

If my sister has something to do, you, a brother, should help me more, you know? "

Seeing how polite Mother Su is, the two families used to be as good as one family, so why are they so prestigious?

Mother Qiao gave her son a push, and quickly asked the younger son to express his opinion.

"Oh, sister Tianxin, don't hesitate if you have something to do."

Although Qiao Muxia felt that the atmosphere was not right at the moment, he still followed his mother's words and expressed his attitude.

Father Qiao, Father Su and Su Yuexin simply didn't look at the mother and son.

What is this scenario?

Su's mother, Chu Xin, almost said to ask Qiao Muxia to stay away from Su Tian's heart just now, and they are still rushing.

Father Qiao knew what his wife was up to, and it was not easy for him to dismantle his wife in front of the Su family.

So I could only sit on the sidelines without saying a word, watching my youngest son being tricked by his mother.

But the Su family father and son felt strange.

Qiao Muxia treated his daughter very differently.

This kid is not stupid, what benefits did his family promise him, or is he threatening him with something?

To let him willingly take over the follow-up troubles for his brother?

I really can't figure it out...

 Dear little angels, happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!



(End of this chapter)

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