Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 30: Wake Up, Children

Chapter 30: Wake Up, Children

"Thank you, haha... Thank you, Brother Mu Xia."

Everyone has said that, what else can Su Tianxin say?

What else can I do?

I can only thank people for their kindness.

Su Tian heartily thanked Qiao Muxia.

The three of Qiao's family sat for a while, chatted for a while, and left after seeing that it was getting late.

After the Qiao family left, the four members of the Su family looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What does the Qiao family think?"

Mother Su sighed.

You don't need to mention Qiao Muqing's affairs, and you don't need to mention your marriage.

But now that Qiao Muxia appeared again, she had to remind her daughter.

I'm afraid my daughter hasn't noticed the simplicity of her mind yet?

"What can you think?

The big one won't work, and the small one will replace it.


Father Su glanced at his daughter and asked the question directly.


Su Tian was taken aback.

She originally thought that the Qiao family might let their youngest son take care of her out of guilt.

Where did they think they meant this.

"Stop it, my silly little sister.

Aunt Xu has always liked you very much.

She doesn't have a daughter, so she treats you like a daughter in her eyes.

It's true that she loves you, but she shouldn't use this method.

Even if you don't like Mu Qing now, you can't replace him with Mu Xia, there are many good men in this world.

It's not just the son of their Qiao family, sister, you can't be confused.

Otherwise, it would be too awkward for the few of us to get along with each other in the future. "

What parents dare not say directly, Su Yuexin, who is an older brother, said.

The truth is that.

In case, the younger sister was fooled by the Qiao family and really turned her target on Qiao Muxia.

What if these two people become in the future.

Even if they are married, it doesn't matter if Tian Xin faces Qiao Muqing or Qiao Muqing faces her.

It must be embarrassing to death.

In addition, the whole Qiao family knew about Tian Xin committing suicide because of Mu Qing.

In the future, when the relationship between the two fades away, if you think about it again, it will definitely become a thorn between the two of you, and it will hurt each other from time to time if you can't pull it out.

It was his sister Su Tianxin who got hurt in the end.

In this case, it is better to stop it early.

It's good for everyone.

"I... I didn't think they meant that.

I have my own family and don't need help from anyone.

Brother, don't worry.

I won't be confused, besides, I don't have the slightest idea about Qiao Muxia.

He and his brother, I am not interested now.

As you said, there are many good men in this world, but I am still young.

I can always meet someone who is wholehearted, full of eyes and only me.

I won't let myself be wronged, don't worry. "

Su Tian was so impressed by her brother that she instantly understood her parents' concerns.

She is not the real Su Tianxin, nor is she stupid.

That kind of bloody drama of liking your elder brother and marrying your younger brother is simply unsightly, okay?

She's crazy to get involved.

No, no, no, she's not interested at all.

"I'm relieved about that.

Tian Xin, you are still young, and you don't know much about feelings.

Let's study hard first, and take things slowly. "

Su's father felt relieved about his daughter's firm attitude.

In the future, when my daughter has her own career, her vision and pattern will be completely different.

At that time, Su's company can be handed over to their brother and sister with confidence.

There is a big difference between a daughter who holds shares in the Su Corporation and a daughter who has real power in the Su Corporation.

It is better to rely on oneself than to rely on others.

He was wrong before.

Originally, he wanted to spoil his daughter as a carefree little princess.

But who knew, her daughter became a silly girl who was innocent and scheming.

If you want to change, the process can be slower.

You can't eat a fat man in one bite.

It is also quite scary to turn the original simple glutinous rice dumpling into sesame stuffed dumpling.

 Thanks to "Biejing Rizhu Li Dapai" for the reward. Thank you.



(End of this chapter)

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